9 Really Horrible Things That Don't Even Include Trump-- And One Really Good One That Will Help Us Get Rid Of Him
Yesterday, everyone around the water cooler-- and beyond-- was talking about Politico Magazine's cover story about the 9 disaster's we still aren't ready for. Garrett Graff put together a Politico post-COVID "Domestic Threat Assessment"-- a list of the most significant events that might impact the U.S. over the next 30 to 50 years. Hard to imagine there could be a bigger threat or worse impact on our country than Trump in the White House, but when my friend Helen sent Graff's article to me yesterday she said it was the scariest thing she had ever read and urged me not to show it to Roland. "These are threats that seem rare," wrote Graff, "but that over a given period are almost guaranteed to occur-- events that humans, and therefore political leaders, have a hard time understanding and planning for... Beyond other pandemics, which appear regularly every decade or two, there are eight other major threats (and one wild card) that scientists and national security officials worry about currently that are real, identifiable and stand a chance that is more likely than not of occurring-- at some scale, ranging from mild to catastrophic-- in the next five to 50 years. Here’s what’s coming for us now:
That was a taste of what Graff has to say. You need to read the whole thing. Meanwhile, I'm sticking to what I said earlier about how it's hard to imagine anything worse for our country than Trump-- and I'm not even voting for Biden!! Speaking of which, last month, Dr. Drew Westen, a psychology and psychiatry professor at Emory University who founded a politics-oriented strategic messaging consulting firm published a piece in Psychology Today about what motivates voters. He's discovered over the years that reasoned beliefs don't determine which candidate most people vote for. Two other factors do: voters' feelings for the candidate's political party (partisanship) and voters' feelings about the candidate himself.
"Neuroimaging studies," he wrote, "confirmed no signs of intelligent life when people were purportedly reasoning about unflattering information regarding a preferred political candidate. Neural circuits typically active in reasoning tasks never turned on. What did light up were circuits that traffic in negative emotions and Houdini-like efforts to escape-- until they came up with a satisfying rationalization that eliminated the problem. Then something totally unexpected happened. Their brains actually gave them a little emotional pat on the back for their efforts. There was a flurry of dopamine activity in reward circuits. I came to understand that it is hard to change the partisan brain because we get rewarded for lying to ourselves... It’s not that rational thinking is irrelevant when we pull that voting lever, but that we think for a reason, and the reasons are always emotional in nature. The only things we reason about are the things that we care about. Our feelings are our guide to action. Reason provides a map of where we want to go, but first we have to want to go there. In politics as in the rest of life, we think because we feel." That led to this conclusion"
"Politics, then, is less a marketplace of ideas than a marketplace of emotions. To be successful, a candidate needs to reach voters in ways that penetrate the heart at least as much as the head. That makes political messaging critical-- and perhaps about to determine the course of American history." Westen wrote that In 2007 he had "watched one Democratic presidential candidate after another go down in flames... and wrote a book titled The Political Brain. It dissected how candidates might talk with voters if they started with an understanding of the way our minds actually work."
• Globalization of white supremacy
• Attacks on trust and truth
If the 2016 election was the story of our democracy being blindsided by misinformation, disinformation and hack-and-dump cyberattacks, cyber experts are warning that the next new threat online will almost certainly involve attempts by adversaries to manipulate or delete data or otherwise raise public doubts about whether reported reality is real reality. “Trust and truth are the foundations of free and open societies,” says Sue Gordon, a career intelligence officer who served until last summer as the principal deputy director of national intelligence, the top career official in the intelligence community. “Our growing concern about those two things are causing chaos in open societies and leaving room for authoritarian tendencies.”• Biosecurity
...[I]nsidious for democracy are the threats that come as the country enters the election season this fall. Security experts have been warning of all manner of data manipulation attacks that could lead to ongoing or permanent questions about the accuracy of election results. While actually altering votes at scale would prove challenging, it could be comparatively easy to alter the reported vote totals on a secretary of state website or a news site, or to post images-- real or fake-- of hacking a single machine.
