If Swamp Guy Tries To Break Into The House Tuesday Evening . . .

Swamp Guy's bound to flip his lid, wouldn't you think?
"House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said in a letter that the House will not consider a concurrent resolution authorizing the president's address in the House chamber until the government has opened.
"Pelosi's response came shortly after President Trump said he would show up at the House for the prime-time speech on Tuesday.
“ 'Again, I look forward to welcoming you to the House on a mutually agreeable date for this address when government has been opened,' Pelosi said."
-- washingtonpost.com, Wednesday afternoon
by Ken
Here's the scenario as I imagine it. It seems pretty tight to me.
• Swamp Guy shows up at the House Tuesday evening, Coked up on Diet C. He behaves so utterly trumpishly, demanding admission to the (empty) House chamber, where his two surviving brain cells are convinced applause awaits him, that the assorted security forces in the zone (House cops, D.C. gendarmes, FBI, Homeland Security enforcement agents, whoever), while squabbling over jurisdiction, agree on one point: This swamp creature needs to be detained.
• In due course Swamp Guy is brought before some sort of magistrate, judge, or other arraignment-type official for processing. After a minute or two of psychotic Swamp Guy babbling, it's hard to imagine any magistrate, judge, or other arraignment-type official in the country -- well, in the D.C. area, at least -- not ordering that the detainee remain in custody, by whatever means necessary, for proper psychological evaluation.
• It's hard to imagine any psychological evaluator who's not directly in Swamp Guy's chain of command not recommending in the strongest terms that the creature be bound over -- in the highest-level security facility possible -- for full psychological testing.
• Are you going to tell me that any competent psychological or psychiatric professional is not going to recommend that the subject, in whom not a single sanely functioning brain cell can be found, be remanded immediately to a maximum-security facility for treatment, again under the highest level of security possible?
• Surely no competent psychological or judicial adjudicator would ever allow Swamp Guy to resume slithering the earth free.
• Ideally, the Unspeakable Pence can be grandfathered in, on the ground that what sane person could possibly commit to four if not eight years (two of them already served) of wedging his head that far up the smelly, toxic butt of a creature like Swamp Guy?
• Which means: Over to you, President Pelosi. A grateful nation thanks you for your service.
Works for me.

"This is the perfect location to deliver
my State of the Union address."
my State of the Union address."
Labels: certifiably insane Republicans, Donald Trump, House, Nancy Pelosi, State of the Union
And this scenario segues nicely into THe President's Analyst.
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