How Can David Rivera Own 3 Houses And 2 Cars On $30k/Year?

Wonderers are wondering where David Rivera, who's kind of made a name for himself in South Florida for successfully building a political career around playing fast and loose with the truth, gets all the money. And now there are whispers that he's likely to be the next Young Gun, following Boehner's Nazi friend Rich Iott, to be kicked out of the elite right-wing campaign outfit. Even before the guy who tried raping one of his campaign workers (another Boehner-bud)? There's gotta to be something really big cooking if they're thinking of throwing Rivera out of the Young Guns before the rape-guy.
Last week the Miami Herald reported that Rivera lied about his sources of income. He claimed that for the past seven years his income came from consulting work for US Agency for International Development (USAID). USAID had a different story: they've never heard of David Rivera-- not the David M. Rivera running for Congress and not the "other" David M. Rivera who beats up women and just happens to have the same... well, the same everything. They say that there is no record of even hiring him. But Rivera did not let up, he even showed the Herald travel documents from a trip to Chile and Mexico and claimed he was sent there for development work. The truth is he went on these trips as a guest of the U.S. Department of State to give speeches and attend conferences.
This guy does not give up on the lying. Now somehow, his “consulting work” for USAID has magically disappeared from his forms. He thinks that if he just erases it... then it never happened? Are we to believe that David Rivera owned 3 houses and 2 cars on a $30k a year salary? Could Rivera be a spy for... well, for the Cuban government?
The Herald already suggested this. Rivera fits the profile of a Cuban spy. Nobody has any idea where the guy came from. He claims to be Cuban, but he's actually Puerto Rican from the Bronx (Nuyorikan). His best friend does business with Cuba. And nobody knows how he makes his money.
If you look at his disclosure forms, he clearly states that he worked for USAID and just a few days ago, he completely takes it off the forms. This guy is a class act. It baffles me how he can get away with these antics... And I think it's starting to scare the crap out of Pete Sessions, Kevin McCarthy and Eric Cantor.
UPDATE: Suit Filed In Miami-Dade Circuit Court To Remove Rivera From The Ballot
While Sessions and Cantor dither over whether or not to kick Rivera out of the Young Guns, a judge will now have to decide whether Marco Rubio's corrupt crony even belongs on the ballot. The complaint, filed by a contributor to his campaign, "seeks to disqualify Rivera as a federal candidate based on financial disclosure forms Rivera filed while serving as state representative."
For seven years, Rivera, an eight-year lawmaker, listed work as an "international development consultant'' for the U.S. Agency for International Development on his disclosure forms. But USAID officials told the Miami Herald that they had no record of Rivera or his company.
Rivera later said he worked as a subcontractor to other USAID vendors, though he would not disclose the names of the contractors who hired him, saying he had promised them confidentiality.
On Friday, Rivera amended his disclosure forms to remove any mention of USAID, saying he was not required to list any additional income from consulting work between 2003 and 2009. He has refused to elaborate further, only saying his consulting work did not meet the criteria for disclosure.
Under the state's disclosure rules, lawmakers are required to report the sources of any income exceeding $1,000. In addition, lawmakers must list the names of any clients contributing more than 10 percent to their private businesses.
In his original disclosure forms, Rivera detailed no additional sources of income beyond his $30,000 salary as a state representative from 2004 to 2009, records show.
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