Saturday, July 04, 2009

Holland And U.S. Are Both Bailing Out Prostitutes, Although Holland's Are The Honest Kind


This was quite the non-4th of July for me. The closest I came was a festive conflagration in a small village in the interior of Bali called Pejeng where there was a positively sparkling mass cremation ceremony. And then I got this reminder from HCAN that the 4th of July is, afterall, about something that goes quite beyond fireworks and barbeques: Revolution.
Two hundred and thirty-three years ago, our countrymen declared their independence from the tyrannical British Empire.

Today, will you declare your independence from the tyrannical insurance industry and demand the choice of a public health insurance option?

Click here to sign the petition and declare your independence from the insurance industry!

All over the country today, thousands of Americans are holding these truths to be self-evident - we need health care reform that will provide:

• Coverage we can afford;
• Comprehensive benefits we can count on;
• Choice of a private or public health insurance plan; and
• Equal access to quality care

For too long, the insurance industry has held us in their monopolistic grip, so much so that there is no competition in 94% of our communities. We have no choice but to pay their absurd rates and receive their sub-standard care so they can pay their CEOs another bonus.

No more! With the choice of a public health insurance option, the industry will finally have a competitor strong enough to keep them honest. With this choice, we can restore stability to our lives, with no more unaffordable and low-quality coverage.

Happy Independence Day!

Indeed! But is it just a pack of avaricious Insurance Industry executives who are the cause of our misfortune? Of course not-- not even if you add in a pack of avaricious Big Pharma executives, and a pack of avaricious bankster-predators. It's much harder to come to grips with-- though today is certainly the day to do so-- that our very system of democracy is the root cause. Our political system is financed by those with the wealth and biggest interest in maintaining the status quo. And its quite bipartisan-- the entire GOP (100%) being in thrall to Big Business by ideology as well as human greed and enough Democrats-- from Lieberman, Specter, Baucus, Bayh, Landrieu, Nelson and our own slimy Blanche Lincoln making sure that this conservative coalition overrides anything and everything the people of this country may want. Time for another revolution? Did you think I was kidding the other day when I mentioned that misplaced, divisive eliminationism might be better directed away from racial minorities and towards the real authors of our woes? Mojo Nixon sure has had this one right all along!

Imagine if there were no greedy, dishonest politicians with their hands in the pockets of Big Business. Maybe we wouldn't have just spent uncounted hundreds of billions of dollars bailing out incompetent, crooked banksters. Maybe they'd be rotting in prisons now instead of dividing up our tax dollars among themselves in the form of bonuses. Maybe we'd be having a discussion like they are in Amsterdam about whether or not to bail out honest prostitutes instead of the shady kind we bailed out.
Amsterdam city council is turning its attention to a pressing problem for one of the city's key business sectors -- banking and credit for prostitutes who can't get accounts from mainstream institutions... "Up until now, it's been very difficult for people in the sex industry to get credit with the banks," a city council spokesman said on Friday.

"For them it is a hazard that they can not get regular credit or help or mortgages or anything from a regular bank."
The council is expected to come to some sort of conclusion within the next two months on what it might do to help the industry.

One of the country's most prominent right-wing politicians-- one who until a few weeks ago harbored presidential or vice-presidential delusions-- actually used tax payer money to pay his own prostitute down in Argentina. Is he in prison? On trial? No; he's a politician. They set the rules for themselves and the rules are mighty liberal... for themselves.

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At 6:33 PM, Anonymous Balakirev said...

"One of the country's most prominent right-wing politicians-- one who until a few weeks ago harbored presidential or vice-presidential delusions-- actually used tax payer money to pay his own prostitute down in Argentina. Is he in prison? On trial? No; he's a politician."

Isn't the matter still under investigation, Howie? Not that I think Sanford deserves to be roaming about outside a prison. As far as I'm concerned, cheating tens of thousands of people of their jobs (and their families, and their merchants) in order to get a badge of merit to run for the 2012 GOP presidential campaign is reason enough to for incarceration. But if he spent his own cash to go to Argentina, then all he's done, after all, is urinate on his office, and lie profoundly to his constituency about his "honesty" and "Christianity" in order to get elected. Those are hardly criminal offenses in our strange land.


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