Thursday, January 05, 2012

Republican Blood-Letting Begins As Reactionaries Try To Prevent The Establishment From Taking Over Their Crazy Little Party


Earlier today we took a look at the Republican civil war that's ripping up the GOP in Maine. Tuesday night GOP consultant Frank Luntz warned that he expects far worse nationally, at least in regard to the primary campaign. And it isn't just about right-wing extremists having no stomach for supporting a convictionless twerp and blatant one percenter like Romney.
"I think over the next 24 to 48 hours, the campaign's gonna get a little bit meaner, a little darker, and a little bit more personal, as the candidates now fight for their life..."

For Luntz, the lack of a clear GOP front-runner will make for a protracted primary season that could drag on through April. And he says it won't be pretty: "Republicans are not gonna like what's about to happen. ... I think a war is about to break out within this primary field."

For the short term, Luntz made some predictions about two upcoming GOP contests: "There's no question [Romney] wins New Hampshire. There is a significant question who wins South Carolina. For the first time in a long time, South Carolina truly matters."

And two candidates, Texas Rep. Ron Paul and former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum, are helping to keep it a toss-up: "One week ago, you could swing a dead cat and you wouldn't find a Rick Santorum supporter," said Luntz. "And now in just seven days, he brings it all back."

If only there was someone named Not Mitt Romney running... and if only he didn't want to ban dancing and get his administration into partnership with every person in America about their personal lives.

In the video above, Gingrich talks with right-wing hate-talk radio host Laura Ingraham about a united front to stop Romney. His first post-Iowa ad is a full frontal-- albeit not very effective-- newspaper ad attacking Romney, whom he, like most of the candidates, loathes not just politically but also personally.

Here's the first attack ad. Can Newt afford to run it on TV, though? I'll answer that myself: no. But the McCain bit at the very end makes it well worth watching:

Yesterday McCain, not exactly an icon among non-Establishment GOP voters, endorsed Romney. He must have had to hold back the vomit in his mouth, or has he forgetten what he told the country a few years ago that he really thinks of the man?

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At 3:00 PM, Anonymous John Evan Miller said...

I still expect Romney to gain the inevitability aura by the middle of the primary season--just like McCain did last year.

At 4:02 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Me too!

At 8:51 PM, Anonymous me said...

Why is it that these little pissant conservative states have so much influence over our presidential election? That's just not right.


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