Experts like Robert Chesney and Danielle Citron have also raised alarms about "deepfakes,” AI-driven doctored audio or video that could literally put words in peoples’ mouths or place them in physical locations where they never were. Simpler “dumbfakes” or “cheap fakes” have proven effective: Trump supporters have circulated both a slowed-down video of Nancy Pelosi, meant to make her appear cognitively impaired, and a sped-up video that made CNN’s Jim Acosta appear to aggressively hit a White House intern. Much more sophisticated techniques already are on public display.
Terrorists, mad scientists, lab cccidents and biological warfare.• Technological disruption
Downed power grids, GPS outages and solar flares• Nukes
• Climate Change
Global environmental and ecological degradation, as well as climate change, are likely to fuel competition for resources, economic distress, and social discontent through 2019 and beyond. Climate hazards … are intensifying, threatening infrastructure, health, and water and food security.• COVID-19's next level impact
[T]he country’s ongoing, disastrous response to the pandemic-- by almost any measure one of the worst in the developed world-- is sending a clear message to other countries that the U.S. can no longer be counted on to lead global conversations. The U.S. didn’t even show up to a massive international vaccine virtual summit this week.• Catastrophic earthquakes
Um... Nothing by Chip Proser
The U.S., if current trends continue, might find that it finally beats the virus in a year or two-- but emerges from the pandemic no longer the world leader economically, politically or morally that it’s been for the last 75 years. The world, in turn, may discover in this moment that it doesn’t need the U.S. in the way that it thought it did. That could be even more true if a Covid vaccine emerges first in China or Europe.
California’s “Big One,” along the San Andreas, gets most of the attention, but there are three other U.S. faults that cause emergency planners perhaps even more heartburn.• Unknown unknowns
First, the Cascadia Subduction Zone, a fault about 700 miles off the Pacific Coast of Oregon and Washington, or what the New Yorker called in 2015, “The Really Big One.” The fault, when it goes, might unleash “only” an earthquake between 8.0 and 8.6 magnitude, which itself would rank as one of the most powerful and destructive quakes to ever hit the United States. But a so-called full margin rupture of the fault would prove truly catastrophic, potentially topping 9.0. Beyond the quake’s damage from the shaking, it could cause a multi-hundred-mile tsunami to inundate the West Coast with just 15 minutes warning. FEMA’s projections show 13,000 initial deaths from the quake and the tsunami, and upward of a million people displaced. These are hardly abstract threats; geologists say there’s a one-in-three chance of an 8.0 earthquake in the region in the next 50 years. “The amount of devastation is going to be unbelievable,” an Oregon geologist Rob Witter said in 2009, after calculating that a full 9.0 quake has a 10 percent to 14 percent chance of occurring in the next half century. “People aren't going to be ready for this.”
Second, the New Madrid Seismic Zone—named for a Missouri town and running from Arkansas up to Illinois—has historically produced the strongest earthquakes in the lower-48 states. In the winter of 1811-1812, a series of three quakes shifted land more than 15 feet, liquified the ground and caused whole islands to disappear. In a 2019 regional exercise, known as “Shaken Fury,” local, state and federal officials drilled on how to respond to a 7.7 magnitude New Madrid earthquake. Daniel Kaniewski, a managing director at Marsh & McLennan who until February served as the No. 2 at FEMA, recalls visiting one major state emergency operations centers and discovering that officials there refused to even simulate a quake of that strength; they’d determined that the local devastation would be so great that emergency planners would have no adequate response, even in a tabletop exercise. “Just the exercise alone could so tax the system that there wouldn't be valuable lessons learned,” he recalls. “That earthquake is one that we as a nation are very vulnerable to.”
...Third, and probably least known of all, is the Wasatch fault zone, stretching across Utah and Idaho, tracing the rough outline of the Salt Lake Valley, and which has been active even just in recent days; in March, it recorded a 5.7 magnitude quake. “The earthquake in Idaho and Utah was a big wake-up call,” Phoenix says. Larger earthquakes in the region might quickly prove devastating. “Wasatch is every bit as concerning as a southern California quake, not simply because of the magnitude potential but because of the vulnerabilities present there,” Kaniewski says. “Much of the building construction in Salt Lake City is unreinforced masonry-- URM-- and it crumbles when a quake happens.”
