
Sally Kern, Deranged?-- or just Republican?
Earlier today I mentioned how the Senate Republican caucus-- men and women routinely portrayed by the corporate media as being "solid" and "wise" and who "have our best interests at heart," you know, like James Inhofe, John Cornyn, John McCain, Elizabeth Dole, Mitch McConnell, Ted Stevens...-- gave David "Diapers" Vitter a standing ovation when he returned to the Senate after laying low for a week after it was revealed that he had been spending a lot of time over the past decade with a series of hookers and call girls. They applauded the Family Values supporter heartily. Yesterday the Oklahoma legislature's GOP caucus took a cue from the U.S. Senate and applauded Sally Kern (R-OK City) when she returned after her anti-gay tirade a few days ago. First, why don't you listen to her own words:
Yes, that was a state Representative in Oklahoma telling her constituents that she "honestly thinks it's the biggest threat our nation has, even more so than terrorism or Islam." I can only imagine what Muslim Oklahomans must feel-- not to mention what the families and friends of the victims of the right wing terrorists who blew up the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995 (which killed 168 people and injured over 800) must feel. This is a seriously deranged person and in a normal society she would be left to mutter and curse under her breathe. In Oklahoma, the Republican caucus gives her a standing ovation.
Obviously most Oklahomans are not hate mongers like Sally Kern. I asked Andrew Rice, an Oklahoma state Senator running for the U.S. Senate what he makes of this kind of outburst. "By resorting to imflamatory speech to make her point, Rep. Kern not only hurts the targets of her remarks, homosexuals and non-violent Islamic religious followers, but she also offends most Oklahomans who believe in fairness and decency. Having lost a brother in the World Trade Center on 9/11, it is offensive to me that she equates homosexuality with terrorism. As elected representatives in the Oklahoma state legislature, we are each held to a higher standard in our public remarks. I wish Rep. Kern would have avoided attacking millions of people for their religion or for who they love. I expect the Republican leadership of the House of Representatives to condemn her remarks."
Andrew was right on the money-- except about the Republican leadership of the House of Representatives condemning her remarks.
Now perhaps poor Ms. Kern is distraught because her primitive believe system taught her to hate herself because of her own gay son and the only way she can justify disowning him is by lashing out. This seems to me to conflict with her job of serving the people of Oklahoma City. In fact, the very first act of this sad, delusional and obsessed woman when she managed to get into the legislature in 2005 was to introduce a bill, H.R. 1039 which urged library officials to restrict children's access to books with homosexual themes. The following year she introduced H.R. 2158 which would have mandated the state to withhold funding to any library that refused to "segregate" books with homosexual or sexually explicit material from children's sections. In 2006 she introduced H.B. 2107 that would have allowed science teachers to teach religious superstitions in public schools regarding creationism.
This morning the Oklahoman asks an important question-- Do comments create environment of hate? It's a question many Oklahomans are asking after Kerns' outburst.
"Sally Kern's comments were not only ignorant but very hurtful,” said Jerre Fine, a gay airman who served in the U.S. Air Force in Afghanistan. "We need protection from our enemies abroad. We also need protection from within, from people like Sally Kern.”
In the roughly three-minute recording of Kern at a meeting among fellow Republicans, she claimed that gays were trying to indoctrinate 2-year-olds through the school system; that they had infiltrated city councils; that no society tolerating homosexuality has ever lasted more than a few decades and that gays, even more so than terrorists, were the biggest threat facing America. The recording has been heard by more than half a million people on the Internet, according to the Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund, which posted it on its Web site.
At Tuesday's news conference, held at the Church of the Open Arms in Oklahoma City, many commented that it was just three months ago that they had another occasion to gather there.
In the days following the killing of Stephen Domer, a 62-year-old gay man, many of the same faces had come together to urge passage of hate-crime legislation that would include sexual orientation protections.
