Friday, April 08, 2011

Wisconsin forges ahead to become a Shangri-la for the overprivileged


Wisconsin Attorney General J. B. Van Hollen didn't waste any time seeking to reenlist the safely right-wing Supreme Court as coconspirators in the Walker regime's war on the non-overpriviliged.

by Ken

I suppose it's just a coincidence that the day after the revolutionary far-right regime in Wisconsin secured -- perhaps fairly, perhaps not -- the reelection as a Supreme Court justice of the sociopathic hooligan who called the chief justice a bitch and swore to destroy her, a life form who should be out in the fields pulling a plow, not banding together with his three lockstep right-wing goons on the court to make their Stalinist enclave a sweller haven, a veritable Shangri-la, for the economically overprivileged (can you spell K-o-c-h?), the regime's attorney general announced that he will try to get the high court to reverse the judge who said that no, the radical rightist are not free to break the law quite that flagrantly when it comes to legislating.

AG wants collective bargainning enforcement order tossed

Posted Friday April 8, 2011

MADISON, Wis. (WTAQ) - Wisconsin Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen says he wants the state Supreme Court to take jurisdiction of the case.

The AG is asking the court to throw out a judge’s order banning enforcement of the law limiting collective bargaining by public workers. Van Hollen says he’s not talking about an appeal.

The controversial law has gotten national attention, brought thousands of protesters to the Capitol building and been the subject of several hearings in state and federal courtrooms. The original plan was to help the state deal with its budget shortfall.

The basic theme of the regime is now set: We're in charge here, bitches, and all you nonfascists are our bitches, bitches! And that includes you Democratic bitches on the Supreme Court, bitches! F&#k you all! Bitches!"

I keep thinking of the pathetic oaf who puked up a comment when I reported on Justice Prosser's proud history of psychotic breaks (about which the dickwad Prosser commented, "I probably overreacted, but I think it was entirely warranted," going on to blame the "bitch" for making him so-o-o-o mad), as if he had "gotcha"-ed me but good. Free speech, he shrilled! How dare I suggest that the dickwad Prosser isn't free to say whatever he darned pleases. How dare we libruls question anyone's free speech?

Is it really possible for a human being to be that stupid? You betcha. The Far Right has devoted vast quantities of money and labor over the last several decades into transforming the U.S. into a nation of imbeciles whose brains have been rendered incapable of human function, the functional equivalent of mashed potatoes.

At the risk of belaboring the grotesquely obvious, a risk I'll take since there are apparently people who have trained themselves to be too stupid to grasp the distinction, which should be clear to anyone with a measurable IQ: Of course the justice had a legal "right" to rage like a fugitive mental patient. But the whole point of free speech is that everyone who speaks is answerable for what he or she says.

The concept of "responsibility," or of responsible behavior, has of course been expunged from the modern far-right sensibility. The fact that they have allowed their brains to rot into toxic sludge doesn't stop them from spewing their cretinous mental vomit, as viciously and menacingly as their primitive neural networks allow.

These are, by the way, the same people who came to Washington determined to shut down the government as part of their all-out war on sense and decency. And unlike the case of the government shutdowns in the Clinton administration, the savages are playing to an audience heavily weighted with unsocialized cretins.


"Justice" Dickwad Prosser and challenger JoAnne Kloppenburg

Madison's progressive Cap Times has a great editorial, "Scandal in Fitzwalkerstan: Federal probe, full recount required in high court race." Considering the makeup of the court that will presumably have final jurisdiction over an effort to figure out what the heck happened in that election, I don't see much point in dwelling on it. I'm afraid that by the time enough Wisconsinites -- that is, outside Milwaukee and Madison -- wake up to the mayhem the Walkerites have inflicted on them, it will be too late to undo the damage.

Kind of like in the country at large.

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At 5:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I sit here in awe of the unfuckin-believable audacity of your linguistic Frankenstein of a first sentence. O.O


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