Sunday, November 11, 2018

The Emperor Has No Mind


by Noah

Nixon was pretty damn bad. We knew he was a bad guy. He’d given some signs of mental instability too, perhaps most notably with his 1962 “You won’t have Nixon to kick around anymore” speech. Sadly we did 6 years later. But, it wasn’t until he was heading for his exit that we learned just how wacked out he was. Now we have Donald Trump. Like with Nixon, the signs were there before he got "elected" President. It was even more obvious, but his voters went to the parade and saw what they wanted to see and saw what they were told to see by the corporate media.

What we have here in Donald Trump and his supporters is a variation of the old Emperor Has No Clothes thing. He acts like he should be bowed down to by all, as if he was an emperor or dictator. His enablers and supporters look at him and they refuse to see the reality that their "president" is stark, raving mad and could destroy us all, including them, if he isn’t stopped. A madman can lose his mind but that doesn’t mean he can’t plot his trajectory, and ours, every day.

Crazy as he is, he is able to deliberately create chaos. He does it in order to achieve a result. History and comic books are full of truly evil and demented people like Donald Trump. Consider Trump a real life example of The Joker from the Batman comics, a twisted man bent on creating mayhem simply for his own gratification and personal gain.

On Wednesday, the day after the elections turned over the control of the House of Representatives to the Democrats, Trump was fuming and panic stricken over what he correctly saw as a rapidly coming future of at least some level of reckoning. For the first time in his life, at least since he and his father lost a racial bias court case or two in New York, Trump stands to face, if not some accountability, some high profile exposure of his misdeeds and criminality. He knows that his obsequious cabana boy, California Rep. Devin Nunes, is no longer in charge of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. Come January, California's Rep. Adam Schiff will be.

So, what was a sniveling caged rat in a freaked out panic state of feverish mental illness like Donald Trump to do? Ever the marketing man, he knew a smokescreen, a distraction was required and it had to be an elaborate one. He would hold a long and rambling press conference. Don’t look over there! Look here! He would pretend the takeover of the House was meaningless, almost never happened. Takeover? What takeover? Ditto for the losses of governorships and state legislatures. He would play up the Senate victories and he would display his vile, virulent pettiness and mock those in his own party who lost House and Senate races as getting what they deserved for not embracing and praising him at every opportunity. He would, once again, attack the press as “the enemy of the people” when it is only the perceived enemy of himself. His mobster-style message to all was “If you don’t kiss my ring and kiss my ass, then bad things will happen to you.“ In so doing, he once again displayed his massive insecurities and psychosis; something a person in full control of their mind would never do, certainly not live on national TV.

As if to deliberately reveal how far gone Trump’s aides are, one of them was heard to say words to the effect that “this is going to be great” as Trump waddled into the room to give his version of the theater of the absurd. What followed could just be titled “President Crazy Pants Loses It On National TV For An Hour And A Half” or, perhaps, “The Crackup Of A President” or some thing similar.

It backfired. Trump could not control his mind and he went off the deep end. He went way too far. He was more than confrontational, petulant and belligerent as he fumbled at his podium and stalked around it aimlessly like a deranged street person. His mental illness is in full bloom now. It's more out in the open than ever before. Only his support group of fellow crazies could possibly look at the actual film of the press conference and see it otherwise and they did. FOX “News” reported that CNN reporter Jim Acosta “strong-armed” a female intern who Trump had sent to seize his microphone. Nothing could be further from the truth of course, as film of the entire incident clearly shows, but FOX “News” and their White House partner showed the public a doctored version of the film of the incident that had been made by another one of Trumpanzee’s favorite “news” outlets, Alex Jones’ Infowars. When you’re afflicted with Republican Insanity Syndrome, the truth is not the truth.

The White House’s presentation of the Alex Jones video recreation of the Acosta incident did nothing to change the minds of sane people but it was a real Goebbels moment. In tandem with their presentation of genuinely fake news, however, the White House revoked Jim Acosta’s White House press credentials. Trump sent out Sarah Huckabbee Sanders to lie to the world about what everyone had seen with their own eyes on live TV; and lie she did with all of her customary great fervor; falsely accusing Acosta of putting his hands on the female intern. It was a perfect manifestation of the Republican “truth is not the truth” way of life. That girl Sarah was born to lie! But, born of what, who knows?

I’m actually happy for Acosta. I know he must be disappointed and frustrated at the turn of events but I know I wouldn’t want the job of visiting an insane asylum every day forever. Having to constantly look in on the insane likes of sociopaths like Stephen Miller, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Kellyanne Conway, John Kelly and all the rest of Trump’s servile toadies is bound to take its toll. It has to be one of the very most depressing jobs in journalism, right up there with seeing kids in cages, reporting on people who are doomed to die simply because they can’t afford proper medical care, or listening to Eric and Donnie Jr. talk.

Once the whole press conference debacle blew up in their faces, Trump and his White House needed yet another “event” to redirect the spotlight yet again. They came up with a doozy, they pulled out AG Jeff Sessions’ resignation “at your request” letter. Yeah, that’s going over real big, just like Nixon’s infamous Saturday Night Massacre. Sessions is now free to go home to Alabama and bake swastika cookies for the rest of his days, but odds are, he will try to run for the Senate. Oh joy!

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At 3:52 PM, Blogger VG said...

Most excellent post, Noah. I hope you will write more longer posts for DWT

At 6:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I won't make the corporate media the hero here. They continue to NOT report the real news, and they don't ever challenge Hair Furor over his repeated lies. They won't even use the word "LIE", which only shows that they recognize that their bosses will cut off their pay if they do not do their propaganda jobs to the satisfaction of their corporate masters.

CNN should have been loudly defending their man, but I fail to note much of an effort on their part. Should this not be evidence of their complicity?

American media is so completely useless I get better information from foreign sources.

At 9:02 PM, Blogger Mary and Phil said...

Excellent post. So many appalling moments but his deranged dissing of the firefighters and the forestry personnel in CA is yet another. Maybe we could get him to go visit the forest fires to make a direct assessment?

At 6:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

your depiction of trump as mentally ill and losing it is salient.

but I posit that this only makes him a better reflection of the cluster fuck of a shithole who elected him. he's only making his re-election in 2020 more of a slam-dunk.

He's already pre-empted any and all potential house investigations by threatening senate (remember he now has a bigger majority there?? why no autopsies here?) investigations of the house.

And we all should know that democrap house investigations are a myth anyway. the democraps haven't had a single ball in their shorts since the '70s. All speculation about them is either delusional wishful thinking or sheepdogging... possibly both.

Any objective look back at the 2009 congress proves that the democraps will never do anything useful with any majority, even the 60 and +65 they had then. We ALL remember those investigations of cheney and gonzalez led by the intrepid Pelosi in 2006... RIIIIGHT??

I'll just NOT go out on a limb and predict that a 2020 retrospective on the democrap house of 2019 will also be a big zipittydoodah.

If you're looking for corporate service, though... MUCH different story.

At 2:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Most disappointing is the lack of solidarity from the rest of the media. "First they came for the trade unionists..."

Kim Kaufman


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