Thursday, June 08, 2006

Quote of the day: A characteristically thoughtful poster on AOL's news chat board explains how the death of Zarqawi advances the cause of freedom


The death of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi is clearly significant, though it's hard to know exactly what that significance is, if only because, beyond the fact that the guy was clearly one nasty piece of work, there's not all that much about him that we know for sure is true—all the more so since the Pentagon has admitted engaging in a campaign of systematic lying about him in order to enhance his importance, for our freedom-fighting purposes. (Hmm, now when do you suppose that might come in handy?)

For those in the benighted reality-based community, BBC News has a useful obituary that attempts to sort out what we know and what we don't ("While many analysts argued he had used the Iraqi insurgency as a springboard to expand his operations, sceptics said his influence was exaggerated"), including the complex and confusing question of his apparently frosty relationship with Osama bin-Laden.

About one point, there's no question: Since Zarqawi didn't ally his terrorist group with bin-Laden's Al Qaeda until 2004, he clearly had no part in 9/11. It will be interesting to see how clear the Fox Nooze blowhards are about this.

Of course, real Americans know who the real enemy is. As this AOL poster explains:


(Apologies to Ann Coulter, who was runner-up for today's QOTD with her characteristically thoughtful observations about 9/11 survivors. Oh, so sorry, Annie, you were so close!)


At 12:44 PM, Blogger DownWithTyranny said...

Actually the new ATLANTIC MONTHLY has more about al-Zarqawi than anyone would want to know unless he was pointing a loaded gun at them. It's worth the read.

At 1:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ann on episcopalians...

"howard dean left the episcopal church - which is barely even a church - because his church, in montpelier, vermont, would not cede land for a bike path."

did ya get that, george washington, james madison, franklin roosevelt, and george h.w. bush?

ann on christians...

"throughout this book, i often refer to christians and christianity because i am a christian and i have a fairly good idea of what they believe, but the term is intended to include anyone who subscribes to the bible of the god of abraham, including jews and others."

did you get that, jews? you're christians! see you at the xmas party...

quotes from ann coulter's
"godless: the church of liberalism" (Crown Forum)

At 7:49 PM, Blogger Timcanhear said...

O'Reilly turned the truth once again today when he screamed that the far left, those air america far left people, are dispicable.
Somewhere inside his tiny mind, he heard progressives saying that zarqawi is nothing and that America is to blame for it all. We have two choices. We can ignore this messenger of lies and hate or we can continue to do the right thing and expose the fool. He has too many viewers to ignore him.
Ann Coulter, on the other hand, is a hack who should be ignored. One fool without a tv show is but a grain of sand, if not for the tv tube. I get sick when I see her face or hear mention of her name.
Know what the opposition to humanity is all about, money and fame. The human element is discarded in their quest. The spotlight, they eat it up. Take away the light and watch them shrivel to nothing. They've found a platform and they know how to turn people against one another for ratings. Their run for big dollars and fame is successful and if their ideology spreads in America, we're no longer a multicultural nation of people, we're a multicultural CONGLOMERATE of people, led by fools, FOR fools.
I'll be happy the day we can turn to something other than evil to talk about and profit from. Now though, I'm sick. Literally sick.
Liberals know that madness will end when people embrace humanity. Without it, we're lost souls and lost children.
I think of the future and wonder what it will mean and I wonder, as I look through it all, when I was a child, was life as sweet as it seemed?
Have we truly fallen this far? Is this what our votes have done?
We're an excited nation because one terrorist named zarqawi, in the midst of many, is a dead man.
I'll celebrate when the terror from the rest of them is gone. I'll celebrate when terror from the O'Reilly's of the world, who use sexual perversion, murder and ignorant hacks to feed their ego's and ratings, are gone from the stage.
Get them the hell out of here!

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