Domer allegedly was killed by the member of a white supremacist group. Kern's critics say her actions have helped create an environment of hate, where crimes such as Domer's killing are perpetuated.
"These words are hateful words and can result in hateful actions. This is about responsibility and accountability for words, not freedom of expression,” said Richard Ogden, chairman of Oklahoma City-based Cimarron Alliance. Ogden went on to admonish House Speaker Chris Benge, R-Tulsa, for not censuring Kern for her comments. He also lashed out at the Oklahoma Legislature in general for burying four hate crime proposals in subcommittees, and not allowing them to be debated and voted upon.
Kern absolutely refuses to apologize or back down from her bizarre statements. "I said nothing that was not true, I said nothing out of hate and I don't believe my colleagues will censure me," Kern said Monday. And she was correct. They gave her a standing ovation instead.
A standing ovation isn't what she's getting from Ellen DeGeneres or from the fine folks over at Pam's House, who reprinted a powerful letter to Kern from Rev. Russell Mark of the Association of Welcoming and Affirming Baptists, reminding her of what it is to be a Christian and how registering to be a Republican is not the same thing as following Jesus Christ's teachings of love and acceptance.
As a Christian I have to ask what kind of god do you worship that you would seek the murder of children? Does your Jesus call you to spread lies, repeat gossip and inuendo about people you don't even know? Does your Jesus teach you to spread hate and to live in fear and teach others to live in fear? So very odd isn't it that your Jesus and my Jesus are so very different. You see, my Jesus teaches the power of love; to confront my enemies face to face; to embrace them and seek to understand them; to find commonality. Out of humilty, seek understanding and out of love, to not be afraid. Even in my anger at what you have said, I would seek to understand how you, my sister-in-Christ would say such ignorant, offensive and incitful things. How do you take a few obscure passages and totally ignore all that Christ teaches and seek to bludgeon an entire people? How do you do this and then go to church and worship the Christ who gave everything to reconcile the world? What about bigotry and fear-mongering is Christ-like? How dare you treat the cross with such distain! And how dare you misuse the authority of your office. Be ashamed Representative Kern. Be very ashamed. More than your constituents are watching; God is watching.
Sitting and talking with Andrew Rice and his wife a few days ago left no doubt in my mind that Sally Kern is not all there is to Oklahoma. The state has gotten a bad name in recent years by electing and re-electing a series of crackpot politicians like Tom Colburn and James Inhofe. I'm optimistic that this year Oklahoma will go a long way towards making up for those misjudgments by replacing Inhofe with Andrew Rice. Blue America has endorsed him and we urge anyone who disagrees with Sally Kern's vicious remarks to donate-- even if just one dollar-- to Andrew's campaign.
Tucker lost his mom in 1995 when a right-wing terrorist bombed the Oklahoma City Federal Building; he would have likely been killed too-- along with 19 of his classmates-- if he wasn't home with chicken pox on that fateful, tragic day. Tucker didn't die and yesterday he sent a letter to Oklahoma City's deranged Republican state Rep.
Rep Kern:
On April 19, 1995, in Oklahoma City a terrorist detonated a bomb that killed my mother and 167 others. 19 children died that day. Had I not had the chicken pox that day, the body count would've likely have included one more. Over 800 other Oklahomans were injured that day and many of those still suffer through their permanent wounds.
That terrorist was neither a homosexual or was he involved in Islam. He was an extremist Christian forcing his views through a body count. He held his beliefs and made those who didn't live up to them pay with their lives.
As you were not a resident of Oklahoma on that day, it could be explained why you so carelessly chose words saying that the homosexual agenda is worst than terrorism. I can most certainly tell you through my own experience that is not true. I am sure there are many people in your voting district that laid a loved one to death after the terrorist attack on Oklahoma City. I kind of doubt you'll find one of them that will agree with you.
I was five years old when my mother died. I remember what a beautiful, wise, and remarkable woman she was. I miss her. Your harsh words and misguided beliefs brought me to tears, because you told me that my mother's killer was a better person than a group of people that are seeking safety and tolerance for themselves.
