Friday, May 08, 2020

Midnight Meme Of The Day!


by Noah

Ah! Fell for that Trickle Down thing did ya? Again? You know what they say: Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice, shame on you! Fool me one hundred and three times, and I just shrug, when in fact, I should be marching down to the White House and the Capitol Building and dragging your filthy smug, fat asses out for a nifty Today's Special Beatin'-Hangin' combo and then on to the nearest lamp post with ya or pushing you into my patented Walk-in Cuisinart.

But, instead, America sleeps while its biggest enemy, the one in Washington, robs it blind. This is a story of disrespect for self. At least a whore can get $130,000 out of those in Washington! The average Joe The Sucker settles for $1200 and the advice to drink Lysol.

Yeah, I know. I heard the story that Pelosi, Schumer, and McConnell went along with/conspired with the evil Treasury Secretary Munchkin and said the "oversight" in the matter of the new Multi-Trillion handout to the poor, starving Jamie Dimon's of the country was in his hands. In fact, it never even got to that because, as soon as President Al Capone signed off on the welfare for the donors bill, he said he would ignore the idea of congressional oversight. "Oversight? I don't need no stinkin' oversight! Cue the shock and surprise act as Pelosi says "Who knew?" Or words, the best words, to that effect.

Dear Congress: Go fuck yourselves, every last one of you! You are the worst deplorables of all. A basket for each of your heads!

OK. I'll be fair. I'm always fair. I'll calm down. I'll tone it down. I'll admit that, maybe, there's 5 of you in Congress (Zero in the W.H.) who don't deserve the blade by nightfall. 10, you say? No. I just don't feel comfortable with that generous of a number. Besides, if I say 10, then you'll say 15. So, hey, if I'm wrong... well, a great man or somebody once said, "Let God sort them out."

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At 7:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

noah sounds like me in this thing.

At 7:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Noah sounds like a lot of us but he says it better than I could.

At 10:04 AM, Blogger Arf Arf said...

This is what you get when a charlatan businessman buffoon and his crooked self-interest cronies run the country. Where are the statesmen when we need them the most?

At 10:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

They are hiding under their beds lest Trump tweet at them, ArhArf.

At 10:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

just imagine how fast this will all get fixed when Pelosi is speaker again and scummer is the senate leader and a lifelong racist misogynist neoliberal fascist and rapist is in the white house (notice I did not need to name which one?)... NOT!!!


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