Iraqi Puppet Regime To Execute People Convicted Of Being Gay

I remember when Bush and Cheney were floating plausible excuses for invading Iraq, one that stuck with the media shills and worked for a few undiscerning members of the public was how much better their vision of Iraq would be for women. Saddam Hussein's Iraq was no paradise, to put it mildly-- especially not for even the mildest of regime opponents-- but it was secular and encouraged women to develop as independent beings rather than as chattel. The Bush and Cheney crocodile tears for women soon gave way to a search for nuclear weapons and as the lot of women under a more backward theocratically-empowered coalition started to deteriorate, we didn't hear much from Bush or Cheney. But at least there had been crocodile tears for women. Not even Cheney would have been so transparent as to claim that the invasion of Iraq would improve the lot of gay people. Nor will he particularly care that their lot has significantly deteriorated under the puppet American regime.
It's a crime to be gay in Bush's liberated Iraq. There are gay people in prison and slated for execution... this week. Ali Hili of Iraqi-LGBT, speaking in London, after his civil rights group was banned from Iraqi soil:
We have information and reports on members of our community whom been arrested and waiting for execution for the crimes of homosexuality... Raids by the Iraqi police and Ministry of Interior forces cost our group [to the extent of] disappearing and killing of 17 members working for Iraqi-LGBT since 2005.
The death penalty has been increasing at an alarming rate in Iraq since the new Iraqi regime reintroduced it in August 2004.
In 2008, at least 285 people were sentenced to death, and at least 34 executed. In 2007 at least 199 people were sentenced to death and 33 were executed, while in 2006 at least 65 people were put to death.
The actual figures could be much higher as there are no official statistics for the number of prisoners facing execution.

UPDATE: Homophobic Killing Spree In Iraq
PageOneQ reminds us that in the Iraq Bush created it isn't only the government murdering gay people. Crazed fanatics in the delusional clergy encouraged the faithful to murder gay people-- and they did, at least half a dozen this week.
Homosexuality is prohibited almost everywhere in the Middle East, but conditions have become especially dangerous for gays and lesbians in Iraq since the rise of religious militias after U.S.-led forces toppled Saddam Hussein six years ago.
"Two young men were killed on Thursday. They were sexual deviants. Their tribes killed them to restore their family honour," a Sadr City official who declined to be named said.
The police source who declined to be named said the bodies of four gay men were unearthed in Sadr City on March 25, each bearing a sign reading "pervert" in Arabic on their chests.
Sermons condemning homosexuality were read at the last two Friday prayer gatherings in Sadr City, a sprawling Baghdad slum of some 2 million people. The slum is a bastion of support for fiery Shi'ite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr and his Mehdi Army militia.
Labels: Federico Garcia Lorca, gay equality, Iraq
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