Friday, December 21, 2018

2018 In Review: Gen. John Kelly Is Out. Mick Mulvaney Is In. Who’s Next? The Whole World Is Watching, Part 2


by Noah

Gen. John Kelly is gone. Trump's former Chief of Staff, a man of such low character that only the character of Trump himself could make his look better by comparison, had finally had enough. Working with the criminally insane has to be one of the most stressful jobs imaginable and as bad as he is, and was, who knows what horrors Kelly might have managed to derail. Imagine how bad an act has to be for someone like Kelly to disapprove of it.

Mick Mulvaney is the new White House Chief Of Staff, make that Acting Chief Of Staff. It’s Mulvaney’s third administration job in less than two years. He’s reportedly not even leaving his Office Of Budget Management job. Why? Simple; Trumpanzee is his own Chief Of Staff because he is immune to management. That, together with the stench of corruption that comes with the Chief Of Staff job is good reason not to give up your day job. Oh, and he better lawyer up. That need comes with the job.

Trump was having trouble getting anyone to take the job so he just drafted Mulvaney over from the Office Of Budget Management. Las Vegas is probably already adjusting the odds as to how long Mulvaney will last but one can only shudder at what Mulvaney will prove to be like. It's a case of how low can you go. After all, this White House Chief of Staff thing hasn't exactly been going in the right direction. If you remember, Trump's first Chief of Staff, before Kelly, was former Republican Party head Reince Priebus. We thought that was sick and it was, but then came a man who, unlike Priebus, made absolutely no attempt to disguise his evil. Kelly most blatantly revealed it in his white supremacy, but that's a big reason why he got the job in the first place. That is the nature of the Trump White House. Rest assured, it will remain so.

As I write this, Kelly still has never apologized for his race-based attacks on Congresswoman Frederica S. Wilson but why would we expect the kind of cretin Kelly is to do so? As soon as Kelly announced he was leaving, questions abounded. Why did he quit? Did he quit or was he fired? Was he fired in a petulant screaming fit? Does it matter? Who will change the Diaper Don's diapers now?

Before Mulvaney took the job, Mike Pence’s Chief Of Staff, Nick Ayers was “the new Chief Of Staff” for Trump but he didn’t even make it to the first day.

I have to admit that the question of who will soon replace Mulvaney has set my mind in motion. Who wants to be invited down to the oval bunker? How much of a masochist do you have to be? Better BYOCC (Bring your own cyanide caps).

The first name that comes to me is Jared Kushner. He’s family and Trumpanzee already has him sticking his face into just about everything. But what about Kellyanne Conway? Could it be the return of Spicy or The Mooch? A team of Spicy and The Mooch? Mike Huckabee? Some screaming FOX loon like Jeanine Pirro? Sean Hannity already lives up Trump's fat ass. How about a waitress from Mar-A-Lago? Rudy Giuliani? Carl Spackler?Ann Coultergeist? Annette Haven? Annie Sprinkle? Some Russian who doesn't speak a word of English? Borat for real? He’d get along great with Trump. Stay tuned!

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