Monday, October 01, 2018

Midnight Meme Of The Day!


by Noah

As I write this (Sept. 26th), SeƱor Trumpanzee is on my TV, holding a press conference and speaking his usual 3-year-old style bullshit gibberish about judges, japan, socialism, cuba, his respect for women juxtaposed with calling Kavanaugh's multiple accusers con artists... Think about that one. It's the general insanity of Donald J. Trump, the ultimate con artist accusing someone else a con artist just as he calls everyone else a low life and a failure. Such projection!

Watching Trump is like watching some alien from another galaxy that was dropped into the White House and is desperately trying in vain to fool an audience into believing that he's an earthling, that he knows something, about anything, anything at all. Well, he did fool 62 million fools in 2016, so... His press conference answers to any question about any topic are virtually the same. It's all just one and two syllable word salad, drawn from a vocabulary of only 100 words at most, thrown up in his mind and spewed out in what ever order the words come. Eventually, they won't be words at all, just grunts and saliva-drenched mumbles. It's already going that way. Yesterday, he spoke in front of the General Assembly and the entire General Assembly of the United Nations laughed at him, and by proxy, us. He then spent the whole night fuming, like the whimpering freak that he is.

The emperor has no clothes. Don't be fooled by the coat. The coat in the picture is just an illusion. You can tell because there isn't even a speck of dirt on it. Your mind plays tricks. It convinces you that it's there because, face it, you don't want to see a naked, drooling, Trumpanzee, no way. Stormy Daniels took a $130,000 to do so and she will probably have nightmares about what she saw and smelled for the rest of her days.

Trumpanzee has bullied and bullshitted his way through life. It's some kind of perverse talent. I've seen it before in the corporate world, but he has an insanity level that takes it to new heights, or should I say lows? Eventually, though, he failed even at bullshit and had to go to Putin's Russian mob to be propped up and even installed where he could do the most damage to our country. Now, we see him spinning, spinning like a spinning top. He's digging deeper and deeper, searching for new veins of bullshit to use, but, we've all watched a top wobble and fall before. That's what we got a glimpse of in today's press conference and yesterday at the U.N.

We once put men on the moon, although most of Trump's supporters regard that achievement as fake news. But, yes, once we really did put real men on the real moon. Now, we can't even put them in the White House. Sad.



At 1:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Watching Trump is like watching some alien from another galaxy that was dropped into the White House . . ."

. . .and no one does anything to stop this wild ape from destroying the nation. He's putting the nation so far into debt while giving away the store to those who need it the least. He's got at least three options to Wag The Dog and give himself an excuse to prevent any possible Blue Wave from taking away his power.

Nothing now stands between We the People and this monster. Not expecting enough of us to be willing to act, because we've gotten hooked on Manifest and cannot miss an episode.

At 6:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Again, this is not new. Projection has been the Nazi party strategery for over 3 decades. Was it David Frum who started it? Or maybe newt gingrich? I cannot remember, but the official Nazi book of tactics has had the practice on page 1 for a very long time.

whatever you are that is evil, call your opponent that or worse.

voters are so fucking stupid, gullible and, yeah, evil, that they'll just lap it up like a kitten with a bowl of milk.

It works. It's worked for over a generation.

At 10:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The 'emperor has no clothes' started being used when the bushbaby (cheney was the de facto prez) proved the dumbest and laziest exec since his mom's rellie proved to be the drunkest president ever (you can google that).

Nobody in left blogging bothered to notice that obamanation, also, had no clothes. He was not a moron and talked like a decent human being. But he presided over the least useful, most destructive admin since... well, cheney.

Now trump is the emperor that has no clothes (is that a mushroom!??) and he is presiding over the worst admin since... obamanation.

Next one will be the worst since trump.

sensing a pattern here DWT??

At 11:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

should be trump operating a commercial excavator (as in a coal strip mining machine). Still won't be enough bull/horse shit capacity... but closer to the truth.

At 8:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is as close as Trump can get to operating anything mechanical.

It's a good thing the rig's owner took the key with him.


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