Ted Lieu To NRA: Please Give Me An "F"
Other Democrats try to fudge the issue by whining that they back stricter background checks or higher age limits. Democrats who want to oppose the NRA agenda for real oppose the manufacture and sale of assault weapons to civilians. Ellen Lipton (D-OH), for example: "I back an assault weapons ban. I grew up in Alabama, and I understand hunters. Assault weapons are not for hunting." Duwayne Gregory is running for a red-leaning seat on Long Island occupied by Peter King-- but he didn't hesitate: "I would definitely support a ban on assault weapons!" Same with Randy Bryce, the progressive candidate who chased Paul Ryan out of Congress: "I would back it. The .223 round is designed to ricochet once it penetrates the body. I'll never forget being taught that in basic training." Alan Grayson has memories of Ryan too. He reminded me that when he was in the House he had already worked on a bill to ban assault weapons. "I introduced a one-sentence bill to accomplish that. I called it the Freedom From Fear Act, HR 5615. The wording was very clear and Grayson's co-sponsor was Barbara Lee (D-CA): "To reinstate the ban on semiautomatic assault weapons." Boom! That's it. Paul Ryan buried it in the House Judiciary Committee and refused to ever allow a vote on it. Antoinette Sedillo Lopez doesn't leave any doubt where she will stand when she's in Congress: "Yes, I unequivocally support an assault weapons ban. Military weapons have no place on our streets."
This week the NRA sent out candidate questionnaires to menbers of Congress. Every Democrat should do something like what Ted Lieu did. He invited them to give him an "F" and asked them about their money-laundering operation for Putin on behalf of Trump. He filled out their questionnaire and added a note: "Why haven’t you answered my letter asking you to clarify your links to the Kremlin? Also, please give me a 'F' rating." Ted is the regional vice chairman of the DCCC for the West Coast, but he doesn't seem in synch with them all that much.

Labels: battle for the speakership, NRA, Progressive Speaker Fund, Ted Lieu
Anthony Brindisi has had a 100% rating from the NRA and was endorsed by the NRA in 2016 for his NYS Assembly race.
He is a puppet who will say or do whatever it takes to win. Thank you for sharing this. Hopefully he hasn't blocked you like he has so many others who call him out.
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