Sunday, September 03, 2017

Midnight Meme Of The Day


-by Noah

Happy Labor Day Weekend to all DWT readers. The American Labor Movement has given us, among other things, a 40 hour work week, a minimum wage, lunch breaks, pay for working overtime, paid vacations, the weekend, safety regulations... all things that Americans died for on picket lines and battlefields, and all things that Republicans hate and continue to fight against. The labor movement has built America, built the middle class, and helped win wars. There is still much to be done. Medievalist enemies of the American labor movement such as Trump, McConnell, Ryan, their followers and those who support and vote for them are psychotically and tirelessly working to destroy the gains made in the last 100 years. Screw them and their "historical heritage" of worker repression! Screw them all!

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At 4:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Reichspräsident Strumpf and the bought-and-paid-for Congress want to squash you like a bug. Maybe they can (via executive order, ya think?) change the name of the holiday to "Employers' Day." There could be an annual T-Foundation fundraiser for naming rights.

Donors can, of course, recoup their monies by shortchanging employees. One less paid holiday - like the former Labor Day - would do the trick.

The more I think about it, the more I can actually picture it happening. Jeez Louise, we're fucked!

At 6:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

4:57, amen dude.


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