Sunday, November 06, 2005



Actually, I shouldn't just single out Republicans. All right-wing political organizations hate Democracy. The whole premise of the political right is to represent the economic interests of a tiny segment of the population, the super-wealthy. Their problem has always been how to manipulate, undermine and neuter Democracy. All right-wing parties, regardless of geography or era have that in common. And our own GOP, especially in The Times of Bush, is as garden variety a right-wing organization as you'd ever care (or not care) to find. That's why they need a lowlife criminal-mind like Rove in charge. I mean, how do you get 51% of the votes when your programs are detrimental to the existence of 90% of the electorate?

There have been many ways the Right has used historically-- from scapegoating "The Others" (Jews, Blacks, Asians, Irish, Italians, gays, communists, intellectuals...) to fostering xenophobia, war-hysteria, fear-hysteria (a Bush Regime specialty) to marshaling the self-interest of the wealthy for an all-out assault (after all, the wealthy DO own the mass media). But this report from Seattle shows how today's contemporary Republican Party has been working another one of their special little right-wing tricks: depressing voter turn-out, discouraging (albeit illegally) participation. It's not a long article, but it's important to read, especially if you want a clearer understanding of how Bush was able to steal the presidential elections in 2000 and 2004 and about the serious danger our Democracy is in today from these fascists. So just click on this little link and it will take you to a mini-world of Republican hatred for Democracy.


At 8:25 AM, Blogger KenInNY said...

Yeah, this is shocking and appalling--and apparently business as usual with the Rove-era GOP. And as the King County case shows, you don't have to have any facts to back up your phony voter-roll "cleanup," and it's always a coincidence that it's overwhelmingly Democratic voters who are targeted . . . er, who "fall by chance" within the scope of the challenges.

And the best part is that, in the unlikely event that you get CAUGHT at your little tricks, all you have to do is say that these particular isolated cases were a regrettable accident and apologize.

Meanwhile, how many perfectly legal voters thus "cleaned" off the rolls by the King County GOP marauders will be denied the opportunity to vote?



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