Monday, September 10, 2007



If we leave... they follow us. But remember that Bush, like Roky Erickson, is from Texas. I fully expect Biden, Baird, Kerry, Lieberman and, certainly, Kerrey to fully support these new efforts, which are certainly every bit as crucial to our national security as attacking Saddam Hussein was.

For a more serious look at the Bush Regime's propaganda offensive, Jane Hamsher and Glenn Greenwald put together a comprehensive look at Petraeus' role as a flack. I'm sure Glenn and Jane admire Petraeus as a military tactician far more than I do, but they're not thrilled about him trying to rival Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity as a cheerleader for Bush's castastrophic agenda in Iraq. The video they did at FDL is great. Their idea to Stop the DC Establishment is just what we need.

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At 7:19 PM, Blogger John D. Patriot said...

Your photo of the President of the United States belies the arrogance, lack of taste and immaturity authors of this piece.
The damage has already been done. As a Vietnam Era Veteran I am all too painfully aware of the dangers which the left can find themselves in. The attacks against the integrity of the armed forces by leading Democrats (no matter how they try to spin it - it stung)such as Kerry, Durbin, Obama, Clinton,Schumer, has indelibly stained the banner of their party as one of shrill, cruel and unecessary rhetoric. The crowd merely put the nail in the coffin for '08. The Left, puffed up on hubris risks the same downfall witnessed during the '68 Chicago 'police riot' at the Democratic Convention which gave Nixon two back-to-back landslides. The Democratic Candidates, fearing a repeat by their leftist base at the 40th anniversary of those internationally televised riots are bending over even to Osama's camp in an effort to appease this radical base. Americans are taking note: America is not as "anti-ilitary' as the left is assuming.


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