John Cornyn's Sad, Hopeless Task

Cornyn thinks GOP needs a new... image
Though most of America was either repulsed or nonplused by "Bobby" Jindal's creepy rebuttal to President Obama's speech this week, Republican politicians are using it to appeal to their dwindling base for donations. Fellow obstructionist wingnuts and governors-- especially those who say they will turn down unemployment money for their states, extremists like Haley Barbour (MS) and Mark Sanford (SC)-- are particularly enthusiastic. The head of their party's efforts to get back in the game in the Senate, Texas obstructionist John Cornyn, says the time has come-- on this very day when the full scope of George Bush's good-bye gift to America has become clear-- for the Republicans to start recruiting mainstream candidates and not just extreme right-wing fanatics (like himself).
He spoke at the GOP's NutFest today and warned the drooling loons and neo-fascists gathered there and waiting for some red meat to be tossed their way that they may be in for a disappointment if they're expecting more Republican candidates who espouse the ideals set forth by Hitler, Coulter and Mussolini. He "warned the gathered conservatives, in town for their annual three-day pilgrimage to hear from Republican luminaries, that not all of the candidates the party recruits will adhere to conservative orthodoxy all the time, a message at odds with other speakers at the conference who urged a return to Reaganite roots."
"Not all of these candidates are going to hold conservative positions on every issue," Cornyn said. "It's critical that our candidates fit their states if they're going to win.
"I understand when people are occasionally frustrated with the way some of my colleagues vote. I am too. But a circular firing squad within our party is no solution," Cornyn said. "We must broaden our party and increase our appeal among groups that share our values but don’t necessarily identify as conservatives or vote consistently as Republicans."
Cornyn acknowledged the "thumpin' " Republicans took in the last election, though he said the movement is "regrouping, reorganizing and renewing itself."
Andy Barr from Politico reported on Cornyn's NutFest chat earlier today and got right to the heart of the GOP dilemma: "The GOP may need to recruit fewer conservative candidates in order to win in 2010" and he clearly differentiated himself from Michael Steele, who is willing to ostracize and even finance campaigns against Republican incumbents who are not 100% obstructionist.
"To be a national party we have to put blue and purple states in play," the Texas senator told an audience at the Conservative Political Action Conference. "I would rather have a Republican that would vote with me 80 percent of the time than a liberal Democrat voting with me 0 percent of the time."
He told the gathered conservatives that attacking moderates in the GOP who have voted with President Barack Obama is counterproductive to the party's goals. He added that a "circular firing squad" will not help Republicans regain the majority.
Cluelessly, he told the audience that the party controlled by virulent racists and stark raving mad xenophobes needs to cater to Hispanics to win in the future. Now that is some stretch! He said Republicans will have to venture out of their country clubs and gated communities to meet Hispanics above and beyond the ones who work for them as gardeners and housekeepers.
Labels: Cornyn, CPAC, crazy extremists, obstructionist Republicans, Senate 2010
Good luck with that! Repugs have no idea how to relate to Hispanics or to any other minorities.
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