There's hope for VA-05: a serious alternative to one of Congress's most dismal dullards, Virgil Goode

Remember the furor he caused over Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison choosing to be sworn in as a congressman with a Koran?
I fear that in the next century we will have many more Muslims in the United States if we do not adopt the strict immigration policies that I believe are necessary to preserve the values and beliefs traditional to the United States of America and to prevent our resources from being swamped.

As I have written previously, Tom Perriello is an extremely intriguing candidate who is generating a great deal of enthusiasm. Tom's progressive, faith-based approach, combined with his impressive fundraising, could very well give Virgil Goode a run for his money like he's never seen.
Since Lowell's piece appeared, I'm seeing a veritable deluge of encomia to Tom Perriello from the right people, people whose judgment I respect who know Tom and consider him, not just a high-order-of-magnitude upgrade over Virgil Goode (let's fact it, a Pet Rock would qualify for that), but an outstanding candidate in his own right.
Here's the bio of Tom that's posted on Wikipedia:
Born and raised in Albemarle County, Perriello is a product of Murray, Meriwether Lewis, Henley and Western Albemarle High School and graduated from St. Anne’s Belfield. He received both his B.A. (1996) and J.D. (2001) from Yale University. From 2002-03, Perriello was special advisor to the international prosecutor of the Special Court for Sierra Leone, where he helped to prosecute warlords.[2] He has been a consultant to the International Centre for Transitional Justice in Kosovo (2003), Darfur (2005), and Afghanistan (2007) where he worked on justice-based security strategies. Perriello has also been a fellow at The Century Foundation and consultant to the National Council of Churches of Christ. He helped to launch and is a co-founder of and, an international on-line community of 1.5 million members, operating in 12 languages, dedicated to building a global response to "problems without borders," such as climate change.

With Howie due back from his travels momentarily, once he's had a chance to catch his breath and settle back into his beloved blogging chair, I'm sure he's going to want to take his customary closer look at VA-05.
Labels: Mike Stark, Tom Perriello, Virgil Goode
VA-05 is solidly in the GOP column. But....good luck anyways!
It may well be, Anon, that the voters of VA-05 will continue wishing to be represented by a disgraceful and degrading slimebag who reflects profoundlyl humiliating shame not just on them but on the human race.
Then again, they may not. Now they're being given a meaningful alternative.
We'll see. Just remember that that "disgraceful and degrading slimebag who reflects profoundly humiliating shame not just on them but on the human race" used to be a Democrat. ;)
Don't forget that around here we don't think there's anything magical about being a Democrat. Some of the people we at DWT consider the biggest obstacles to political progress are Democrats.
At least, though, Democrats have certain principles to betray. In that sense, Virgil Goode found his natural home in the GOP.
Everyone knows this is an uphill battle, but Virginia Democrats have a good track record recently with those. The first time I met Tom I was inspired, and I started volunteering for the campaign. His style of conviction politics is engaging and he's made moderates and the apolitical into progressive believers. This is a fight worth fighting.
Once you meet Tom you will understand why so many independents and Republicans are standing with him for change and for a brighter future, not only for VA 5 but for our nation and the world.
The GOP Status Quo will finally go when Tom moves to Washington.This a "hear us now or believe us later" thing.
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