Saturday, November 10, 2018

Midnight Meme Of The Day!


by Noah

Brian Kemp, the proud new face of White Nationalism. It's time for the Republican Party and the conservative movement to change its names?

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At 6:24 AM, Anonymous ap215 said...

Yes well said Noah. (Clap Clap)

At 8:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Change their name? Why, that would cost a lot of money to replace all that stationery! How about instead they change the official meaning of the word "Republican"? That's what they do when they want to change the way a law is enforced without resorting to legislation which they can't get passed, right?

At 8:42 AM, Blogger Mary and Phil said...

Having lived in the South, this blatant attack on voting rights was so predictable when they ended the Voting Rights Act. They never imagined a Stacey Abrams, though. She is a force to be reckoned with!

At 10:33 AM, Blogger John said...

Call it by the correct name of the crime:

This is ELECTION fraud. It effects numbers of votes on a very large scale and is done TO voters not by voters. Here some fraction of the Secretary of State's office had to have assisted in an apparent conspiracy to commit election fraud.

VOTER fraud is done by an individual to vote more than once, vote in the wrong precinct, etc. Study after study shows that it is exceedingly rare. For example here:(intended) live link

If above does not work, cut and paste the following into your address

The Republicans wail about voter fraud specifically to draw attention away from their addiction to election fraud.

Note: Let us remember that the stolen/leaked emails that precipitated the ongoing Rootin' Tootin' Putin hysteria revealed that the Dems are NOT above this type degradation of what remains of "the American democracy."

John Puma

At 6:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mary, Phil... folks... she lost. She's taking it like a true democrap (laying down). a force to be reckoned with? hardly.

she got jobbed. And is she marching and suing and everything she should be doing?

she's not even going to get a recount.

John... John... (heavy sigh)

voters don't give a flying fuck. democraps don't give a flying fuck. nobody gives a flying fuck.

the lesson, as it always is, when nobody gives a flying fuck, you can do whateverthefuck you want to win.

Ask Bernie about that.


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