The Paul Ryan-Herbert Hoover Budget

When the Republican Party's designated spokesperson is Joe the Plumber (watch the video below), even a shallow, blow-dried phony-baloney hack like Paul Ryan (R-WI) looks almost intellectual in his approach to slavish, even naive, adherence to right-wing dogma and, above all, serving the vested interests of the rich and powerful against those of ordinary American working families. So while a GOP front group paid the make believe plumber to go rile up celebrity-starved Pennsylvanians against their own rights, the Party Establishment arranged for the Republican ranking member on the House Budget Committee to write an essay in the party newspaper and on their MSNBC morning show. Poor, pathetic Ryan had to try to make excuses for his hapless party leader... he gave up and resorted to the same right-wing rhetoric that caused the Great Depression and the Bush Recession. If you hit that link you'll probably notice that Ryan sounds like a college freshman who was just partying with the Young Americans For Freedom and forgot to do his homework. Chris Matthews, when asked if Ryan makes any sense, said "No; he sounds very much like Hoover. This was a doctrine that was tried in 1932 and failed." Right afterwards, also on MSNBC, Austan Goolsby suggests Ryan's "plan"-- more tax cuts for the richest Americans and gutting Medicare-- is nothing but an April Fools' joke.
Ryan's budget is pretty simple (not to mention simpleminded): more of the same failed trickle down voodoo economics that has been so devastating to the vast majority of American families while enriching the 2 or 3% who donate to Republican (and too many Democratic) politicians. Even the Senate Republican caucus just patted him on the head and told him to go run along and play with himself. Ryan's a clown and nothing but a shill for the wealthy. It's a disgrace that he represents a decent, moderate middle class district in southeast Wisconsin. Next year, though, he's vulnerable to an early forced retirement. If you can afford even $5 or $10, please help us raise a warchest to StopPaulRyan.
Labels: Joe the Plumber, Paul Ryan, Voodoo Economics
Your interpretations of history and economics are biased in support of your socialist agenda. What is more important is what will happen because of the budget. Short term gains will probably benefit a small percentage of Americans. Longer term; the Obama budget will have the USA living on a Chinese credit card. When the interest rates increase we will not be able to help anybody. Forget about all the voting blocks liberals are trying to buy. None of it will matter. We will all finally live in a completely equal society. We will all be the slaves of the Chinese.
I think the real issue is that the laize-faire economics that dismantled the safegaurds which were put in place after the last great depression. This caused a predictable bubble which left us in the poorhouse. If we are socialists, Jim, then you are a lapdog for the rich and powerful and dont give a crap about the people who actually work for a living.
The chinese are also in a bad spot because they hold onto so much of our debt. If they try to sell it off, it will devalue the dollar, and because they hold onto so many dollars, they will loose money. So they cant sell, and they end up in the same boat we are in, the messed up economy boat.
You are joking right? The massive spending of the 8 years of Bush (6 of which included Republican control of Congress) is why we are looking at living on a Chinese credit card. Obama, like Clinton, isn't going to be able to turn this around in a couple of's going to take 6 or more years to get us back on track after the Republican spending spree.
It is still a free country so I respect your opinion. As far as your comments; there is no grounding in facts. I am not an uncaring, “lapdog for the rich and powerful”. Nothing in my post said that. Truth is I wouldn’t know how to be a lapdog. What would I do, curl up in somebody’s lap? I’m a big guy; I could hurt somebody doing that
Here is a fact that helps to show that Republicans and Democrats had much to do with creating the need for TARP:
Jim Rule1) Do not trust any politicians. We should be informed and after them incessantly, to do the right thing.
Here is another fact; George Bush was a bad president he spent too much money and never explained his goals. I could go on, but lets just agree, not good. Unfortunately Obama is spending even more money. Much of the Obama budget is for things that will not get the economy going. Working class people like me don’t like to waste money. We are used to doing much with little and would like our government to learn that skill.
Another fact is; the dollar will not stand as the dominate currency in the world if our borrowing continues. The Chinese are already planning to replace the dollar see:
Another fact is; China is building military and naval power that is designed to fight and beat ours. The interest on our debt is helping China to buy the weapons that could be used against us see:
Another fact, I don’t like any politicians, see Rule1 above. However, we have a two party system, so Republicans, Democrats and independents have to tolerate each other. It’s the way our representative form of government works.
Most everybody respects the work of Thomas Jefferson here are some quotes from our good old, wise friend Tom that don’t square with how people are thinking of the role of government today.
“A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it, has earned – this is the sum of good government”.
“Dependence begets subservience and venality, suffocates the germ of virtue, and prepares fit tools for the designs of ambition”.
“Errors of opinion may be tolerated where reason is left free to combat it”.
“Experience hath shown that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny”.
“Any government powerful enough to give the public everything is powerful enough to take it away”. (paraphrased)
Back to the issue we started with; Paul Ryan and an alternate budget proposal. Paul seems to be acting in good faith, doing what he thinks is correct. We get to vote for or against politicians. If most people in the first district of Wisconsin disagree with Paul he will loose his next election. Acting like we are squaring off for a brawl is not supposed to be part of the process, it isn’t productive. I respects Paul Ryan’s right to an opinion just like I respect yours. We should however, always base our opinions on facts and the truth.
"I don’t like any politicians"
well, jim, then you should move to Somalia, where they don't have any.
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