Raise your hand if you're looking forward to a choice between one of the GOP presidential dwarves and President Obama

"On March 28, 2011, President Obama was given a "transparency award" from five 'open government' organizations: OMB Watch, the National Security Archive, the Project on Government Oversight, the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, and OpenTheGovernment.org. Ironically -- and quite likely in response to growing public criticism regarding the Obama Administration's lack of transparency -- heads of the five organizations gave their award to Obama in a closed, undisclosed meeting at the White House."
-- opening of a WarIsACrime.org post,
"Rescind Obama's 'Transparency Award' Now!"
"Rescind Obama's 'Transparency Award' Now!"
by Ken
As you may have noticed, our coverage yesterday of the New Hamphshire Republican presidential debate came by way of China, and let me tell you, I was plenty grateful to Howie -- not to mention relieved -- for tackling it from the other side of the globe. As I wrote him after the fact, I really did feel that we ought to say something about this, er, event, but the chances of me watching, or even reading, what this rogues' gallery has to say are the proverbial slim to none.

Here they are again: your NH GOP presidential field.
Here I was thinking the 2008 Republican presidential field had hit rock bottom. I mean, really, could you imagine a lamer collection of losers fancying themselves presidential timber? Well, now you don't have to imagine it. I give you the 2012 Republican presidential field, in which anyone caught saying anything sane, or anything that can be twisted into anything that might resemble something that could be said by someone not entirely insane, is subject to immediate ejection, except by personal dispensation obtained via prostrating yourself before Rush Limbaugh and claiming you really didn't say it, or mean it, and in any case will never say or mean it again.
So we have a "front runner" about whom the only thing that can be said for certain is that he will never say what he actually believes on any subject, but only what he judges to be most acceptable to a mob of screeching ignoramuses and lunatics. I suppose there's some entertainment value in spectating what Sahil Kapur in The New Republic calls "The Campaign Within the Conservative Movement to Take Him Down." But there's not much entertainment value, when both sides are this repellent.
However, I can understand the sentiment of a colleague who reacted to this quote, "If the guy at the top of the ticket goes against the free market, goes against what we believe in, then we’re not really motivated by just getting a Republican in office,” by saying that he actually admires the attitude, that "this is how you move the conversation in your direction," something we on our side of the political spectrum are all kinds of terrible at doing.
And with the Democrats seemingly ever more hopelessly ensorceled the chimera of "centrism" (a more benign-sounding name for corporate conservatism) -- weren't we already confident, months before the 2010 electoral debacle, that the Village principals would "learn" wildly wrong lessons from it? -- that brings us back to the other half of the 2012 presidential equation, reminding us that however used we become to describing each successive election-cycle choice we're offered as the worst ever, we still manage to be surprised when the next one is even worse.
Far be it from me to suggest that there's no difference between Democrats and Republicans, or that the difference isn't important enough to matter. Look how well that thinking worked in the case of the Republican recapture of the House of Representatives. But that doesn't mean I have to like it when Democrats offer a merely less crackpotty and rhetorically less savage rendering of what is in so many areas essentially the same policies. And case in point is this business of President Obama and "transparency." It does seem true that transparency is something he likes to talk about. Practicing it, however, is something else.
My goodness, is it really possible that nobody involved in the bestowal of this award at the end of March noticed the disconnect represented by bestowing it in secret? It's understandable that the administration wouldn't want to encourage media busybodies to go rooting around its actual record on transparency, but how did those five organizations that bestowed the award let themselves get snookered into doing it under cover of darkness?
It's a symbol of the administration's cynicism or ineptitude (take your pick) on transparency that they've actually gifted a low-life thug like House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa with an issue, deficient governmental Freedom of Information Act response, to bludgeon them with. It should go without saying that this would never happen if it was a Republican administration thumbing its nose at FOIA response (c.f. "Bush regime, eight years of"), in the same way that Republican voices would never be heard moaning about a Republican president taking on war powers unimagined ore even specifically barred by the Constitution. Still, the fact is that the Obama adminstration, either by misadventure or conviction, has found itself in the role of transparency opponent.
