Saturday, October 27, 2018

Many Trump Enablers In Congress Are Going To Get What's Coming To Them


It became clear soon after Trump opened his trap from inside the White House, that the 2018 midterms were going to be all about him-- not real issues per se, but Trump and his outlandish lies, outlandish behavior and disdain for American norms at every level. Yesterday, trying to deflect the blame for the coming Republican catastrophe from himself, he tweeted that GOP "momentum," is being harmed by the bomber. "Republicans are doing so well in early voting, and at the polls, and now this'Bomb' stuff happens and the momentum greatly slows-- news not talking politics. Very unfortunate, what is going on. Republicans, go out and vote." Did he give the #MAGAbomber a direct order to send bombs to Presidents Obama and Clinton and a dozen other opponents of his? No... it was an indirect order. That's how he operates. Yesterday a new Marist poll from NPR indicates that this has all caught up with him. The #1 conclusion: This election really is about the disgusting, repulsive SeƱor Trumpanzee, America's first illegitimate "president." NPR reports that "Roughly two-thirds of voters say President Trump is a factor (either major or minor) in their vote in this year's midterms, far more than said so in 2014 about President Obama... 'This is definitively a national election-- with a referendum on Trump,' said Lee Miringoff, director of the Marist Institute for Public Opinion, which conducted the survey."

47 percent of voters said their opinion of Trump makes them more likely to vote for a Democrat for Congress, while 34 percent said their opinion of Trump makes them more likely to vote for a Republican.

Compare that to 2014 when Republicans took control of the Senate. Obama had a somewhat lower effect on making voters cast a ballot for Republicans-- with 41 percent saying then that their impression of Obama made them more likely to support a Republican and 38 percent saying their impression of the 44th president made them more likely to support a Democrat.

Democrats have also increased their advantage from 6 to 10 points compared to earlier this month on the question of whether people are more likely to vote for a Democrat or a Republican in their district. Democrats now lead Republicans on the so-called generic congressional ballot, 50-to-40 percent.

Driving that edge are independents, nonwhites and women, particularly suburban women and white women with college degrees.

Republicans lead with the familiar groups who drove Trump's election in 2016: whites without a college degree (particularly men), white evangelical Christians, rural voters and married men.

Trump's approval rating stands at 39 percent, down from 41 percent earlier this month. Trump's approval rating is hotly divided by party, but has remained fairly consistent through the nearly two years he's been in office.

Miringoff added that if 2010 and 2014 were elections driven by men upset with President Obama, this is an election driven by women, particularly suburban women, and independents motivated to vote against President Trump.

Trump has just a 33 percent approval rating with women overall and a lower 27 percent approval with women who live in the suburbs. And 35 percent of independents say they approve of the job Trump is doing.

...Republicans' tax cuts have turned out to be a liability for Republicans. Just 11 percent said it was the most important factor in their vote. A plurality of voters (45 percent) said the issue of tax cuts makes them more likely to vote for a Democrat for Congress in November while 39 percent said the issue makes them more likely to vote Republican.

What's more, when asked about how to reduce the federal deficit, 60 percent said it was better to roll back the tax cuts passed by Congress than to cut Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid-- and that includes a plurality of Republicans.

Even self-proclaimed "Trump supporters" were split on which was the better option.

That's a blow to congressional Republicans, especially Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) who lamented the rising federal deficit, but blamed it on entitlements rather than tax cuts.

"It's disappointing, but it's not a Republican problem," McConnell told Bloomberg News Oct. 16. "It's a bipartisan problem: unwillingness to address the real drivers of the debt by doing anything to adjust those programs to the demographics of America in the future."

As NPR's Scott Horsley reported the same day, based on a fiscal-year-end report from the Treasury Department:
"The federal deficit ballooned to $779 billion in the just-ended fiscal year-- a remarkable tide of red ink for a country not mired in recession or war.

"The government is expected to borrow more than a trillion dollars in the coming year, in part to make up for tax receipts that have been slashed by GOP tax cuts."

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At 11:19 AM, Anonymous Hone said...

Sorry, but none of this means anything. Polls are not results. While they look good for the Dems at this point, it is hard to get too hopeful. There is so much going on that is discouraging. The rise of violence is horrific, thanks to Herr Trump. The lack of gun control is a front and center cause for the Republicans - they want their supporters locked and loaded. I suspect an armed massacre is on the horizon. The Deplorables are deplorable - Hillary was SO right about them. They are a monstrous mob of hate and rage just like the Nazis. They get high on Trump's vindictive performances. We are morphing into Nazi Germany. Today's shooting at the synagogue in Pittsburgh is just the beginning of the anti semitism on the horizon.

We will have to see what happens on November 6. Of course there will be Republican intervention in the actual voting process, no doubt about it; it is already occurring. How elected officials of a political party control the voting operations in states instead of having nonpartisan committees is beyond belief in our "democracy". Our election processes are totally pathetic, but that's what we got and nothing will change. I doubt the Dems will rise to the occasion -they seem fine with the status quo. How come no Dem is shouting out in outrage about what is going on? At least Obama has been speaking out. How come no mass protests have been organized in DC? There should have been a big one for Kavanaugh. I would have gone. The women's march in January will be way too late to have much impact.

Now that Jews are literally under the gun of the fascist Trumpists (no surprise, it was coming) perhaps some of the Jews who thought Trump would be good for Israel and voted for him (like some of my relatives, fuck them) will change their minds and Vote Democratic. Yeah, right. People are so ignorant and so unaware of history. Any Jew who voted for Trump should be ashamed.

At 12:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sure they will!

Ballot tampering going on in Texas, candidates in charge of their own elections in Georgia and Kansas, voter purging going on all across the nation, and so much more. Nothing has been done to make voting more honest and accessible, and suppression efforts are left to the likes of Greg Palast to investigate and expose. No one went after the county official who shredded the ballots from the last time Tim Canova challenged Washerwoman-SchitZ.

This is why I never believed all the Happy Talk about the Blue Wave. This is why I expect the Republicans to do better than anyone expressed publicly for them to do in the midterms.

Remember, HER! had it in the bag and no one should worry that Trump might win. I thus don't trust those who make similar claims now. The elections aren't finished until the Republicans running the elections declare themselves to have won.

At 3:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remember after the fraud in 2000 and 2004, how obamanation and the democrap majorities fixed voting? Remember names like Katherine harris and Blackwell (also AG gonzalez)??

Remember how that 2009 congress and holder 'held' those crooks accountable? It was truly the saving moment of our republic.

Same group that held criminal bankers to account for their $20 TRILLION ass-raping of the middle class.



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