Thursday, September 27, 2018

Midnight Meme Of The Day!


by Noah

The latest statistics from RAINN (The Rape, Abuse, Incest National Network), show us that 1 in 6 women has been a victim of rape. 70% of rape cases go unreported, either at the time or until much later if at all, and 99% of rape perps go free. All of this relates closely to the desire of Trumpanzee and his Republican Party to put Brett Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court. Rape and sexual abuse of any kind just doesn't seem to be seen as a big problem if you have the mind of a republican. As I said before, it's not just about Roe v. Wade, it's about a republican philosophy of misuse of power, physical and otherwise, and the desire to dominate. To the current political vermin in the news this week, such things are obviously sources of jokes, laughter, and having a good ol' time.

Take the 11 old angry white men who make up the republican contingent of the Senate Judiciary Committee. To them, the accusations against Brett Kavanaugh seem to be every bit as unimportant as the more blatant evidence that he has a history of perjuring himself. Obviously, any credibility that the Supreme Court may still have means nothing to the repugs on the Judiciary Committee either. The court is just another plaything.

If we are honest, we know and admit what these 11 are. Given the cavalier attitudes of the Kavanaugh 11 and their cohorts in the Senate and in the White House, how can we not suspect that a certain percentage of these overgrown fratboys aren't guilty of the very same things that Kavanaugh is being accused of, if not worse, whether it was 35 years ago or last weekend? And, given the large percentage of women who have been victims of rape, how can we not suspect the worst of these men who continuously display such horrifically "who cares" bad character. Note that such a worm as Mitch McConnell isn't among the 11 pictured and neither is the thing that nominated Kavanaugh in the first place; a cretin that is a confessed sexual predator.

Then there's the shear hypocrisy of wanting Kavanaugh on the court not just because he will protect them and their beloved president from the chips of the Russia investigation, but because he will vote to overturn Roe v. Wade. It would be so nice to know which of these stinking turds in suits have ever paid for an abortion for a girlfriend or two, even after publicly proclaiming that they are anti-choice. OK, to be fair (and I'm always fair), let's just ask that question of 9 or 10 of the 11. Then, given the environment of the Washington power-mad political world, take a look at these 11 men and wonder "Which one is a rapist?"

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