Here is just the start of the bill of particulars "drafted by FBI Whistleblowers Sibel Edmonds and Coleen Rowley," as part of an appeal to the five award-bestowing organizations, urging them to take the award back, an appeal that's already been signed onto by two dozen individual whistleblowers and more than two dozen organizations. (You'll find links as well as the rest of the list onsite.)
• President Obama has not decreased but has dramatically increased governmental secrecy! According to a new report to the president by the Information Security Oversight Office (ISOO) -- the federal agency that provides oversight of the government's security classification system -- the cost of classification for 2010 has reached over $10.17 billion. That's a 15 percent jump from the previous year, and the first time ever that secrecy costs have surpassed $10 billion. Last month, ISOO reported that the number of original classification decisions generated by the Obama administration in 2010 was 224,734 -- a 22.6 percent jump from the previous year. See "The Price of Secrecy, Obama Edition".
• There were 544,360 requests for information last year under the Freedom of Information Act to the 35 biggest federal agencies -- 41,000 requests more than the year before. Yet the bureaucracy responded to 12,400 fewer requests than the prior year, according to an analysis by the Associated Press.
• Obama has invoked baseless and unconstitutional executive secrecy to quash legal inquiries into secret illegalities more often than any predecessor. The list of this President's invocations of the "state secrets privilege" has already resulted in shutting down lawsuits involving the National Security Agency's illegal wiretapping -- Jewel vs. NSA and Shubert vs. Obama; extraordinary rendition and assassination -- Anwar al-Aulaqi; and illegal torture -- Binyam Mohamed.
• Ignoring his campaign promise to protect government whistleblowers, Obama’s presidency has amassed the worst record in US history for persecuting, prosecuting, and jailing government whistleblowers and truth-tellers. President Obama's behavior has been in stark contrast to his campaign promises which included live streaming meetings online and rewarding whistleblowers. Obama’s Department of Justice is twisting the 1917 Espionage Act to press criminal charges in five alleged instances of national-security leaks -- more such prosecutions than have occurred in all previous Administrations combined.
• The Obama DOJ's prosecution of former NSA official Thomas Drake who, up till June 9, faced 35 years in prison for having blown the whistle on the NSA's costly and unlawful warrantless monitoring of American citizens typifies the abusive practices made possible through expansive secrecy agreements and threats of prosecution.
• President Obama has set a powerful and chilling example for potential whistleblowers through the abuse and torture of Bradley Manning, whose guilt he has also publicly stated prior to any trial by his, Obama's, military subordinates.
• Obama is the only president who has reenacted Fahrenheit 451 by actually having his agency collect and burn a book due to a never-justified classification excuse: Lt. Col Tony Shaffer’s Operation Dark Heart.
And the list goes on, to cover FBI harassment of antiwar activists; instituting a a secret assassination program; codifying by executive order the government program of secret kidnapping, imprisonment, rendition, and torture; going after reporters to reveal sources; protecting the secrecy of White House visitors' logs; aggressively pressuring foreign governments to refrain from investigating possible U.S. government crimes in matters of international law (consistent, it should be added, with its own refusal to do so).
We're all well aware by now that the hard-core "centrists" to whom the president almost always listens (and why not? they're his people), even beyond their generally visceral hatred of everyone to their left, believe there's a substantial net electoral plus from not just ignoring but actually spitting on us, that there are more votes to be gained from the phantom "middle" than lost from us crazy radicals. In reality, their only electoral hope is that the Republicans make themselves so egregious to voters that they'll give their votes to Democrats as a slightly-less-odious alternative.
