The Republican Lunatic Fringe Is On The Warpath

Republican obstructionists in the House can't get anything done-- not that they even want to, as you can tell from the years when they controlled the show under Bush-- so their new tactic of absurdity is to try to force adjournment votes whenever they get angry about anything. Yesterday they did it twice. At 2 in the afternoon 22 of the worst right-wing obstructionists tried forcing an abrupt adjournment. All 235 Democrats and 145 Republicans voted against them, telling them, in effect, to grow up and start remembering that those fat paychecks and great health care plans they get at the taxpayer expense isn't so they can throw temper tantrums. Mike Pence, who has a bee in her bonnet these days over everything and is suffering some delusions about running for president, led the kooks and nuts like Steve King (R-IA), Scott Garrett (R-NJ), Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), Jeb Hensarling (R-TX), Paul Broun (R-GA) and Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) into their latest hissy fit.
An hour and a half later they tried again-- and failed again. The House then proceeded to vote on 4 nonpartisan bills which all passed unanimously even with the same cockamamie obstructionists afraid to vote against things like a Veterans Affairs outpatient clinic and pilot college work study programs for vets. What a bunch of losers!

How does someone as clownish and so devoid of admirable qualities like Pence keep getting re-elected, you wonder? Must be something in the water back home. With the Democrats in the House on the verge of passing a landmark health care reform bill that will substantively make life better for millions of American families-- including families in Indiana, of course-- Pence is working overtime to bad-mouth their efforts and sow confusion in his home state. A more worthless representative would be difficult to find anywhere.
Republicans Want Another Civil War?
This just came through and we don't know who yet but I couldn't resist passing this on. We should have a video up tomorrow. "Apparently a Republican candidate here in Virginia just had a Tea Party event and was caught on video saying 'if we lose at the ballot box, we will have to turn to the bullet box.'"
And The Update...
As promised, here's the video of Catherine Crabill, a crackpot Republican candidate for the House of Delegates blabbling like a moron at a tea-bagger party about her Second Amendment rights and threatening that if the extreme right-wing doesn't get its way electorally they can start shooting people. Today's GOP: "We have the chance to fight this battle at the ballot box before we have to resort to the bullet box... That's the beauty of our 2nd Amend rights." And don't think it's just some lunatic fringe Republican in Virginia. She sounds very much like the lunatic fringe fave in Florida, Marco Rubio, who is about to abandon his run for the Republican nomination for the U.S. Senate seat and try for the Attorney General slot instead.
Labels: Crabill, crazy extremists, Mike Pence, obstructionist Republicans
Here my entry in you think your Republican Senator is crazy.
Sen. Bunning (Crazytown, KY) accused his opponent of sending "Little Green Doctors" to beat up his wife at an event she never attended.
He used that as an excuse not to have a debate.
Somehow he still got elected.
Republicans Want Another Civil War?
Someone should get some cajones and arrest these ahews for sedition! Let's see what they do from the brig.
I think they should go for it! Not only will they be surprised by the number of liberals (like me) who will shoot back - but right after that surprise registers they are charcoal briquettes because the side with the Air Force always wins. Morons.
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