Saturday, February 16, 2008



Donna and her mom

No, we can't bottle Donna Edwards. Somehow, though, the progressive movement needs to figure out how to make sure we wind up with more victories like that one we all had on Tuesday. Many are asking themselves why did Donna succeed where so many others didn't? Clearly, it starts with the candidate and that's pretty much the biggest part of the ball game. In Donna's case, we bought into a candidate with a vision, with a world view and a world of experience, a candidate with the background-- intellectual, spiritual, existential-- that was compelling, inspired and inspiring.

Our Blue America community donated more money to Donna in this cycle than to the next three most funded candidates combined. Clearly she struck a nerve with us and clearly it wasn't just because she was running against someone more villainous than anyone else. Rick Noriega, Andrew Rice, Ron Shepston and Vic Wulsin have far more detestable opponents (John Cornyn, James Inhofe, Gary Miller and Mean Jean Schmidt) than Al Wynn.

Within an hour of Wynn's concession Donna had written an e-mail to Blue America to say thanks. The next morning she had sent us a video thanking the community for our 3 years of efforts on her behalf. Of course, those 3 years are a two-way street, a crucial one, and one where lesser candidates may well have given up and said the odds were too steep, the chances too slim. Donna never gave up.

Today I'm 100% confident that we've helped elect not "more Democrats" (the hell with that) but a "better Democrat." And a leader, a leader for a national, values-based progressive movement. It's with the greatest pleasure that we welcome Donna Edwards back to Firedoglake this afternoon, a friend and a pathfinder. She'll be joining us for a chat at 2pm, EST (11am, PT).


If you already know her you don't have to ask. In case you don't know Donna, please take a look at this 30 second video clip she did today on FISA and retroactive immunity. It should help you to understand why people are so enthusiastic about her:

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At 4:54 PM, Blogger libhom said...

I think Edwards got so much support because people want at least one halfway decent political party.


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