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COVID-45 by Nancy Ohanian |
That was a taste of what Graff has to say. You need to read the whole thing. Meanwhile, I'm sticking to what I said earlier about how it's hard to imagine anything worse for our country than Trump-- and I'm not even voting for Biden!! Speaking of which, last month, Dr. Drew Westen, a psychology and psychiatry professor at Emory University who founded a politics-oriented strategic messaging consulting firm published a piece in Psychology Today about what motivates voters. He's discovered over the years that reasoned beliefs don't determine which candidate most people vote for. Two other factors do: voters' feelings for the candidate's political party (partisanship) and voters' feelings about the candidate himself.
"Neuroimaging studies," he wrote, "confirmed no signs of intelligent life when people were purportedly reasoning about unflattering information regarding a preferred political candidate. Neural circuits typically active in reasoning tasks never turned on. What did light up were circuits that traffic in negative emotions and Houdini-like efforts to escape-- until they came up with a satisfying rationalization that eliminated the problem. Then something totally unexpected happened. Their brains actually gave them a little emotional pat on the back for their efforts. There was a flurry of dopamine activity in reward circuits. I came to understand that it is hard to change the partisan brain because we get rewarded for lying to ourselves... It’s not that rational thinking is irrelevant when we pull that voting lever, but that we think for a reason, and the reasons are always emotional in nature. The only things we reason about are the things that we care about. Our feelings are our guide to action. Reason provides a map of where we want to go, but first we have to want to go there. In politics as in the rest of life, we think because we feel." That led to this conclusion"
"Politics, then, is less a marketplace of ideas than a marketplace of emotions. To be successful, a candidate needs to reach voters in ways that penetrate the heart at least as much as the head. That makes political messaging critical-- and perhaps about to determine the course of American history." Westen wrote that In 2007 he had "watched one Democratic presidential candidate after another go down in flames... and wrote a book titled The Political Brain. It dissected how candidates might talk with voters if they started with an understanding of the way our minds actually work."
As was readily apparent from their campaigns over decades, Democrats and Republicans have had two very different implicit visions of the mind of the voter. Republicans talked about their values, such as faith, family, and limited government. Their think tanks are feel tanks and fuel tanks, generating and testing what the brilliant wordsmith on the right, Frank Luntz, called “words that work.”
Democrats, in contrast, talked about their policy prescriptions, bewitched by the dictum that “a campaign is a debate on the issues.” Their think tanks brought in fellows to work out policies based on the best available science. Perhaps blinded by their indifference to emotion, they left to chance the selling of those policies to the public.
...Survey data across decades of elections show that success or failure at the ballot box tends to reflect, first and foremost, voters’ feelings toward the parties, the candidates, and the economy, in that order. Then come feelings toward candidates’ specific attributes, such as competence or empathy. Feelings on any given issue come in a distant fifth in predicting election outcomes. Voters’ beliefs about the issues barely register. And except for political junkies, most voters are neither interested in detailed policy prescriptions nor competent to assess them.
What voters want to know are the answers to two questions: Does this person, and does this party, share my values? And do they understand and care about people like me? Those turn out to be pretty rational questions. No one can predict a black swan or coronavirus pandemic, but you’re likely to feel comfortable with the decisions of leaders who share your values and care about people like you... Studying voters’ responses over the last several years has allowed me to distill three basic principles central to effective political messaging, all rooted in the way our minds and brains work.
Principle #1:In 2020, high-quality affordable healthcare for all Americans is one of the top priorities for voters, as it has been for three decades. Illness doesn’t come in red or blue. Lack of insurance harms people on both sides of the aisle.
