Wednesday, November 07, 2018

Midnight Meme Of The Day!


by Noah
Everyone is entitled to his own opinion but not his own facts. -Former Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan (D-NY)
You can click on the above "Tom Tomorrow" cartoon to enlarge it for easier reading. It goes a long way in explaining how we even got to the state of lunacy we've been in, not just in this most recent election cycle, but for quite some time.

The media isn't solely to blame for the sick status of current political discourse, of course. That would take a book to explain, and I don't mean the kinds of school textbooks that are overseen by rightwing Christian loons and other crackpot republican subsets. But the media's insistence that all sides and all opinions are equally valid and that "Alternative Facts" should be treated with respect and not be seriously challenged has amounted to way, way too many news programs being, at best, half fact and half Tokyo Rose, with goon platoons of wingnuts that tell the gullible, all too willing to believe anything public that the Earth is 6000 years old and that a "caravan" of small pox-bearing brown people is headed our way; never mind the fact that small pox was eradicated decades ago and, at most, only exists in germ warfare labs, not in the bloodstreams of Central Americans. FOX "News," in particular might as well just move their whole operation back in time to 1942 Japan, but that doesn't let the other news outlets off the bloody hook. The others, also run by fascist-favoring corporations who are addicted to the advertising dollars of Big Pharma, Big Oil, and car companies, eagerly broadcast Herr Trump's perverse "fireside chats" into America's homes every night of the 2016 campaign, slyly giving Trump $2 Billion in free advertising and promotion. It will only get worse as propaganda outlets such as Sinclair, Smart News (aka Bot News) continue to expand.

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At 3:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Corporate Media should be laughing today. They have a whole kennel full of Blue Dogs to fete, and a host of New DINOs to promote as "progressives", all while mocking the Progressives they successfully prevented from winning their races. Good Times!

The markets should rise today knowing that the threat to corporatism has been contained.

At 7:59 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Yet, Democrats have continued, and will continue, I presume, to remain tight lipped every time Trump, or anyone else, uses the term liberal media. First of all, you gotta fight fire with fire. But, not only do all the media outlets go out of their way to present 'both sides' equally (even though one is fact based, and one is out of their ass based), I am certain that their dialogue is what pushed this maniac over the top in the first place. As I've said repeatedly, the entire media are the ones who created an atmosphere over the last 3-4 plus years where Trump became synonymous with politics. His words, his image, his opinions, regardless of how untrue, vile, or ridiculous, lead every news story, on every station. It's a level of advertising that Budweiser, Pepsi, and Apple combined could never afford, even if they pooled their resources. Liberal Media, my ass. But, I never hear one 'Liberal' ever make reference to the mainstream Conservative Media.


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