Sunday, February 17, 2008



You may wonder how people like a Bush get nearly enough votes to win an election... in America. I watched this interview in Lynchburg, Tennessee with a gaggle of anti-Bush citizens, who support Huckabee... and Israel. It's mind-boggling and scary that people this steeped in pure ignorance and medieval thought patterns are allowed-- let alone encouraged-- to vote. I know it sounds terribly elitist of me to say so but please watch the clip before you judge me too harshly. Keep in mind this was recorded in America... in 2008, not in 1808.


At 6:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, you are right. Your comments do sound elitist. Taking the comments of four people (and one not even old enough to vote) as an example of the mentality of right-leaning voters is idiotic. People who vote based on a candidate's religion are idiots. I remember watching clips of voter interviews before the 1960 election and heard so many anti-Catholic comments. People were afraid Kennedy would submit his decisions to the Pope for approval. Of course, he never did that.

I will not vote for Huckabee because he is too much of a bible-thumper for me. But I will vote Republican. The Democrats running for office are so far left that they are off the spectrum.

Simply my opinion, which you will probably trash.

At 11:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to say, michael is typical of republicans--he misses the point. Sure, this is only a few ladies, and their comments are way off the mark, but the point of the blog is: IF they were better educated, they would see the glaring errors of their thinking.

However, knowing more than a few very intelligent well-educated men who happen to vote republican, I know that (like those gals in the video) being misled by those around us one can reach the wrong conclusions nonetheless. Like michael.

Unfortunately, despite the constant day after day teardown of our liberties in the name of 'the war on terra', because they insist on sticking to their echochambers ie, the msm and right wing radio, and god forbid their right wing blogs, these forsaken souls don't notice as their rights are chipped away bit by bit.

Welcome to fascism american style.

At 12:35 AM, Blogger OY said...

Let me get this straight. Let's pull money out of our communities... send it to Washington... filter it through bureaucrats so they can dictate what we teach our kids from afar.

Besides. Property taxes pay for our schools, anyway. Why do we need a Department of Education at the Federal level?

At 7:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those people need to partake in the famous local product (Jack Daniels). Oops, you can't get liquor by the drink in Lynchburg.

At 8:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Steelhead, that's never stopped Baptists from drinking.

Mississippi was totally dry (except for beer) up until the early seventies.

But hard liquor and wine were available everywhere in little cinderblock drive-through illegal liquor stores. The bottles even had a state tax stamp on them--referred to as the bootlegger tax.

At 1:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So interesting. First of all I share their religious beliefs. I believe in the Bible. However, that hasn't dumbed me to the point of thinking Obama is a Muslim , when he clearly in his own words says he is a Christian. They only have things about half right.... but standing with Israel I agree with. Countries that go against them historically have big major problems.
But they missed the part about Bush making Sharon give land away... and then we started having natural disasters... and banking crises and generally a lot of crimes and murders.
So yeah half right. It is truly all about God and not us.
*not a Republican or Democrat**

At 9:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah! Anonymousie dude, ISRAEL, that's a real model. So you have BOTH halves of that bible?

Thank Goddess those of us who voted for Gore didn't also elect VP LieberFuch...

The Goddess works in mysterious wayz...

At 1:31 PM, Blogger Dave The Angry Rhode Islander said...

Great video. It's sad to see that people who seem to know so much about the bible and what god wants know so little about the world around them. More proof to me that religion keeps you ignorant.


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