Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Midnight Meme Of The Day!


by Noah

While both houses of Congress enjoy their extended Official August Goof-Off rather than return to Washington to address the crisis of gun violence and the crisis of the existence of Trump in the White House, the mayhem status quo continues, but, hey, Congress loves the status quo, especially Republicans when it comes to guns and bullets flying all over America ("Yay!"), and improving the wellness and healthcare for Americans ("Boo!"). If you've chosen the Republican lifestyle, the more coughing you hear and the more blood that is spilled the better. More mass-shootings mean the NRA can raise more cash and pass a big cut of what doesn't go into supporting Wayne LaPierre's lavish life of self-dealing corruption back into the pockets of the people you vote for. After all, what republican Congresscretin or $enator can't use a new Lexus or Mercedes in the driveway or some nice shiny jewelry for the wife, mistresses, and lobbyist whores?

Back 25 years ago, when the NRA's ownership of our politicians was much more bi-partisan than it is today, we had an assault weapons ban (AWB) pass both houses by extremely narrow margins after a lot of arm twisting. It was signed into law by conservadem President Bill Clinton, but, in a classic display of Washington fingers crossed behind the back cynicism, the ban contained a 10 year sunset provision, thus insuring a happy day in 2004 when gun-crazy Americans could go completely nuts in what amounted to an assault weapon supermarket sweep of gun stores, gun shows, Walmarts, and other places that are bullish on spreading murder and mayhem for fun and profit: The more dead first graders and Latinos the better, eh Republicans? What's that you say? "Newtown and white supremacy are hoaxes," you say?" Yeah, whatever. I'm sure iconic Republican spokescretins like Alex Jones and Tucker Carlson would never just make shit up.

Anyway, as a few lame attempts to push a new and improved, more meaningful AWB by various congresses sputtered and democrats gradually ended up finding alternate ways to stuff their pockets, the NRA tightened up its operating control of the Republican Party and made them their sole benefactor. They did it with even more cash and that's where we are and have been in the last few years. And, significant amounts of that cash can be traced back to Moscow. Why should Russia invade our shores with well-armed troops when they can just pay Americans to kill each other?

As for healthcare, even the very modest provisions of Obamacare were way too much for republicans to stomach and they've voiced that endlessly, including with their votes to repeal the legislation. "My god, fewer Americans dying from cancer, diabetes, strokes, and high blood pressure? We just can't have that! Trust in Jeeesus!!! Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition!!!!"

Oh and by the way, being sensible about guns is part of American health care. At least it should be seen that way. Now how about the Republican Party's silence while their beloved president is pushing for multilateral nuclear weapon testing and their doing nothing about minimizing the health effects of climate change, all for the money, mayhem, and murder of course; the 3 Ms of Republican governance.

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At 7:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Republicans are all about creating profit opportunities for the private sector out of the public trough. They only get away with it because the Democrats won't ever do anything about any of it.

At 9:48 AM, Blogger Citizen said...

Goopid Hypocritter Economorons. Never ends.

At 2:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Which is worse:
1) the evildoer
2) the (purportedly) good person who does nothing


But that's even not the point.

the point is; why are there no good people who will actually do good? And why do we dumbfucktards always settle for the lesser evil who does nothing?


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