Saturday, December 03, 2005



According to a Time Magazine poll to be released Monday, 60% of Americans agree on one thing about the next president-- that he or she be "completely different" from George W. Bush. According to the poll 41% approve of the way Bush is doing his job (down 1% since this outfit did it's last poll, right after Bush was commending "Brownie" for the great job he had done after Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans while Bush played a fiddle guitar).

Over three-quarters of those who disapprove of the job Bush is doing say they are "unlikely to change their mind"...ever. But whether they approve, disapprove, might change their mind, or will never change their mind, the vast majority of Americans want the next president to be someone NOT like Bush. (36% are certifiably insane-- or joking with the poll-taker-- and claim they want someone similar to Bush.) The poll also shows that if the 2004 election were held again, Kerry would win again, but by a greater margin.

The poll also found that although "blue states" residents are now favoring voting for Democratic congressional candidates by an overwhelming 55%/30% tsunami-strength margin, as many brainwashed, bucktoothed rednecks in "red states" are still willing to vote for a Republicrook (42%) as for a Democrat (42%); those damn Southerners are still holding a grudge over that whole civil rights thing.

On the normal questions that always pop up on these polls, 60% disapprove of Bush's handling of Iraq, 50% think the U.S. was wrong to go to war against Iraq in the first place, 48% understand that Bush deliberately misled Americans to build the case for war (45% still haven't faced this), 60% still see the country going down the wrong track, and 57% think he's botching up on immigration (2% more than those who say he's screwing up the economy).

Bush's negative job approval ratings are so low because of specific problems that voters think he's failing to handle well. The ones he gets the strongest negatives on are: the federal budget deficit (39%), cronyism charges (39%), his handling of hurricane recovery in the Gulf coast (37%), his handling of the economy (35%), the failure of his social security initiative (32%), the indictment of Cheney's chief of staff Irving "Scooter" Libby (26%).

On the brighter side, for Bush, he still has 27% of Americans hoodwinked into thinking his ill-defined, confusing jumbled hodgepodge approach to illegal immigration is the way to go.


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