Know what networks you’re activating. Our brains are vast networks of neurons, which combine in millions of ways into circuits that not only maintain our lives but create all of our thoughts, feelings, and actions. Of most significance to persuasive messaging are networks of associations, sets of thoughts, feelings, images, memories, and values that become interconnected over time. These networks are primarily unconscious, always whirring in the background, directing our thoughts, feelings, and behavior.
Nothing could be more important in political communication than knowing which neural wires we are inadvertently tripping, which networks we want to activate or connect, and which ones we want to deactivate.
Consider this phrase: the unemployed. What’s wrong with that? Just about everything, because it trips some inadvertent wires.
For starters, it takes real people with pain-lined faces and turns them into nameless, faceless abstractions. If you want people to feel something for the unemployed, you need to do just the opposite. It also turns a group of people that likely includes someone you know and care about yourself-- and among whose ranks you have likely been at some point-- into a them. And then there’s the just-world hypothesis-- our tendency to rationalize away bad things that happen to good people. Speaking of the unemployed cries out for just-world sentiments such as, “I wonder what they did to lose their jobs?” or “Perhaps they are just lazy.”
All of this happens unconsciously and in the flicker of an instant, so that by the time you’ve gotten half a sentence out, you’ve already taken two steps backward, and none forward. The alternative is simple and humanizing, rather than abstract and dehumanizing: People who’ve lost their jobs. You can literally feel the difference from the unemployed. And to inoculate against the just-world hypothesis, try People who’ve lost their job through no fault of their own.
Abstractions activate a thin strip of cortex-- the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex-- that plays a central role in neural circuits involved in reasoning and conscious thought. But those aren’t the circuits that move levers in the voting booth.
If you care about policies that help people who are unemployed, then you want to evoke empathy for those people. The brain has circuits that evolved specifically to create empathy toward others. These neural circuits, the ventromedial and orbital areas of the prefrontal cortex, are also just a stone’s throw away from circuits involved in emotional processing. And our language captures something important about emotions: They move us.
How about Medicaid recipients? What image comes to mind when you think of a recipient? If you’re like most white people, it is outstretched hands, which are looking for a handout-- a phrase that evolved from the gesture. Recipients are also passive. The term does not connote people actively seeking work or trying to help themselves. That is why referring to people on Medicaid is equally destructive: It suggests they are on the dole-- back to outstretched hands.
Making matters worse, although the majority of people who rely on Medicaid for their health are white, the phrase tends to activate unconscious or implicit prejudice, as most white people who hear Medicaid recipient picture poor people of color, with all the conscious and unconscious bias it entails.
The alternative, once again, is to turn people into people: People who rely on Medicaid for their health care. They are not recipients. They are not on anything.
And there is a way to turn Medicaid recipient into something powerful. No anti-Medicaid message I have ever tested can block the 20-point boost in favorability delivered by a message that begins with these words: Chances are, if you have a parent or grandparent in a nursing home, Medicaid is paying for their care. People in nursing homes are often disabled-- cognitively, physically, or both-- but we love and care about them, either because they are our beloved relatives or someone else’s, and they deserve dignity in later life or care for their illness. And the hero of the story is Medicaid, which is actively and benevolently paying for their care.
There’s still room to up the ante and make the statement even stronger-- 10 favorability points stronger. Just precede it with one clause: Whether you’re white, black, or brown, chances are, if you have a parent or grandparent in a nursing home... Why does that improve the message? First, it deactivates the implicit stereotype among white people of Medicaid recipients and the negative emotion activated by that stereotype. Second, the them becomes us. The phrasing is inclusive in a way that doesn’t feel like pandering or indulging in identity politics. It is about all of us, and it doesn’t matter what color we are.
Which brings us to DREAMers. Like the unemployed and Medicaid recipients, it’s an appeal to empathy without the appeal. And it adds an element of unintelligibility to the average voter. Why are they called DREAMers? What are they dreaming about? What’s the story with the capital DREAM? (It’s an acronym for a piece of legislation with a name no one knows.) And perhaps most important, why do the children of undocumented immigrants get to have the American Dream when, for the first time in history, three-quarters of Americans do not believe that their own children will be better off than their parents-- the core of the American Dream?
