
Not really a good day for indicted Republican Crime Boss/former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay today. Judge Priest rejected motions from DeLay to dismiss all the charges against him. He did dismiss the less serious charges (conspiracy) but is going forward with a trial on the money laundering charges that could land DeLay in prison for many years-- and will prevent him from reclaiming his leadership post in the House. Judge Priest said Ronnie Earle, Travis County D.A. and his office "will have established that money was laundered'' if they can show that DeLay and the 2 crooked stooges charged with him, Jim Ellis and John Colyandro, funneled corporate donations through the Republican National State Elections Committee in 2002 with an agreement that it be used in races for the Texas legislature. It will be next to impossible for DeLay to slither out from under that one.
But as a measure of God's hatred for someone festering with as much evil as DeLay, a CNN/Gallop poll of DeLay's East Texas district came out today showing that Democrat Nick Lampson will probably wipe the floor with the former exterminator (nicknamed "The Hammer by admirers). If DeLay isn't in prison by next November-- a big if-- and he seeks re-election, respondants to the poll say they would have any Democrat by a margin of 49% to 36% for DeLay. And Lampson isn't just any Democrat. He is a much admired and trusted moderate former congressman who represented much of this district before DeLay engineered the gerrymander that has him two steps away from the pokey now. (Talk about being hoisted on one's own petard, DeLay actually cut some GOP strongholds out of his districts to make it easier for Repugs in surrounding areas to win and this little strategy could lead to his electoral downfall-- as well as his legal downfall.)
The same also showed that only 37% of the people in his district have a favorable opinion of the extremist, crooked DeLay and that 55% of the people in the district think the charges against him are either probably true or definitely true. (8% believe the charges are definitely false, the same 8% who probably believe Saddam bombed the World Trade Center with weapons of mass destruction and George W. Bush was a decorated fighter pilot.)
Yes, I've certainly been surprised at some of the low-lifes I've found myself feeling wholly unexpected twinges of sympathy with. But I'd be REALLY surprised if that ever happened with the Hammer, who as far as I can tell has no redeeming human qualities whatever.
Certainly I agree, though, that it's too soon to "count him out"! He'll fight back with everything he has. But when even the AOL report announcing the dropping of his conspiracy charges basically minimizes the significance of this development, and then goes on to enumerate, not all of his saintly qualities, but some of the still-festering scandals he's at or near the center of, the prognosis can't be cheery for our Tom.
Maybe one reason I have such loathing for him is the utter cynicism and opportunism he brought to the Republican retaking of the House.
There was a case to be made that the Democratic majority, ideologically fractured and semi-effectual as it was accomplishment-wise, was so bloated and corrupt from its long term of institutionalized power that it deserved whatever it got from the insurgent Republicans who ousted them.
But nobody deserves what the Hammer had in store for the vanquished foes. He wanted, not payback, but obliteration. It had nothing to do with historic grievances against the ousted arrogant Democratic majority. It was pure power, greed and ideological extremism. In fashioning his new Congressional Republican majority, his goals were (a) to cash in immediately and permanently, by bullying big contributors not just to pay (and pay BIG) for access to the new majority, but to refrain from putting even occasional pennies in Democratic coffers, and (b) to establish a permanent Republican majority by all means, fair and foul (with the accent on "foul"), that fate had now put at his disposal.
These days one is automatically assumed to be politically unserious when one hurls the "fascist" label. But the Hammer understands the fascist agenda, and has done more to further it, with a lot less dignity and decency, than many a full-blooded card-carrying fascist.
delay is done. put a fork in it. whomever he touches will fall with him.
speaking of 'put a fork in it'..I'm not much of a fan of Hilary as I've had no reason to be a fan but when she starts talking about "flag burning" as a crime, well then ... houston, we have a problem.
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