Tuesday, October 04, 2005



Chances are no one who reads this blog (other than our Republican friends, Mike Hawk, Jesse Jones and Philbert Suggs) know what NOT. ONE. DIME. is all about. But wrong-wing activists know just what it means. Some far-right loons, Ed Morrissey and Hugh Hewitt, who blog at the "Captain's Quarters," seem to have started a campaign to force right-wing Republicans to move even further right. These two over-the-cliff fascists and the Ann Coulter/Roy Moore/Fred Phelps/Sam Brownback end of dei Partei are the types who don't just want to ban federal protection of abortion rights; they want to see bombings of women's health clinics and killings of doctors. These are the type of folks who think Iraq is just a practice run for a war against Iran. Anyway, they have a whacky campaign they think Frist and other righties are afraid of called "Not. One. Dime." which threatens to not send in their nickels and dimes if the elected wrong-wingers don't confirm out-and-out Hitlerites as judges. (No one ever told them that the Repugs get their money from the one constituency they work for-- have always worked for and will always work for-- CORPORATE INTERESTS.)

They go on and on with nonsense like this: "Not. One. Dime. The next time Ken Mehlman sends you a request for money, that's the message he needs to get back. We ponied up in 2004, and in 2002, and in 2000. The GOP not only has not delivered, its current leadership won't even try. Frist and Rick Santorum claim they don't have the votes. Balderdash -- they don't have the leadership to get the votes. I'm not going to fund or support people who won't try to win, especially when the issue is so important."

In the interests of some well deserved schadenfreude, here are some comments from the NOT. ONE. DIME. campaigners that I hope you will enjoy:
"If Bill Frist can't lead the GOP, then let's get rid of him now and find someone with the stomach for it. As long as he dithers, he'll never see a dime out of me for any election. Kay Bailey Hutchinson would have more guts and could pull the troops in line better; maybe we should give her a try as Majority Leader for a while."
" We don’t need these Republicans in office if they are not going to lead this country on the issues that got them in there. That is their job and we expect them to do it."
"Captain Ed wants conservatives to hit the GOP where it hurts-- donations. In the last election, I donated to the GOP and to the Bush campaign. This year, unless they start doing what they promised to do, they get nothing."
"Bill Frist is a disappointment. A wimp who flop sweats at the thought of the Democrats and the New York Times saying bad things about him. The conventional wisdom is that Frist needs to get moving on judges or he won't be a viable Republican candidate for president. Trust me, he's already lost. In battles with the Democrats, Frist has shown no capacity for toughness or leadership. Given that we're in a war with terrorists, I think both qualities are necessary in a presidential candidate. Frist might as well save his money, because he's already lost the nomination. Lesson for future Republican nominee wannabees - don't make promises you can't keep."


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