Friday, April 08, 2011

Scott Walker Was Dead Wrong About Madison Being At Odds With The Rest Of Wisconsin


Stunned by the clear rebuke he suffered Tuesday from Wisconsin voters, Scott Walker continued his divisive tactics by trying to blame his defeat on the dirty hippies and commies in Madison. Very much in contrast to state Senator Chris Larson (above), who represents a district in Milwaukee County, Walker was still trying the old divide 'em up strategy on Wednesday, yelling about "two very different worlds in this state."
"You've got a world driven by Madison, and a world driven by everybody else out across the majority of the rest of the state of Wisconsin."

If you want to be generous about the deranged governor, you could say he hadn't seen the election results. No one from Madison voted in the landslide election to reject his handpicked successor as Milwaukee County Executive. His right-wing Republican ally, campaigning as a Walker doppleganger, was defeated by a barely qualified self-sunder with drawsful of unpaid traffic tickets in a rout-- 60-40!

As for the Supreme Court battle, all those "red counties" far from Madison... they sure seem to have liked JoAnn Kloppenburg and disliked Walker's much better known shill candidate, David Prosser.
Kloppenburg pulled off the biggest flip in Milwaukee Co., which went 54-46 to Prosser in the primary-- about the same as his Statewide figures-- to 57-43 in favor of Kloppenburg. She couldn't have won the election without turning that margin in particular. But on account of a disappointing turnout in Milwaukee and the slender overall margin of Kloppenburg's victory, she clearly couldn't have won on that accomplishment alone, and that is where the predominantly Republican territories throughout the State came to her rescue.

Since the February primary, Kloppenburg gained in 22 of the State's 24 largest counties, only dropping a couple points in Marathon Co., which went from 51-49 Prosser to 54-46, and Sheboygan Co., where Prosser profited by one, closing out Tuesday with a 63-37 romp.

More impressively, Kloppenburg added eight, five, and nine points respectively amongst the State's three most notorious Republican county-enclave-bunkers: Waukesha (3), Washington (7), and Ozaukee (14). In addition the AAG picked up six points in Racine Co. (5), ten in Jefferson Co. (18), 11 in Fond Du Lac Co. (16), and a startling 14 points in Winnebago Co. (8), where Kloppenburg choppenburg'd Prosser's margin from 66-34 in February to 52-48.

Other of the more populous Justice Prosser-won counties where JoAnne Kloppenburg produced significant headway were: Dodge (19), 11 points; Outagamie (6), 11 points.; Kenosha (12), nine points; Walworth (17), four points; and Wood (22), three points.

That is, all over the State, not just in Madison, and especially in counties otherwise heavily dominated by Republican voters.

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