So who are DREAMers? Try this: children who have never pledged allegiance to any flag other than ours.
Principle #2:
Speak to voters’ values and emotions. Our emotions and values are not arbitrary. We have them for a reason. Positive emotions draw us toward things, people, and ideas we believe are good for ourselves and the people we care about; negative emotions lead us to avoid or fight them. In politics, messages that tap into hope, satisfaction, pride, and enthusiasm, on the one hand, and fear, anxiety, anger, and disgust on the other, move people, first of all to vote, then to vote for one party or candidate versus another.
What all human beings find compelling is rooted in the structure and evolution of our brains, and it is expressed in our values as well as in our emotions. Family is a value that matters to people across the political spectrum. Natural selection, at its core, is about survival, reproduction, and alliances with people who help us survive, reproduce, and care for our kin.
For years, the political left ceded family values to the right, which tested that term 40 years ago, saw a winner, and spent hundreds of millions of dollars branding it as theirs. For more than a generation, that effort essentially tied the hands of Democrats in speaking about perhaps the most important value to our species and the source of the most powerful of emotions.
Principle #3:
Tell a coherent, memorable story. Our brains are wired to understand, to be drawn to and into, and to remember and pass along to others information presented in a particular form: narrative. As a species, we survived for about 200,000 years before the emergence of literacy, requiring some mechanism for transmitting knowledge and values across generations. All known human societies have myths and legends in the form of stories.
Issues are not narratives. Nor are 10-point plans. Narratives have protagonists and antagonists. At least in the West, narratives tend to have a particular story structure, or grammar, recognizable even to preschool children. It includes, among other elements, an initial situation, a problem, a battle to be fought or hill to be climbed, and a resolution. Stories also tend to have a moral. The particular values embedded in that moral are central to the difference between the right and the left.
Perhaps the most important lesson I have learned from testing hundreds of thousands of narratives on the most important issues of our time, from contraception and abortion to climate change and economics, is that virtually every successful political narrative has a structure derivative of this grammar. Except for attack ads, which diverge only partly from this structure, effective messages begin with a statement of values that transcends political divides (to establish a connection between speaker and listener), then raise concerns in vivid ways that activate emotions, particularly moral emotions, such as fairness or indignation. Finally, after briefly describing a solution, but skipping details, they end with a sense of hope.
When Barack Obama first ran for president 12 years ago, several organizations that had been working on the issue hired me to develop pro-reform messages and test them against potential attacks. Public support for expanding healthcare coverage proved so widespread that the issue was bulletproof-- but only with effective messaging. If any of the messages began with, I believe in universal healthcare, the percentage who supported reform roughly equaled the percentage opposing it, given a tough narrative from the right about “socialized medicine” or “a government bureaucrat between you and your doctor.” But if the same message began with, I believe in a doctor for every family, support exceeded opposition 70 percent to 30 percent. Universal healthcare is abstract, cold, and sterile-- just like the name of the bill that succeeded in at least partly expanding coverage, the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The name does not capture many of the most important values that move voters on healthcare: the choice to retain the close personal connection they may already have with their doctor and the ability to choose a plan they believe is best for their family.
Universal healthcare also unconsciously activates neural networks that evoke both prejudice and legitimate concerns about quality, as white voters picture images of clinics with long lines, packed with people of color getting the kind of inferior care many people of color currently receive. Had the bill instead been named A Family Doctor for Every Family-- parallel to George W. Bush’s signature legislation on education, No Child Left Behind-- it would have activated entirely different neural networks, connoting a personal connection with their doctor, high-quality care they have chosen, and coverage for everyone.
Within the first hundred days of the Obama administration, the House of Representatives passed a healthcare bill that captured what the American public wanted. The Democrats said it was about making sure everyone has good, affordable care. It took the Senate over a year to pass a watered-down version that dropped key provisions-- a Medicare-like option to compete with private insurance and the power of the government to negotiate drug prices. By the time the bill passed, the Republicans had captured the narrative, turning a once-popular reform bill into “socialized medicine.”