And just as we've seen in numerous elections since 2010, starting with the Virginia gubernatorial disaster, voters who believe in core Democratic values will be left sitting on their hands on Election Day. Maybe President Obama doesn't care, since he stands a good chance of being reelected anyway. But I sure don't see much hope of preventing the all but inevitable Republican take over of the Senate, or of making the House Republican majority any less intractable. (Maybe the president doesn't care about that either, since the compromises he'll be "forced" to accept --as with the crippling of Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid -- seem to be compromises he's eager to make anyway. And with that implacably hostile Congress, how can he be expected to accomplish any of the things Democratic voters assume, wishfully, he really wants to?)
I would encourage you to take a list at the 1944 State of the Union address of Franklin D. Roosevelt, which Howie, again from China, appended to my post yesterday on the Congressional Progressive Caucus's summer 2011 12-city Speakout for Good Jobs Now "listening tour," which kicks off Saturday in Minneapolis. In that speech, you'll recall, the president enunciated some points that are part of "a second Bill of Rights," economic rights, which he insisted had already "become accepted as self-evident." I know this post is running long, but I think it's important to look again at the rights he insisted were included:
The right to a useful and remunerative job in the industries or shops or farms or mines of the nation;"All of these rights," the president continued, "spell security."
The right to earn enough to provide adequate food and clothing and recreation;
The right of every farmer to raise and sell his products at a return which will give him and his family a decent living;
The right of every businessman, large and small, to trade in an atmosphere of freedom from unfair competition and domination by monopolies at home or abroad;
The right of every family to a decent home;
The right to adequate medical care and the opportunity to achieve and enjoy good health;
The right to adequate protection from the economic fears of old age, sickness, accident, and unemployment;
The right to a good education.
And after this war is won we must be prepared to move forward, in the implementation of these rights, to new goals of human happiness and well-being.
America's own rightful place in the world depends in large part upon how fully these and similar rights have been carried into practice for all our citizens.
For unless there is security here at home there cannot be lasting peace in the world.
Can you imagine how the Republican scum in Congress would react if a president dared to give such a State of the Union speech today? More important, can you imagine how most of the Democrats in Congress would react?
Howie refers a lot in his DWT posts to the betrayal by today's Democrats of "core Democratic values," and I suspect some readers sometimes wonder what values he's talking about, or whether they're really "core" values. Well, here they are.
On that day in January 1944, with World War II still raging, and with a whole reelection battle still to be waged (successfully, of course), I don't know whether President Roosevelt knew how close he was to the end -- just 15 months, almost to the day. But on that day he left a powerful testament. It's a shame so few Democrats choose to accept, let alone honor, that legacy.
Labels: Barack Obama, centrists, cowardly Dems, Darrell Issa, FDR, FOIA
im voting green. if that causes republicans to be elected, the Wisconsin movement will spread nationally. lesser evilism makes the problem worse. obama is a wolf in sheeps clothing.
My hand is raised.
It would pleasure me to see Obama dig into Mitt Romney's record as a job creator.
I think a debate between Obama and Ron Paul would be really entertaining.
When you accept the fact that O'Bummer is a republican, it all makes sense.
I too am voting Green. Either that or for Bernie Sanders.
Obama's the best GOP president since Teddy Roosevelt. In any case, he's certainly more charismatic than Hoover. What could anyone else want?
Do you suppose people in the White House and in the Obama campaign have any idea what so many people on the Left who voted for him last time are thinking?
Do you suppose people in the White House ... have any idea what so many people on the Left ... are thinking?
Ha ha, of course they don't bother with such trifles.
You wanna know why all - ALL - the repub candidates are idiots, lunatics, extremists, assholes, or some combination thereof? IT'S INTENTIONAL!!!
Obama is the favored candidate of the corporate elite, particularly the banks. (Just look at the campaign financing if you don't believe me.)
And that is exactly why we're getting the clown parade from the republican party. Their purpose is to make Obama look acceptable in comparison.
That's the strategy. It will work, too, because voters are stupid.
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