Sunday, December 21, 2008

Courtesy of Jesus' General, Gen. JC Christian, Patriot: Republican Jesus reaches out to Obama


[Thanks to Patriotboy]

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At 7:26 PM, Blogger megat said...

your blog very beautiful and more info,I like your blog

At 8:05 PM, Blogger KenInNY said...

Why, thank you! Please come back!


At 8:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 8:13 AM, Blogger KenInNY said...

Well, yes, that's the idea.


At 8:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with T Bisset, shocking.

I'm down with the flag pin, but the power tie is over the top.

At 9:01 AM, Blogger KenInNY said...

Republican Jesus dresses for success.


At 11:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Might by funny if it wasn't so close to Christmas. Now that I think about it, it ain't gonna make me laugh any time of the year. I think I'll just take a few days off from reading DWT and try and keep my spirits up. See you later, maybe.

At 12:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another satisfied reader. Howie better hurry back?

I am guessing anybody who would set up a trinity when it is so clearly a quaternity including the projected dark side, MUST have a sense of humor. Still not sure about the tie though...

I DO love the General KenI. Thanks.

I am assuming you have all visited

Glow in the dark Rosaries STILL under a dollar,
same for the ten commandments on a penny!

At 12:48 PM, Blogger KenInNY said...

Oops, I didn't realize TB was serious. Well, it wouldn't have changed what I wrote.

The "blasphemy" charge is 100% bullshit, and hateful hypocrisy to boot. I have to wonder about the sincerity -- or sanity -- of anyone who would level it, because it means that person is in a state of total denial or ignorance of the way Jesus is "worshiped" in the powerhouse junk churches of present-day America.

It's not Patriotboy who invented the concept of Republican Jesus; he just gave a name to the bogus Jesus of the American Christian Right. If anyone is speaking up for the concept of an authentic Jesus, he is. The blasphemers, the true Jesus-haters, are the junk religionists and those who defend the worship of Republican Jesus. To do so in the Christmas season is doubly, if not trebly blasphemous.


At 1:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Before I took a vacation from DWT I had to take one more look to see if there were any new responses to the Jesus cartoon. Looking at it now I feel I must respond.

First of all, there was nothing “hateful” in my labeling the cartoon "blasphemy," which it clearly is. I do happen to be what some would call a "lapsed" or a "supermarket" Catholic. I believe, however, in all the good concepts that Jesus brought to the masses - like taking care of the disadvantaged, turning the other cheek, and treating others as you would like to be treated.

I have had a lot of losses over the last few years: my father, my brother, my best friend, and, 4 years ago, my mother. My Christmas celebrations are becoming smaller and lonelier as the years go by and I enjoy going to church during the holidays and communing with my fellow parishioners.

I am fully aware, however, that the so called "Junk" religions that you refer to exploit the words of the bible and Jesus for their own greed and profit, while turning what might be considered "good" people against certain disenfranchised groups and people of different races and sexual orientation. It's disgusting to say the least.

But it's not what the Catholic religion is all about, although it certainly has it faults. Through the Knights of Columbus (and when I was a child all my friends’ fathers were members) they have supported issues like Prop 8, and they are anti-choice.

So I feel I must defend myself before I move on:

1. To call my labeling of the cartoon "100% bullshit, and hateful hypocrisy to boot" is nonsense. You obviously have no religion in your life; otherwise you would have never made that statement.

2. Regarding your other charge: "I have to wonder about the sincerity -- or sanity -- of anyone who would level it, because it means that person is in a state of total denial or ignorance of the way Jesus is "worshiped" in the powerhouse junk churches of present-day America." I have already explained this. I know of and have been to these churches and would never defend them in any way.

I just think your timing and you sensitivity to people that belong to "real" religious organizations and decide to bring some religion into their lives during the Christmas season because it makes them happy is cruel, mean spirited, and short sighted. You know nothing about my feelings towards religion and how I live my life.

At 7:40 AM, Blogger KenInNY said...

I respect many of your sensibilities, TB, but I'm afraid you've told us way more about who you are than you realize.

To take Patriotboy's Gen. JC Christian, Patriot, as a negative commentary on the real Jesus -- in other words not to see that "Republican Jesus" is the sworn enemy of the real one -- you have to be either not quite honest or not very bright -- and to know so little about Jesus as not to realize that he would have been appalled.

That's why it never occurred to me that you were serious when you first made what I assumed was a joke about "blasphemy."

Sorry, as a serious accusation, it is, as I said, 100% bullshit, pure and simple. you couldn't be more wrong about that, and that's not a matter of opinion. In order for it to be blasphemy, you would have to be saying that "Republican Jesus" is the real Jesus.

Apparently Catholics are just as capable of worshiping phony idols as the rest of the junk religionists. Jesus would be profoundly ashamed (as I imagine he would be by an awful lot of what the Catholic Church does in his name), though of course he would forgive you.

Me, I'm not so sure. I'm not crazy about being accused of phony-baloney wacko bullshit offenses. (As you've noticed, it causes me to lose my sense of humor, which I regret.)


At 8:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another Festivus Miracle! Blessings.

See how valuable the Airing of Griefs is? sez:

"Jesus Would Slap the Shit out of You".

Not you T Bisset:) "Them".

PS. The Catholic Church is a NIGHTMARE.
An Orwellian cocktail of guilty pain and punishment stirred with sexism by Old White Men in White Dresses with Red shoes. GRUESOME.

At 10:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about a little holidaze music.

"Perfect Strangers"?


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