Saturday, March 09, 2019

What Makes The Political Establishment In DC So Frightened Of Marianne Williamson?


After Marianne Williamson published her plank on African-American slavery reparations, something she's been speaking out about forcefully and publicly since 1997, several presidential contenders started exploring the issue themselves. But one who certainly won't be doing so is ole Status Quo Joe. He was quoted in the Washington Post yesterday, having said "I do not buy the concept, popular in the ’60s, which said, ‘We have suppressed the black man for 300 years and the white man is now far ahead in the race for everything our society offers. In order to even the score, we must now give the black man a head start, or even hold the white man back, to even the race.’ I don’t buy that."

Coincidentally, Chuck Todd's team at NBC News was asking, "Can the Democratic Party we saw nearly melt down this week over Ilhan Omar handle Biden’s past-- whether it’s busing, race or Anita Hill?"

Marianne Williamson is about to cross the threshold the DNC is requiring for contenders to make it onto the debate state-- at least 1 percent support in three party-approved public polls or campaign donations from 65,000 individuals with a minimum of 200 donors apiece in 20 states. She's already surpassed 200 donors in each of 20 states and is closing in on 65,000 individual donors. You can contribute to her campaign here and help get her uniquely progressive voice onto the debate stage.

Marianne has been aggressively ignored by MSNBC's prime time swim-- particularly Maddow-- and by the elite Beltway status quo media. That she has millions of followers and admirers nationally and internationally, compared to politician-candidates almost no one has ever heard of outside their own constituencies-- from John Delaney, Terry McAuliffe, Mayor Pete, Tulsi Gabbard and Julian Castro to John Frackenlooper, Jay Inslee and Steve Bullock (all of whom are polling between zero and 1%)-- hasn't encouraged the political establishment to give her candidacy a second look. Quite the contrary, in fact. The mainstream media and the pollsters have done their best to erect a wall around her campaign and write her off as "an outside." She's not in their club.

Insiders especially don't like it when she responds to questions about not having been a senator or congressman or governor by reminding them of what a mess professional politicians have made of the country. The "qualified political experts" she likes to remind them "took us into Viet Nam. The 'qualified political experts' are those who took us into Iraq. The 'qualified political experts' created the greatest income inequality since 1929. These 'qualified political experts' have taken us to a point where the environmental peril in our experience today actually threatens the survivability of the human race 50 years from now. There are different sets of qualifications. I think we need more than someone who's just qualified because they understand how Washington works. We need someone today who understands how we work." Oh, does that piss them off!

This week, Politico, the mouthpiece of the Beltway political class had its self-righteous dander up about Williamson qualifying for the debate stage. "Under newly crafted rules," wrote Elena Schneider,"two little-known candidates with no governmental experience are poised to qualify for the first debate later this year. The extraordinary shift from past campaigns will squeeze the amount of time on stage for candidates looking to the debates for breakout campaign moments. And it will force the senators and governors-- and maybe even a former vice president-- running for president to contend with and respond to the outsiders’ ideas on national TV. Andrew Yang and Marianne Williamson, a pair of little-known 2020 contenders, both say they are on track to meet the grassroots donation threshold set by the DNC to get into the first debate in June. They’d join Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, both African-American ministers and civil rights activists, as the only non-elected officials to make the first Democratic presidential debate in the past 40 years." She used "little known" to describe Williamson numerous times, despite her being far better known than many of the politician-candidates Politico routinely takes seriously.
A two-night, 20-candidate event won’t yield much information for voters, said Patti Solis Doyle, a Democratic strategist who managed Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign.

“The DNC is doing their best to accommodate a huge field, but this is going to be very unruly, and candidates will be lucky if they get a minute on a single question with so many people on stage,” Solis Doyle said. “In the beginning, these debates are going to be useless, even fruitless.”

“If the idea for the debate is to actually get to know the candidates, then they’re going to have to find a way to winnow it down,” she added.

Allowing long-shot candidates to debate “has the potential to diminish everyone on stage,” said Craig Varoga, a Democratic strategist, “but on the other hand, it’s a temporary phenomenon that’ll be dealt with by the brutal economics of running for president.”

Debates often serve up viral, campaign-changing moments without regard for a candidate’s current standing in the field. Former Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich’s debate performances prompted a big bump in his 2012 presidential prospects, while former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie was already fading from the 2016 Republican primaries when he memorably labeled Sen. Marco Rubio, then on the rise, a robot. Rubio finished fifth in the New Hampshire primary days later.

