Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Do We Need A President To Protect Us From Wall Street? Not Sure? You Will Be Soon


The same information can be presented in different ways to create or bolster different narratives. A Quinnipiac poll came out this morning and much of the establishment media presented it like this:
Biden Viewed Most Favorably of Top Democrats

Joe Biden at 53% to 33%
Bernie Sanders at 44% to 42%
Elizabeth Warren at 30% to 37%
Michael Bloomberg at 22% to 32%
Hillary Clinton at 32% to 61%
There's nothing dishonest about those numbers. Except they don't much matter in a primary. Let's look at a different way of looking at the polling data. This is how Democrats-- you know, the ones who can vote in the primaries-- view the candidates (this is favorability/unfavorability:
Biden- 84%-7% (8% haven't heard enough)
Bernie- 74%-13% (10% haven't heard enough)
Hillary-70%-23% (6% haven't heard enough)
Beto- 45%- 4% (51% haven't heard enough)
Kamala- 41%-4% (54% haven't heard enough)
Elizabeth Warren- 60%-12% (28% haven't heard enough)
Cory Booker- 46%-5% (48% haven't heard enough)
Michael Bloomberg- 36%- 19% (44% haven't heard enough)
Gillibrand- 28%-7% (64% haven't heard enough)
Sherrod Brown- 24%-2% (73% haven't heard enough)
So what's the takeaway? Democrats don't know enough about the candidates to make up their minds. OK, May I suggest watching this video from a former Wall Street banker? If you pay attention to what she has to say, you won't need to know anything more before you vote:

Who's going to take care of this problem for real? Biden? LOL! Gillibrand? LOL! Booker? LOL. Bloomberg? LOL! Beto? LOL! Sherrod Brown? ROTFLMAO! How about someone else?

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At 6:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is nobody on the democrap slate nor in the party NOR, clearly, anyone in the registered electorate who will advocate to enforce Sherman nor reinstate Glass-Steagall wrt wall street monopolies and de-facto trusts.
There is nobody on the democrap slate nor in the party NOR in the registered electorate who will advocate real regulations on wall street monopolies nor de-facto trusts.

No, not even Bernie is serious about this. If he were, he could never have endorsed and campaigned for the biggest wall street monopolies' and de-facto trust's whore. Big ditto for Elizabeth, who rhetorically has been even better than Bernie.

If the next wall street crash is to be prevented, it must be from a different movement... and it must be the voters who coalesce around it and those same voters must then electorally euthanize the entire democrap party.

And DWT must get its head out of its ass about it.

So... I guess we're doomed to suffer the next wall street crash... and the next... and the next.

Aren't we!

At 6:36 AM, Blogger Ronnie Goodson said...

One of the many problems with Joe Biden is that he could not beat Trump, if he is still in office, in 2020. Joe Biden is way too weak a candidate.


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