Thursday, July 25, 2019

Midnight Meme Of The Day


by Noah

Yes, just a reminder. Not to mention a few other things like all (ALL) citizens of voting age being allowed to register to vote without having to jump through moving hoops, and then being allowed to vote for candidates that will support the items on the list in fair primary and general elections without having to wait in line for up to 8 hours and/or jump through further moving hoops. Yeah, that's very scary and very radical stuff. Must be that dastardly socialism thingie that the Goon Party assholes keep yapping about.

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At 2:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

But she cannot possibly believe in any of those things if she is part of the Democrap Party! You are so naive. You must stop supporting them. You don't need any sort of plan to follow that. Just stop supporting them. Good things will magically happen. Trust me, I'm smarter than you.

At 2:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I am not you posting another comment and I completely agree with you. Hopefully, no one will ask why we hang around here all day reading a bunch of stuff we don't agree with, posted by a bunch of people who could not give less of a fuck about our opinions.

NOT the guy who posted at @2:41

At 4:30 AM, Blogger unknown said...

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At 5:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

2:41/2:45 finally got it pretty much right.

AOC and just a few others may well believe in these things. But they render themselves irrelevant by handing all their influence to Pelosi to be flushed.

We all know that I'm correct.

At 6:32 AM, Anonymous Hone said...

Yes something needs to be done about both Nancy and Mitch - they totally control Congress and this is not what the Founders intended. All the representatives of the people, all 535 of them, have NO power - all decisions are now in the hands of two party leaders. Mitch and Nancy are like Presidents of each branch with unlimited power. They are as bad as Trump. Yes, you too, Nancy! You look worse by the day.

It is funny, yet very depressing, to listen to the really smart progressives in Congress talk on MSNBC and tie themselves into knots about impeachment. You know they want it slam dunk, but they are adhering to Nancy, their dear leader. Nancy is WRONG about all this. Impeachment is a MUST. If Trump is not impeached what is the point of this in the Constitution? He has committed the worst offenses in plan sight that the Founders were afraid of.

Our system is totally being destroyed by ambition for power. Mitch, and Nancy as well, are both horrendous and put politics above country. Way above. So what else is knew in history? Same old, same old, since the Year One.

At 6:46 AM, Anonymous ap215 said...

And her voting record is still 100% which makes her one of the few members in Congress trustworthy also i agree with everything you said Hone but our system was a total train wreck since Day 1 40 years ago & even though Impeachment is a must & the rule of law Nancy & Mitch could care less of doing their jobs they're paid to screw things up they must top target's A & B to vote out in 2020.

At 7:48 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

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At 10:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hone, it isn't Pelosi and mitch. it's the parties and their agreement to let party always come before nation. The result is that they do nothing because doing anything would mean the parties came second. It's money that owns both parties.
It's the few progressive individuals who cede their influence to the despot of their party in their chamber.

It's the DOJ who places the executive above the law.

But fundamentally it's voters who never force anyone to put the nation first and never force them to respect the rule of law. It's the voters who blithely accept and even insist on the rule of/by/for the money.

The founders designed antidemocratic strictures (the senate and the electoral college) to appease slave owners. Some of them warned about parties but put nothing in the constitution preventing their natural tendency toward despotism.
The founders also never anticipated such a stupid and gullible electorate.

Can humans design a system that will be immune to all of humans' inherent flaws?

probably not.

At 3:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd be amazed if humans could design a system which merely tempered the natural impulses leading to runaway greed.

At 8:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Democrats and FDR did a fair job between '33 and '44 (does Glass-Steagall ring a bell?). It kept 2008 from happening until the Democrats got corrupted, sold their soul to wall street and passed a phalanx of corporate bills (CFMA, GLBA and various deregs) that allowed it (see: slick willie Clinton, 1998).

But slick willie and those democraps weren't alone. Nobody at all enforced Sherman (still on the books, btw) since Carter's DOJ broke up At&t in the '70s. Nor since.

even though laws exist, it still takes a government willing to enforce them. Ours hasn't enforced money-unfriendly laws much since 1980. Both parties are guilty. Remember that $21T in fraud that obamanation refused to prosecute? torture?


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