As someone left motherless and victimized by terrorists, I say to you very clearly you are absolutely wrong.
You represent a district in Oklahoma City and you very coldly express a lack of love, sympathy or understanding for what they've been through. Can I ask if you might have chosen wiser words were you a real Oklahoman that was here to share the suffering with Oklahoma City? Might your heart be a bit less cold had you been around to see the small bodies of children being pulled out of rubble and carried away by weeping firemen?
I've spent 12 years in Oklahoma public schools and never once have I had anyone try to force a gay agenda on me. I have seen, however, many gay students beat up and there's never a day in school that has went by when I haven't heard the word **** slung at someone. I've been called gay slurs many times and they hurt and I am not even gay so I can just imagine how a real gay person feels. You were a school teacher and you have seen those things too. How could you care so little about the suffering of some of your students?
Let me tell you the result of your words in my school. Every openly gay and suspected gay in the school were having to walk together Monday for protection. They looked scared. They've already experienced enough hate and now your words gave other students even more motivation to sneer at them and call them names. Afterall, you are a teacher and a lawmaker, many young people have taken your words to heart. That happens when you assume a role of responsibility in your community. I seriously think before this week ends that some kids here will be going home bruised and bloody because of what you said.
I wish you could've met my mom. Maybe she could've guided you in how a real Christian should be acting and speaking.
I have not had a mother for nearly 13 years now and wonder if there were fewer people like you around, people with more love and tolerance in their hearts instead of strife, if my mom would be here to watch me graduate from high school this spring. Now she won't be there. So I'll be packing my things and leaving Oklahoma to go to college elsewhere and one day be a writer and I have no intentions to ever return here. I have no doubt that people like you will incite crazy people to build more bombs and kill more people again. I don't want to be here for that. I just can't go through that again.
You may just see me as a kid, but let me try to teach you something. The old saying is sticks and stones will break your bones, but words will never hurt you. Well, your words hurt me. Your words disrespected the memory of my mom. Your words can cause others to pick up sticks and stones and hurt others.
Labels: Andrew Rice, GOP homophobia, Oklahoma, Republican hypocrisy, Sally Kern
Kern is a nut.
Oklahoma has a gay statewide elected official, Jim Roth.
We ain't cut and dry out here.
Go Rice! Go Roth!
Please sign the petition to get Sally Kern out of Office. Forward to all your friends, post on your blogs!
Wow, the Un-Prodigal Son Story and who better to model it than Oklahoma State Rep Sally Kern and her Babtist Preacher husband.
Here's their church and DO NOT miss the header...
"The End of your Search for a Friendly Church..."
I am NOT making this up, who could make that up?
See for yourself...
The comments on Heather's petition are as thoughtful and heartfelt as I have ever seen. VOTE!
You might wish to know, given the title of your post, that there is a poem (posted 2 days ago) entitled "the ballad of Sally Kern, here:
The poem has been put on a YouTube video in an excellent presentation, here:
Isn't it amazing that the majority of people that protest the loudest against gays are hardcore religious kooks living "heterosexual" lives? Why are they so worried about what 2 people of the same sex do in the privacy of their bedrooms? Who's business is it if a man or woman finds love in their own sex? Timothy McVeigh was a homegorwn, heterosexual christian terrorist.
I've noticed that these people struggle with problems in their own marriages and sexual relationships. It is nobody's business what goes on between 2 consenting adults. And the saddest part of all of this is that most child molestors or pedophiles as some like to call them, live heterosexual lives.
She needs to concern herself with her won sexlife and stop instilling more fear and hate into this country with her racist views. She's a prime example of why our laws are screwed up. You need a license to drive but not one to have children. I feel so sorry for her son. What a wonderful christian.
