Saturday, October 01, 2005



You probably haven't spent as much time wondering why someone turns into a kapo as I have. In fact, you probably don't know what a kapo is. Unless you're Jewish. Jews know-- or they should. (Actually if you're from Hawaii, don't worry, I'm not talking about your fertility/witchcraft goddess of the same name.) This Kapo is a nickname for a German word: "Kameradenpolizei," which refers to individuals who have been recruited by an enemy to police their own people. The term was widely used-- and became part of English vernacular, to describe concentration camp prisoners who were appointed to supervise other prisoners. They received more privileges than normal prisoners and were often brutal to the other prisoners. The Nazis didn't kill them until after they killed everyone else.

How could someone do that? I mean the betrayal! How do you live with yourself? Is it the ego-centric selfishness? Or did they actually believe the right-wing propaganda the Nazis were using to brainwash everyone? A combination? A friend of mine from L.A.'s Air America affiliate, Johnny Wendell, was also thinking about it this morning. Instead of "Good morning," he greeted me with a suggestion of a serious punishment that he thought should be meted out to sleaze-talkin' GOP tv-greedmeister Ben Stein. Even before hearing what had gotten Johnny's dander up-- he's originally from Boston so it could be almost anything-- I was suggesting more inventive punishments for Stein. The guy is like long-time despicable and I'm always willing to play that game: heads on pikes, hungry sharks and crocodiles... all that stuff.

Then Johnny got to the meat of the matter. It was a quote he had seen on Salon from the execrable Stein. "Tom DeLay is morally probably the highest level public servant I have ever met. With virtually no political gain to be had from so doing, he has been the most enthusiastic supporter of Israel in the U.S. Congress. He has stood with Israel against terrorism and international anti-Semitism without reservation or fear. This is a man with more moral decency in his little finger than his detractors have in their whole bodies."

Oy! Such a short paragraph and so much Republicrook crock. Even if Ben Stein had only met Joe McCarthy, Newt Gingrich, Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, Adolph Hitler, Karl Rove, Pat Robertson, George Bush, Ralph Reed, Grover Norquist and Richard Nixon, he still might be lying. I'm sure politicians of high moral fibre flee from rooms-- or hide behind plants-- when someone like Stein enters, but DeLay is pretty much the bottom of the bottom of the barrel. As for standing with Israel (actually standing with the Israeli right-wing Likkud Party which is probably doing Israel irreparable damage), for "no political gain," I don't believe the consistently sneaky and deceitful Ben Stein is so naive. There may be no Jews to speak of in Sugarland-- I wonder why-- but Stein well knows that the wrong-wing religionist fringe whackos who love DeLay are just sitting around waiting for Armageddon and talking about how the Jews have to unite Israel and this and that nonsense from their book of hate-filled fairy tales before Jesus comes back and takes them to the cloud God is on playing harp. DeLay, like Stein, has no moral decency in his little finger or any other part of him. Both are small minded greed-driven whores who would sell their (fill in the blank) for a couple of bucks... or an extra bowl of watery gruel.


At 8:00 PM, Blogger Timcanhear said...

Ben Stein is as confused as Sammy Davis Jr. But at least Sammy "thought" he was real. At least he believed in something. At least he WAS something.
Ben Stein is what happens to a human being when they try unsuccessfully to be somebody.


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