Reid And Pelosi Give Obama The Finger-- Bow Down To The NRA

Oh, yeah-- that worked
The NRA will be happy to know that bullying Democrats-- even when they control both houses of Congress and the presidency-- works. Earlier today Nancy Pelosi told Eric Holder that a reinstating a ban on automatic weapons will take a better man than her. Yep, while John Bolton was being applauded wildly for telling the American neo-fascist movement at their CPAC NutFest in DC that Chicago should be nuked, Speaker Pelosi was closing the door on Holder's request to stem the tide of senseless violence here and in Mexico by banning automatic weapons.
And, just in case Holder didn't get the message, 22 Democrats joined the Republicans yesterday to vote for compulsory gun worship in Washington, DC-- Max Baucus (MT), Evan Bayh (IN), Mark Begich (AK), Michael Bennet (CO), Robert Byrd (WV), Bob Casey (PA), Kent Conrad (ND), Byron Dorgan (ND), Russ Feingold (WI), Kay Hagan (NC), Tim Johnson (SD), Mary Landrieu (LA), Blanche Lincoln (AR), Claire McCaskill (MO), Ben Nelson (NE), Mark Pryor (AR), Harry Reid (NV), John Tester (MT), both Udalls (NM & CO), Mark Warner (VA) and Jim Webb (VA). It would be so ironic if a dozen or so of them learned the problems associated with that that first hand... even if just for a fleeting few last moments.
And if that vote wasn't clear enough for Holder that the Democrats are too scared to tackle gun control, Harry Reid left no room for doubt last night that he's as scared of the Republican front groups as Pelosi is.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid will join Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) in opposing any effort to revive the 1994 assault weapons ban, putting them on the opposite side of the Obama administration.
Reid spokesman Jim Manley said the Nevada Democrat will preserve his traditional pro-gun rights voting record.
"Senator Reid would oppose an effort (to) reinstate the ban if the Senate were to vote on it in the future," Manley told The Hill in an e-mail late Thursday night.
It was not immediately clear whether Reid would block the bill from the Senate, but his opposition casts serious doubt on its chances. Also, Manley noted that Reid voted against the ban in 1994 and again when it expired in 2004.
Imagine if Reid had shown that kind of backbone when Bush and Cheney were shredding the Constitution over the last eight years! Now it will be interesting to see how the Senate's most junior member, Kirsten Gillibrand, reacts to this schism. Will she represent her pals at the NRA or the Democratic base that will determine who wins her first statewide primary?
Labels: gun control, Kirsten Gillibrand, NRA, spineless Democrats
I'd like to point out that the 94 AWB had nothing to do with automatic weapons. Automatic weapons (aka machine guns) are already heavily regulated by the ATF by way of the National Firearms Act of 1934 - .
Not only that, but they're rare and expensive due to the passage of the Firearms Owners Protection Act - .
The AWB from 94 tried vainly to regulate semi auto weapons with cosmetic features similar to weapons regulated under the NFA.
Despite all you hear in the news about "assault weapons" being used in crime, it's pretty rare for them to be used in crime. However, many of the weapons that would be banned under such a law, if President Obama and Eric Holder have their way, are also the most popular weapons in our country. The Glock 17, the various AR15 types, and the 1911 all come to mind.
Passage of the 94 AWB is heavily credited in causing the Democrats to loose control of Congress and the Senate in the mid nineties, and that is probably why Pelosi and Reid don't want anything to do with it.
I live in a small suburb right over the city ine from Philadelphia. 3 years ago a kid in my daughters high school took out an ak 47 and blew his head off.What is an ak 47 doing in Wyndmoor PA???
I'm pretty upset that Casey voted for this
I am unable to understand why any individual would consider Representative Pelosi's lack of enthusiasm for Mr. Holder's advocacy of a renewed "assault weapons ban" as unfortunate. The original "assault weapons ban" was an entirely unreasonable and irrational legislative act; there exists no valid justification for either renewing it or -- as Reperesentative Carolyn McCarthy has sought to do -- expanding it.
What is an ak 47 doing in Wyndmoor PA???
Was the firearm an actual Automatic Kalashnikov, or was it a semi-automatic firearm derived from the AK action? Additionally, do you believe that it is preferrable for individuals to commit suicide with handguns or shotguns than with Kalashnikov-based rifles?
Maybe Obama wanted to look "liberal" and promoted something that he knew would not pass - but then got the two to Dems in Congress to oppose it. If you don't think politics operates on this level then......
look who is suppling arms to all the conflicts round the glode including Mexico, it is the US military industry!
the two wars in the iraq and afghanistan have created the largest unregulated supermarket of killing devices,available to all on the black market.
rest assured that the mexican cartels etc. are not using semi-automatic weapons like those banned in 1994, they have the best money can buy straight from the biggest pusher in the world.
besides when have reid and pelosi ever shown that they have a democratic spine, not often. i believe reid will always vote his mormon faith over any democratic principles. this has been proven true over and over again.
I think we should convert GM to building Sherman tanks (an upgrade on the Hummer) and selling them to the general public along with stinger missiles, hand grenades and other forms of death and destruction. amerika is one sick place. I can only hope that someone will show up at a NRA convention and open fire.
after all howie, everyone needs a machine gun.
Rsands9-- just one? Are you a communist?
I can only hope that someone will show up at a NRA convention and open fire.
Your statement suggests that you experience misdirected hostility that has resulted in psychologically unhealthy fantasies involving violent acts. I would recommend that you consult a mental health physician regarding this matter.
I consider myself to be very liberal.But after watching my country nearly slide into fascism, I can't help but think that disarming ourselves is not a good idea.I don't like guns and don't own one but, the Bush years made me rethink my position on gun control.
Howie, very sloppy and fact-challenged of you to say "a ban on automatic weapons" when the AWB isn't about full auto weapons, as noted above by CTone.
Otherwise, keep up the great work!
Is there ANY subject on this blog that doesn't have at least one commenter that advocates killing someone? This has become a country of HATERS. If this is the policy of this blog then YOU, Down With Tyranny, should be held accountable if it actually happens.
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