Wednesday, January 11, 2006



The Bush Regime has launched another McCarthyesque attack on patriots who question their disastrous, incompetent and deceitful policies in Iraq. Yesterday Bush was mumbling some incomprehensible nonsense about how politicians who criticize him are giving "comfort to our adversaries" and how they will suffer at the ballot box in November.

Considering that Bush's allies in control of vote counting at Diebold and other Republican election stealing organizations are losing their grip in state after state (the BradBlog always has the greatest and most complete updates on GOP electronic vote stealing and has a particularly powerful piece up now tying arch Republicrook Bob Ney to the stealing on the 2004 presidential election in Ohio), his threat seems somewhat toothless. The toothlessness is further demonstrated by the latest Associated Press/Ipsos poll showing only 36% of Americans think Republicans are fit to lead Congress. (Today's AOL poll asks respondents to choose between 3 options in answer the question "How do you view people who criticize the handling of the Iraq war?" 29% agree with Bush and go for option #2- "I disagree with them and I think they're disloyal." Option #3-- "I disagree with them but don't question their loyalty," a kind of moderate view, drew 13%, and the overwhelming support was behind, the anti-Bush choice, option #1-- "I agree with them," which is leading by 58%.

The vicious Bush Regime attack on war critics is falling flat. Their demagogic attacks against Howard Dean and John Murtha have strengthened support for both me and given them heroic status to many Americans.


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