Congratulations to Sally Kerns for standing up for her beliefs. I am sick and tried of minority and special interest groups demanding special treatment. If a person is gay, fine. Just don't try to make me agree with it. I believe it is wrong, but the lifestyle is their choice. I have no problem recognizing and respecting their choice, I have a major problem with the gay community trying to get special treatment while denying me right to express my beliefs. We as a society are catering to the these groups by passing unneccessary laws to "protect" them. Bull! We are all American citizens and our rights are already protected.
To the "Anonymous" person who applauds Sally Kern for "speaking up:
You say I want special treatment while I supress your right to free speech. That is not true. I want equal treatment. I want to be safe from being murdered (as we have seen MANY people have just this week, including children) for being gay. That's not special treatment. You say "We are all American citizens and all our rights are already protected." I am in saddened awe of your blindness. It is a FACT- a FACT- that's not the case. You even go so far as to say my "life-style" is a choice. My life style? I am Christian. That's a choice. I am also gay. I had just as much choice in that as I did that I was born in the first place. Sally Kern did nothing noble. This was free speech,yes...but it was insulting, offensive, and untrue. If it were from someone outside the government that is another matter. But it is inappropriate coming from a government worker. I will pray for you, "Anonymous".
PS: I had the courage to leave my name. What's yours?
To the "Anonymous" person - first of all a persons' sexuality is not a "lifestyle."
If you want to be a successful bigot, start with a dictionary.
As far as any "special treatment" -please read your state constitution, change the chanel from FOX and read a newspaper other than the Pennysaver to see if LGBTQ citizens have special treatment. THEY ARE DENIED rights, such as serial heterosexualizm (more than one marriage)that are taken for granted on a daily basis.
To Sally Kern, I suggest she READ the bible instead of using the bible to beat people with. If my memory serves me correct, there's more in the bible that instructs us how to treat our fellow man, than it does homosexuality, Shrimp Cocktail, Poly-Blend Polo shirts and Sunday afternoons spent tossing a football around.
Don't be intimidated by truth. Homosexually as with every other sin, yes sin, is the biggest threat to this nation. You can't own and disown what parts of the Bible are convenient. The USA is rapidly becoming the modern day Sodom and Gomorrah and God will get fed up just as he did in times past. Yes, JESUS is LOVE and HE died that you might have life. But GOD said I set before you life and death. CHOOSE LIFE. For those that are trying to make death fit GOD'S definition of life, they are sadly mistaken and will be remorsed to find out that they were deceived. JESUS loved the sinner but not once did HE embrace sin. HE instructed people to go and sin no more. I would suggest that people truly seek what GOD demands instead of what their flesh covets. Don't let you flesh write a check that your SOUL can't cash.
What else would you expect from the sex slave wife of a baptist minister. That group affirmed not many years ago that the man is dominant in the family, the woman subservient, and her mind poisoned by the same group that was instrumental in segregation of Blacks, and slavery. They obviously take lessons from Saudi Arabia, home of 15 of the 19 9/11 people.
And her gay? son - oh boy - this one is great. So many people, especially the most vehement are nothing but more TED HAGGARDS in ministers and Catholic Hierarchy's clothing. Hiding in their own closet of shame and fear, and feeding the same hatred that terrifies them.
The closet can only be ascribed to the diabolical saturn, who exists and runs the poisoned, hypnotized mentality of these far right extremist 'christian" groups.
I feel sorry for her apparently gay son. If he had any balls, he'd come out. And destroy the 'Lady Taliban'.
Those who talk about "special rights" are defending their special rights to denigrate and deny the humanity of gay people. In the name of God no less. Perhaps God will give the world a sneak peek into a fireproof window to hell, where we can watch the Jerry Fallwells and his kind get what they deserve. At least Fallwells assistant had the guts to come out of the closet after some number of years.
And Katrina, 9/11 - taking a page in some ways from those same creeps I mentioned above, perhaps they were punishment from God for some Americans listening and believing in the hate machine, though I am sure God would be more selective.
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