Since then, Republicans have pushed to curtail the law and refused to amend it in ways that could improve care for millions more people. The ACA covers 20 million people who didn’t have coverage before, including all children, and permits coverage of people with pre-existing conditions. But it’s still possible to get stuck with a $10,000 deductible, and medical expenses remain the leading cause of bankruptcy.
Republican opposition to the Affordable Care Act, deficient as it is, cost it control of the House in the 2018 midterm election. The Democrats enter the 2020 race with the challenge of selling to voters a broken program and the promise of fixing it.
To start with, what do they even call it? Most voters do not know what the Affordable Care Act is. Many speak negatively about Obamacare, not realizing they use and like it. Research shows that the two worst things to call either extending the ACA or taking a different path to healthcare are the names Democrats are currently using: Obamacare and Medicare for All. It was Republicans who coined the name Obamacare in an attempt to kill it. Any program named after a president will have the lasting enmity of the voters of the other party.
Medicare for All, although assuring that everyone would be covered, scares tens of millions of voters who fear it would create lowest-common-denominator care. A defining feature of U.S. culture is individualism; for all does not resonate with the political center.
...Voters want a solution to healthcare issues that addresses their values, interests, and concerns. They want high-quality, affordable care, with freedom to choose among plans, freedom from worries about problems like pre-existing conditions, and coverage for everyone. At the same time, they do not want to lose their current plan or doctor, they worry about any program that will create long lines and poor-quality care, and they worry about the cost of the program. Many swing voters are also leery of “socialized medicine.”
The evidence points to fixing the program begun by Obama. How to talk about it? Incorporating the principles of messaging, a winning campaign might sound like this:
It’s time to finish the job we started on healthcare, not tear it down. Democrats built a high, rock-solid floor on what insurance companies had to cover in every plan on the market, including pre-existing conditions, procedures your doctor orders, and life-saving preventive medicine, like breast cancer screening. Since the healthcare industry couldn’t lower the floor, they sent premiums, deductibles, and copays through the roof. So now it’s time to build the ceiling. That means limiting the amount insurance companies can raise fees every year. It means letting the most powerful union in the world that is supposed to represent the interests of working people-- the United States government-- negotiate drug prices with the pharmaceutical industry, or we’ll buy our drugs where they’re less expensive. And it means giving insurance companies some healthy competition by letting people of any age choose Medicare if they prefer it. Let’s finish the job so no Americans will ever again have to choose between taking their child to the doctor and putting food on the table for their family.
That would leave only the question of what to call it. Democrats might do well with “A Family Doctor for Every Family.” That’s a clinic Americans would be happy to visit.
What People Think
Networks of associations are always active.
Because so much is at stake in political messages, it’s important for candidates to capitalize on the associative power of words and phrases. Here is a glimpse into the minds of people when they hear the words healthcare reform.
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Party Of Death by Chip Proser |
Labels: Drew Westen, earthquakes, Medicare For All
Leaving aside the natural disasters, what is necessary for all of the rest are...
colossally stupid voters.
An interesting piece in that it tries to explain the nature behind stupidity in voting. I'm not sure it does not prove that humankind is simply not constructed adequately for democracy to work.
"most voters are neither interested in detailed policy prescriptions nor competent to assess them.
What voters want to know are the answers to two questions: Does this person, and does this party, share my values? And do they understand and care about people like me?"
Clearly true in this corrupt neoliberal fascist shithole. But it does not cover how/why the electorate on the left (that still votes) remains so gullible and, yes, stupid, that they still believe the democraps when they SAY they care and so on... but prove they do not once elected. Perhaps the dormancy of their "reasoning" brain is not just a problem when they consume political ads? ever think of that?
So, then, why the following? "Democrats, in contrast, talked about their policy prescriptions, bewitched by the dictum that “a campaign is a debate on the issues.” Their think tanks brought in fellows to work out policies based on the best available science. Perhaps blinded by their indifference to emotion, they left to chance the selling of those policies to the public."
