Thursday, April 02, 2009

Specter Uses A Democratic Campaign Strategy Against Toomey In Pennsylvania GOP Primary


Senator Arlen Specter (R-PA) has already started running ads against Pat Toomey (R-PA), his far right opponent in the Pennsylvania Republican primary. And the ads sound exactly like what any Democrat would say about Toomey-- or Specter. Toomey and Specter have something in common; both have taken immense amounts of legalized bribes from the FIRE (finance/insurance/real estate) sector and both have faithfully gone along with the deregulations that have allowed that sector to grow immeasurably wealthy, while plunging the country into an economic freefall. Specter has gobbled up $5,753,310 from the bankster crooks, more than anyone in either house of Congress other than those who have run for president. Toomey only served 3 terms in the House but hauled in $698,153. Both Specter and Toomey voted for the horrendous Gramm-Leach-Bliley bill that shut down the regulatory oversight of banking and insurance under the Glass Steagall Act.

Something tells me this ad is going to backfire in Specter's face... big time.

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At 7:47 AM, Anonymous Lee said...


Specter has fooled a lot of folks in PA before by his "moderate" status. And that includes a whole shit load of Jewish folks that are registered as Democrats. My guess is folks won't be fooled this time .But it also depends who is going to run against him. Personally
I would like to see Rep Josh Shapiro take him on.

This race is going to be very expensive...


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