Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Quote of the day: James Carville pays fitting tribute to the fair-and-balanced folks at Fox Noise


"Fox was, is and will continue to be an asinine and ignorant network."
--James Carville, as reported by Greg Sargent on TPM Election Central

An e-pal passed this item along with the note: "Every now and then Carville reminds me of why I used to love him."

James Carville Emphatically Denies That He's Going To Work For Hillary
By Greg Sargent - January 8, 2008, 12:43PM

Fox News just reported that James Carville and Paul Begala will be re-entering the Clinton orbit by coming in to work for Hillary as senior campaign volunteers as early as tomorrow -- the idea being that they're being brought in to right Ship Hillary in the wake of.her Iowa loss and possible New Hampshire one.

The storyline of choice here, obviously, is that Bill's Bad Boys of 1992 are riding back in to rescue his wife from electoral disaster.

I just reached Carville on his cell. Here's what he had to say about this:

"Fox was, is and will continue to be an asinine and ignorant network. I have not spoken to anyone in the Clinton campaign about this. I have not done domestic political consulting since President Clinton was elected. I'm not getting back into domestic political consulting. If I do go back, it would be safe to say that I'm the biggest liar in America."

Asked if he knew whether Begala would be coming back, Carville continued:

"To the extent that I know anything, as of nine this morning, no he is not."

Oh, well. There goes that narrative.

Late Update: Ben Smith gets a denial from Begala, too: "As I say to the boys: N.H.D. Not Happenin' Dude."

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At 6:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, what a scoop, a news organization gets a story wrong! Almost like all the networks that had Obama up in New Hampshire.

It's awful quiet around here today. Everyone down in the dumps with the bitter defeat for Edwards?

It sure is looking like Hillary on the Dem side and of course I know you guys just love that warmonger McCain!

Oh well, there is always 2112!


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