David Rivera Dodges Domestic Violence Question... Blames it on Computers

Yesterday, DWT showed you physical proof of David Rivera's domestic violence record. These aren't just mere allegations by Rivera's primary challenger, former marine Paul Crespo. Rivera is listed on the Miami Dade County Clerk of Courts website as the defendant in a domestic violence case in which he is cited as a repeat offender responsible for acts of repeat violence. Brad Friedman, hosting Mike Malloy's radio show invited me on last night to discuss Rivera's perfidy-- isn't that what you call it when a guy beats up women?
Here is a screen shot again:

You can see so for yourself here...this is the link to the actual county website.
A local Spanish-language channel in Miami asked Rivera about this and this is what he told them:
David Rivera: The same way you can search any name on the computer...You can put in Paul Crespo or Joe Garcia and you'll get all kinds of accusations. That doesn't mean they're the candidates running in that race.
Okay, Rivera is delusional and the Miami media is incompetent for not calling him out on this. Rivera either has a Sarah Connor complex and believes computer machines were sent through time to get him, or he believes he's Dr. Richard Kimble from The Fugitive and this happens to be another David Rivera with the exact same first name, middle initial, last name dating the same girl it's common knowledge he dated around that time.
I'm calling David Rivera out on his bullshit. This is the same guy that was caught lying to the Miami Herald last week when he denied his relationship with his best friend.
David Rivera shouldn't be running for Congress. He should be running TO PRISON for hitting a woman.
For how much longer will the RNC and already corrupt Republican Party of Florida stand by a wife beater???
On the other hand, a little good news: although local Republicans feared Rivera might try to beat up the woman running against him, Marili Cancio at last night's Miami-Dade Republican Party meeting, he contented himself on merely calling the police and having them escort the other opponent, Paul Crespo, out of the meeting. Both had demanded their swaggering and corrupt rival resign as county party chairman. As of this writing, he hadn't physically attacked Cancio. On the other hand, late last night the Miami Herald reported that Rivera, widely viewed as one of South Florida's most egregiously corrupt politicians, seemed to be trying to extort money out of the employees of Florida International University.
State Rep. David Rivera-- a Miami Republican and budget chief who has steered state funding to Florida International University-- solicited all 4,000 FIU employees to donate to his congressional campaign, prompting the provost to issue a campus-wide warning Thursday about using public resources for political activities.
...The Rivera campaign obtained the names and addresses of the FIU faculty and staff through a public-records request, university spokeswoman Maydel Santana-Bravo said. The provost's memo has been circulated before, she said, but "the situation with the letter from the Rivera campaign provided us a new opportunity to remind people of the rules.''
The memo said that "political propaganda'' and political fundraising are not allowed in public buildings, and that university resources cannot be used to promote a campaign. Santana-Bravo said the professors who signed the letter did not violate the rules because they wrote it on personal time.
The fundraising letter was sent to the Miami Herald by an unidentified FIU employee, who wrote in an e-mail that "The discomfort we all feel at being solicited at work is entirely bipartisan.''

I think I would be offended if I was solicited at my home than at work. s a state employee I receive solicitations often on my work email from insurance providers. This guy is a scum bag either way.
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