Gore ran on policy to the collective yawns of his voters. W (cheney's sock puppet) ran on being "compassionate" (when his entire life contradicted that obvious lie) and won. kind of. And he called himself that after running a dog-whistle campaign in the south. But nobody noticed except a very few... and THEY said nothing.
Elizabeth and Bernie still ran on policy... the wrong, not-for-DNC's-donors policy, granted -- and were made to lose... but voters did not flock to their back at the booth either. Instead, blacks did as their uncle tom told them and old stupid whites did as the media told them. Biden, who did not run on either policy or on emotional support of voters... won. What biden ran on was MOS (from him) and 'the guy who could beat trump' (from the DNC and media).
The emotion that gets the best results among the potted plants on the left, then, is fear of the Nazi. The emotions that get best results on the right are hate (of others) and hate (of democraps).
Elections since 1980 have been fear vs. hate. And guess what... hate usually wins.
Unbeknownst to the entire participatory electorate, however, has been the fact that both parties go about serving the money and do jack shit about the tangible needs of the 99.99%. The right gets their hate fanned. The left gets absolutely nothing. But they are too stupid to see it.
After 3 generations of artificial selection FOR this stupidity... it's no wonder.
Short Bursts:
Globalization of white supremacy
This has been the history of the entire planet since Columbus crash-landed on a small island in the present-day Bahamas. What makes it such a threat now when it's been in effect for 500 years?
Attacks on trust and truth: "...the 2016 election was the story of our democracy being blindsided by misinformation, disinformation and hack-and-dump cyberattacks..."
Like the first item, such attacks have been going on since long before the American Revolution. The elites must control what constitutes knowledge and to not allow any other "truth" to exist.
Please! The US has been testing biowarfare techniques on the American public since gaining access over so much of the AXIS research. Look up Operation Sea Spray as just one example. If it wasn't COVID-19 which got us, it would have been something else - courtesy of YOUR Government.
Technological disruption
The broader heading of this should be Infrastructure Decay. The only thing preventing dealing with the issues under this heading is that the government would rather give more economic power to major corporations than to ensure that the ability of the US to function safely and efficiently is properly funded and constructed.
For all of you Thorium advocates out there, the US tested U-233 as a bomb first before both India and Pakistan created their arsenals from the stuff. The US decided that it didn't make a big enough bang, but India and Pakistan didn't have a huge public electrical generation capacity to process into HEU of any isotope. They made do with what they had.
Climate Change
This is an obsolete term. The change has already happened. Miami already knows about the sea level rising, and before too much longer salt water will contaminate their drinking water. Food production is going to be adversely affected, with widespread famine considered unstoppable. But the only discomfort the elites will have to endure is the massive increase in Starbucks prices as coffee growing areas can no longer produce large crop yields.
COVID-19's next level impact
If the first batch doesn't kill enough of us, the next round is certain to do much better. The lab which produced it (more likely to be American than Chinese) will ensure this service to the economic elites.
Catastrophic earthquakes
Just like the Infrastructure Decay item above, the same reasons prevent any realistic preparations for these inevitable calamities.
Unknown unknowns
"Conservatism" will never allow any capital to be expended upon anything which doesn't make someone VERY wealthy. That is a KNOWN FACT. So unless you can create a monopoly for any of these categories above, and turn it all over to some greed-head like Jeff Bezos, nothing will ever be done about any of it.
SB, another solid offering. thx.
Circumstances may catalyze the removal of trump (probably not, but maybe) this November. If so, it would be the most pyrrhic of victories.
Because the conditions that made trump inevitable will still exist, only worse. And that means that WHEN, not if, the democraps flame out again (refusal to ACT to benefit anyone but the money), WORSE than trump becomes inevitable.
but your party will thank you potted geraniums again for your votes and money.
just remember, you get what you truly deserve. Sadly, I also get what you deserve.
that makes democrap voters no better than some covid-infected yahoo going around coughing on the flatware at your favorite newly-opened restaurant. They prolly don't even know that they're responsible for trump and whatever worse comes next -- far too stupid to know.
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