Sunday, September 09, 2007



As you know, Blue America has promised to withdraw financial support for any incumbent who votes for Bush's $50 billion supplemental to the supplemental. Our members are adamant that the game playing stop and that Democrats stop enabling Bush and Cheney to keep their disastrous war agenda surging. It looks like every one of the incumbents endorsed by Blue America feel the same way we do. It doesn't surprise me that one of the Senate's worst bags of wind and one of the Bush Regime's most steadfast-- if stealthy-- supporters, Joe Biden (probably destined to prove that Hillary can pick as horrible as Secretary of State as Bush can) went on Meet the Press this morning and crowed about how he's all about stayin' the course. Crooks & Liars has the video up-- a video of Biden reciting the worst of the Rovian talking points: “cutting off funding means you don’t support the troops."

Obviously Blue America can't pull financial support from Biden since many of us have been saying he's the worst Democrat in the race and the only Democrat running for president who I wouldn't vote for-- not even if he were to be running against Full of Mitt. Jeralyn over at Talk Left runs down many of the reasons Biden should be shunned by anyone who gives a hoot about Democratic values and principles.

Feel free to think of the Blue America PAC as a Not Biden PAC.

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At 3:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

He also said that Petraeus was "dead wrong" in his assessment - what is wrong with him?

At 8:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I could handle Biden as a Cabinet member, probably. I think he's an intelligent guy and probably very good at Project Management, as it were.

He very well might make an effective Sec. of State, if you could get him on the right track. However, he just strikes me as a guy with no particular loyalty or philosophical grounding beyond 'what's good for Joe?'.

That said, I'd rather have him in almost any position than Lieberman. You could probably convince Biden to play the new game plan - Lieberman would be pining for the Bush days.

At 7:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Biden is owned by the credit card companies. Hell, the entire state of Delaware is.


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