Jindal Won't Do Much For The GOP But His Shockingly Inept Speech Has Made A Star Out Of Kenneth The Page

Do you see a president hiding here?
Yesterday our Ken, who, unlike me, watches TV and knows about popular shows like 30 Rock and has opinions on characters like Kenneth the Page, was mortified that people were comparing the page to Jindal. (I'm friends with Stephen Page of Barenaked Ladies-- but I had never heard of Kenneth the Page until Gov. Jindal did his dumbed down impersonation of him after Obama's speech Tuesday night.) This morning I was reading both the NY Times' critique of Jindal's Mr. Rogersish speech and the L.A. Times' report on how mortified the Republican Party was over Jindal's atrocious performance:
The reviews were swift and scathing: Off-putting. Amateurish. Disastrous.
And those were fellow Republicans reacting to Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, who delivered the nationally broadcast follow-up to President Obama's speech to Congress on Tuesday night. (Not surprisingly, Democrats echoed the criticism.)
...Fellow conservatives criticized Jindal's mannerisms, his sing-song delivery, the backdrop for his 10-minute speech (a spiral staircase in the governor's mansion in Baton Rouge).
"You can't go on TV and counter Obama with that," said radio host Laura Ingraham.
Philip Klein of the American Spectator said Jindal seemed more like a high school student delivering his valedictory speech than a prospective new GOP leader.
Aside from Tom DeLay (still not in prison), Rush Limbaugh, who is apparently back to mainlining Oxycontin, was Jindal's one defender. Threatening other wingnuts who criticized the GOP's one hope to make sure Sarah Palin isn't their party's future, Limbaugh babbled incoherently on Wednesday morning on his Hate Talk Radio program, "I love Bobby Jindal, and that did not change after last night... Because if you think — people on our side I’m talking to you — those of you who think Jindal was horrible, you think — in fact, I don’t ever want to hear from you ever again. … I’ve spoken to him numerous times, he’s brilliant. He’s the real deal." Other wingers, including South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford and Republican Party spokesperson Amanda Carpenter, are questioning Limbaugh's sanity. Now does anyone care about any of this or what any of these people have to say? Well... viewers of Late Night With Jimmy Fallon-- another TV thing I had never heard about until today-- were treated to Kenneth the Page, or at least Jack McBrayer, the actor who plays him. Take a look at how he responded to Jindal's unauthorized impersonation and career suicide:
Labels: Barenaked Ladies, Bobby Jindal, Kenneth the page, Rush Limbaugh
Bobby Jindal, go back to INDIA where you originated from and go FUCK A COW!
Jindal was born in the U.S. And in India, Hindus consider cows sacred and they don't fuck them (or eat them).
Don't blame Jindal. Blame the voters of Louisiana whose contribution to our political malaise includes, besides an atrocious power-hungry governor, two of the lamest senators in history, Republican David Diapers Vitter and Democrat Mary Landrieu, as well as one of the absolute worst congressional delegations any state has sent to Washington since the Civil War: 6 reactionary Republicans and one craven Blue Dog.
I really don't understand why we continue to offer helpful, intelligent criticisms of the Harding wing of Lincoln's party. Surely it would be better to show fear when they stumble? I'd rather have them think they were doing great when they fail, instead of giving them suggestions for improving their presentation skills.
That aside, this is interesting:
"...Fellow conservatives criticized Jindal's mannerisms, his sing-song delivery, the backdrop for his 10-minute speech (a spiral staircase in the governor's mansion in Baton Rouge).,,"
Yet nobody had a word for the completely non sequitur thoughts and specious logic throughout the speech. I'd almost laugh, if it weren't that a large number of people still feel Obama is a Nazi Communist anti-gun gay-loving tree-hugger born overseas. Instead of a cautious, conservative, business-as-usual Democrat. They still don't realize he may be the best Republican president we've had, yet.
This is where Bobby Jindal got his talking point from:
All I keep reading is the asinine brouhaha about the volcano and it's just that - asinine. Jindal is correct in his assessment. A $140 million appropriation for volcano monitoring has no place in a STIMULUS bill. They kept this appropriation in the stimulus yet completely cut the ones listed below:
$98 million for school nutrition
$600 million for Title I (No Child Left Behind)
$1 billion for Head Start/Early Start
$16 billion for school construction
I lived in Seattle for a long time (including the year of St. Helens eruption, which is in the Ring of Fire), and I didn't spend my time worrying about a volcano killing me. Anyone living in WA is far, far more likely to be killed in a car accident.
$98 million for school nutrition is far more important than $140 million for volcano monitoring. Volcano monitoring does absolutely nothing for our economy. Volcanos kill a most miniscule amount of people in the United States in comparison to say, Japan. Yet Japan takes care of their children.
Our children got the shaft in the stimulus package and yet the media chooses to concentrate on volcanoes. Absolutely amazing!
Jindal says, with heartfelt if not child-like sincerity, "We believe in you", yet he feels that the government should stand back and do essentially nothing to help people keep their homes and feed their families. He doesn't want those extended unemployment benefits because that means his state will, one day in the future, owe the federal government some money. Of course, he says this without even thinking of all the people in his state alone who are unemployed and have no job prospects. Jindal takes an ideological position at the expense of the people who voted him into office. This is exactly what most of the Republican Party seems to be doing right now.
Oh, by the way, volcano monitoring is a critical public safety issue for several states and it has been neglected by the government far too long. If just one of our several volcanoes erupts, more than the economy would suffer. This is another part of Obama's program that invests in the future of the country, while creating and preserving more jobs now.
Good grief, I thought "Palin" was off her rocker. She is as bad for this country as a trojan virus is for a computer. But, now she has competition in the "idiot" category. Jindal certainly is giving her a run for her money.
how do we know bobby jindal was born in the united states? where is his birth certificate? we know his mother concieved him in india so how do we know he wasn't really born there? btw all opf jindals relatives are paid by the government one way or another.
jindal did prove that he likes to lie. half the stuff he said was made up including that sheriff and the rescue story.
So this Indian joker wants to punish irresponsible mortgage holder? Well MORON!, I live in a neighborhood that ALL houses are worth much less than what is owed. EVERY ONE! People who did it right with those that didn't. Every one is fucked! Yes go back to India and fuck a cow! Moron!
I dont want to hear your racist shit. Indians do well in life because we are honest, hardworking people. so dont give me this shit about Jindal not being born in the US. But more importantly, so what if he is? What difference does it make?
I like Jindal, and think he is a great guy, but think that the media is making too much of a deal about him.
Oh yea volcano monitoring is reeeaaallllly going to create a lot of jobs! Employ hundreds of thousands of people and put our economy back on track.
It's going to create so many jobs it's worth short changing low income school children lunch. Pull your head out of your rear end. Face it the stimulus package is the same old DC politics - ineffective and full of pork.
Woohoo I know exactly how I'll spend my whopping extra $13 a week this stimulus package is going to help me with!
Everyone slams Jindal but it's okay if Obama plagiarizes everyone under the sun in his speech. He could at least attempted be original. How many times have we heard JFK's "Ask not what......"
Give it a rest.
"Everyone slams Jindal but it's okay if Obama plagiarizes everyone under the sun in his speech. He could at least attempted be original. How many times have we heard JFK's "Ask not what......""
Shorter Anonymous: I can't find anything to seriously criticize about Obama's address, so I'll desperately grasp for originality.
And in case you have trouble figuring it out, volcano monitoring isn't about creating tons of jobs. It's about doing something as necessary as providing flood prevention in Louisiana--and you surely remember how well the Bush administration handled that.
Bal - I case you haven't figured it out.
Or at least it's supposed to be.
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