Tuesday, October 02, 2018

History Will Remember Paul Ryan-- If At All-- As A Racist Pig


Paul Ryan's PAC has unleashed a series of vicious personal smear attacks across the country. The Trump enablers his PAC is defending can't run-on issues because voters hate their anti-healthcare, anti-middle class, pro-millionaire stands. So they're running on personal hate ads. They want to run by claiming Democrats are socialists or that they have tattoos or that they were in punk rock bands as teenagers or were skateboarder. They seem to have special animus towards Democratic candidates who were veterans and served the country on the front lines. Ryan, a draft dodger, has always pushed policies that target veterans. And now his SuperPAC is denigrating men and women who served defending the country.

In the upstate New York district (NY-19) represented by Trump rubber stamp John Faso, Ryan has run a series of vile racist ads against Faso's Democratic opponent Antonio Delgado, exposed last week by Tim Murphy at Mother Jones: Republicans Are Deploying Staggeringly Racist Ads in Upstate New York. The ad up tops released on Friday by the NRCC, controlled by Paul Ryan. "Delgado," wrote Murphy "did release a rap album, in 2007, under the pseudonym AD the Voice. In a July story about his race against incumbent Republican Rep. John Faso, the New York Times reported Delgado’s songs 'criticize capitalism and America’s history of racial injustice…include frequent use of a racial epithet common among black rappers, and criticize some of the founders as dead presidents who believe in white supremacy.' It sounds a lot like the kinds of political views, in other words, you’d expect from a young, politically active black progressive. But Republican campaign ads have emphasized the vehicle by which Delgado expressed himself as much, if not more, than the actual ideas he espoused. The Republican ad barage is deliberately focused on rap and, by extension, race. The new spot comes a week after the NRCC released this ad:

Why is Paul Ryan resorting to such disgusting racism? Delgado has Faso on the ropes. He's outraised Faso-- $2,703,056 to $2,297,980 and has now pulled ahead of him in this extremely tight race. The 538 forecaster shows Delgado with a 51.7% chance to win and Faso with just a 48.3% chance.

Ryan and the two PACs he controls have panicked and gone all racist in their ads, consistently referring to Delgado-- who was born in Schenectady-- as a "big city rapper." In fact there are a lot of ways to describe him. A graduate-- with honors-- from Colgate in Hamilton, NY, a Rhodes Scholar who studied at Oxford before graduating from Harvard Law. This is the second racist ad Ryan made and released trying to make Delgado sound like the other who should be feared:

A couple of weeks ago, the NY Post reported that "Republican sources told The Post they’re concerned about losing the seat because Delgado has emerged as a formidable candidate and prodigious fundraiser while Faso is running a lackluster campaign."

So far, Ryan's PAC has spent $1,699,211 smearing Delgado-- basically screaching "nigga, nigga, nigga"-- while the DCCC and Pelosi's PAC have responded with $1,155,736 in defense of him. Ryan and the GOP can't help their innate racism. Here we have a successful young African-American man-- far more accomplished academically than Ryan, for example-- and all they can do is point to the color of his skin. Wow-- the Party of Lincoln really has turned into the Party of Trump!

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At 10:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anything "democrats" do is considered vile and base by Republicans, while everything Republicans do is considered necessary for victory no matter how vile and base. Until "democrats" understand this, and do things to minimize the damage Republicans can cause using this strategy, they will continue to be losers.

At 12:15 PM, Blogger edmondo said...

"...his PAC is defending can't run-on issues because voters hate their anti-healthcare, anti-middle class, pro-millionaire stands."

Sure they can. The Democrats have been running on the same stands since Clinton.

At 12:23 PM, Anonymous ap215 said...

Using fear & smear tactics against a fellow New Yorker for political gain huh Paul i've seen this movie before.

At 12:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Nazi party is becoming more and more pure. That means that EVERYONE who is a registered party loyalist is a racist, misogynist, homophobic, christobanist pig.

There are no good Nazis. There aren't even any neutral Nazis. They're all bad all the time.

Though some can still act.

And americans are still the dumbest most gullible fucktards ever to walk the earth on 2 legs.

At 6:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

don't kid yourselves. In another 4 years, paul ryan will be remembered as the patron saint of this Nazi country after the end of constitutional guarantees and voting.

As we all 'seig heil' our fuhrer for life (probably pence), ryan will be worshipped as the one who made it all possible and set the table for trump who enabled pence.

he'll be the Julius streicher figure.

At 8:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

kind of proves DWT's thesis (the 'if at all' part). While I agree, how many americans know who Julius streicher was? 1 in 1,000,000? fewer?


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