Friday, July 24, 2009

A special "Comedy Tonight" citation to Sen. Chuck "Twitter Man" Grassley for new horizons in incoherence and dishonesty


Take a tip from the experts: Connoisseurs prize the twittering of Iowa Sen. Charles Grassley, who has quickly become iconic for communicating his world of political hackery and deception in an ambience of crack-brained incoherence.

"I think we have a similar idea of what bipartisanship is all about."
-- Senate Finance Committee ranking minority member
Chuck Grassley, speaking of his bipartisan bosom
buddy, committee chairman Max Baucus

by Ken

I know you can't be expected to worry about our scheduling problems, but the DWT "Comedy Tonight" Dept. has just issued an Emergency Overflow Alert for tonight's edition, which as usual goes up at midnight ET/9pm PT. As a result, what was to have been an Honorable Mention citation to the yukmeister of the corn belt, Iowa Sen. Chuck "I'm Just a Twitterin' Fool" Grassley, has been bumped forward into the regular post rotation.

Connoisseurs of political comedy are already enamored of our Chuck's Amazin' Tweets, which are known for providing a seamless blend of incoherence with supersize helpings of dishonesty and cynical political opportunism. (Jason Rosenbaum's got a nice post at HCAN's Health Care for America Now blog.) We're hearing reports that the diehard ChuckTweet aficionados are having their ability to perform normal work seriously impaired as they keep watch on the Chuckster's feed and swap notes with fellow enthusiasts to make sure they haven't missed any gems. As if the economy weren't already seriously enough impaired!

The Chuckster is of course the regular dance partner of bipartisan bosom buddy (BBB) "Slappy Maxie" Baucus, and in their carefully orchestrated Abbott and Costello way they've been teaming up to make sure that this here health care nonsense doesn't get out of control.

At "Comedy Tonight," our Chuck was in line for this honor:

To Sen. Charles Ernest Grassley --

for taking twittering into bold new horizons of imbecility and incoherence (and, oh yes, dishonesty and cynical political opportunism -- but heck, these'll always be with us, regardless of what media we use)

Okay, on the theory that ChuckTweets are like potato chips and you can't have just one, here's one more, but just this one:


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At 6:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's keep private sector bureaucrats in charge of health care that's worked out well for us and even better for them and their congressional shills.

At 7:24 AM, Blogger KenInNY said...

That's so elegantly put, Anon, that I'm going to have to add it as an update to the original post. Thanks!


At 8:48 AM, Anonymous Ida Jurie said...

Someone not only forgot to teach Grassley (or Grasshole, as Noah calls him) how to spell, he never even learned the difference between patience and patients. What a total tool! Is this guy the best and brightest Nebraska has to offer?


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