“One thing that’s sure to come out of these debates is a dark horse who can catapult themselves forward into another tier,” said Jesse Ferguson, a Democratic strategist. “That’s what a lot of them are hoping for, and the more people on stage, the more difficult that becomes, but it certainly won’t prevent any of them from being able to do it.”

And Yang and Williamson could press the rest of the Democratic field on issues that matter to them, like universal basic income or reparations for African-Americans.

If some of those lines stick, “don’t be surprised if you hear those top-tier candidates suddenly start putting them into their stump speech,” Varoga said.

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At 11:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like Marianne Williamson, so what I'm about to say isn't a slam against her.

Only Bernie really scares the establishment. The numbers he drew and draws when he speaks represents real change, and I say this as someone not especially happy about how he caved at the Coronation. This his Achilles' heel, and it will again be used against him as he can't be allowed to win. That declaration was included in SOTU to ensure the entire nation got the word.

We already know that the national media is complicit in so many candidates crashing and burning. I'd suggest that Al Gore suffered some effect from the hostile media levelled at him, possibly the first case in our current time. Howard Dean definitely did. Swift Boating Kerry worked. Once Hillary played the race card against Obama was probably the end of her 2008 campaign.

It works on the other side just as well. Sarah Palin was probably the grand piano dropped on McCain, and Romney's 47% comment took some of the wind out of his sails.

But while the media taketh away, they also giveth. 2016 proved that, for could Trump have won without the media constantly sticky his ugly mug in front of a nation of televidiots? I say no.

I don't see how Marianne Williamson is going to surmount this massive obstacle with the communication means remaining available to her. If she does, great! I just don't see much hope for this kind of a campaign strategy no matter who does it.

No one can win the presidential race without the media behind them. Too many people already have no idea who she is. I would have been one of them if KPFK didn't have her on in recent years.

The other media offices aren't about to be open to her. The corporatist owners won't allow it.

At 12:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The media, including bill maher, are setting the rigging for biden. Yesterday on bill's show, his "panel", including former uncle tom mikey steele, all agreed that the only democrap that can beat trump is biden. Jonathan Alter claimed without attribution that others can as well. But nobody mentioned the name Bernie out of pure caution.

11:19 touches on the real problem: this shithole is a nation of televidiots. Nazi voters seek someone to validate their hate. While the rest of the field were tap-dancing around the hate issues, trump jumped in with both feet. That plus his natural despicable and outrageous persona made him the darling of the media who always love them someone that keeps eyes on their screens (bigger profits, as the cbs guy freely admitted).

All this means the deck is stacked against someone like Marianne, who will speak eloquently about very reasoned policy positions, but won't be giving anyone demeaning nicknames like trump or W do.

Americans doze off when someone can speak with intelligence about actual, you know, policy issues.

If somehow the DNC steps on their own dick and lets Bernie win the nom, Marianne would be a fine choice for veep. Otherwise I don't see her being relevant.

At 12:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

BTW, while I agree that we need another revolution (it would be our 4th -- the first, the emancipation proclamation and FDR were our first 3), what we really need to do is finally and forever win the civil war and make the racist south (and rural white areas) permanent minorities with no chance of ever making public policy for the usa.

Toward that end, elimination of the electoral college is a very mandatory first step.

making voting a right instead of a privilege; making election day a holiday; automatic registration at age; repudiate corporate personhood; repudiate CU... just a few more things that are needed.

All of which points out that the current bicameral money party will NEVER allow any of these things to occur.
If we want the table set for a 4th revolution, we're going to need to kill and bury the democrap party so we can build up a truly left movement. The democraps will NEVER do anything but make things worse.

At 2:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nobody's "afraid" of her, Howie, because nobody in this whole fucking country except you gives a flying fuck in a rolling donut about her.

At 11:13 PM, Blogger Bil said...

+1 Anon1. Thx, Howie.
I like Williamson too.
Have seen her speak with Kucinich and she's fantastic. Both right as usual.
She'd make a helluva a cabinet member and either one would be a great First Chair of the
Cabinet Level Department of Peace.
Amen. RightOn.

At 2:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

to echo 2:18, it isn't her they fear. it's that what she's talking about might catch on with their voters who have been in a vegetative state for 40 years.

The sooner they silence the others (Bernie and Elizabeth are too popular to suppress), the easier it will be to marginalize the ideas and ratfuck Bernie again in the primary.

I am awaiting, with fascination, who Elizabeth will endorse. She's just not getting traction and will probably have to drop out soon. Will she refuse to endorse until biden wins the nom and she endorses him? Will anyone but me, at that point, just nod morosely having predicted that very thing?


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