Monday, September 01, 2008

Adam Putnam Expecting Doom And Gloom In The GOP Ranks-- I Wonder Why


Time to say good-bye

Yesterday when we were laughing about how happy Bush, Cheney, McCain, Boehner and the rest of the GOP assclowns were to cut back on their wake-like convention in St Paul, we mentioned in passing that Howdy Doody (R-FL) is still scheduled to address the assorted gathering of lobbyists and fanatics tomorrow evening. Doug Tudor, the progressive ex-naval officer who Democrats have nominated to take back the central Florida seat Doody now sits in, mentioned recently that Doody never uses the words "re-elect" or "Republican" on any of his campaign literature. Republican Party consultants have warned incumbents that antipathy for Republicans and Republican policies is running so high that they should try passing themselves off as anything but a Republican incumbent.

Last week Rep. Doody told a local paper that November is going to be very tough on Republicans. "It's a tough year for all incumbents," he whined, "but it's certainly shaping up to be another tough cycle for Republicans... I think that basically every prognosticator believes that we lose a handful of seats in the Senate and probably will continue to lose seats, almost certainly will continue to lose seats, in the House as well... The voters haven't extracted their pound of flesh yet, and so the anger didn't really diminish after 2006, and in fact, it's kind of increased. Approval ratings are 20 points lower today then they were on Election Day in 2006 when Republicans got fired. So, I don't think anybody has a great handle on how that shapes up."

We've been marveling at Bush rubber stamps like Gordon Smith (R-OR) and Chris Shays (R-CT) actually running TV ads with pictures of Obama! In fact, if you haven't seen Smith's, you should take a look. It's a riot, although something tells me that John McCain won't appreciate it, especially when he described Smith as a member of his "kitchen cabinet"-- after Smith loudly resigned as chairman of the McCain Oregon election team and also declared he wouldn't be coming to McCain's nomination party. When asked how many Senate candidates had decided to skip their party's convention, an RNC spokeswoman said it would be easier to recite the small number who are showing up! And it isn't only Republicans afraid of losing their Senate seats who are trying to distance themselves from McCain and the Republican Party. More than half of Michigan's Republican congressional delegation decided they were otherwise engaged.

But, as a member of the House leadership, Congressman Doody couldn't worm out of it and is in the uncomfortable position of having to make a speech. Doug thinks he may be praying for something to happen that cancels Tuesday too!

The bad joke goes, on September 11, 2001, there were only two Americans that took heart from the terrorist attacks-- Gary Condit and Lee Greenwood. Condit was glad the Chandra Levy headlines would be forgotten, and Mr. Greenwood knew he would have another war from which to profit. Adam Putnam is slated to deliver an address at the Republican National Convention on the night when the Republicans will talk about “reform.” On “Reform Night,” Mr. Putnam will talk about Social Security. He will undoubtedly betray his constituents by parroting the party line of privatization, which the American public rejects at the rate of over 80%. I have no doubt that Mr. Putnam sincerely hopes his “opportunity to address America” will be scuttled by the impending devastation wrought by Hurricane Gustav. Certainly John McCain is glad that Bush and Cheney cancelled.

A few weeks ago Doug was interviewed in the St. Petersburg Times and they made a point of saying how without some financial support, he wouldn't be able to put up a viable challenge to one of the most rubbery of all the Florida Bush rubber stamps. He's the first candidate on a new DWT ActBlue page... if anyone would like to lend a hand. In fact, anyone who donates at least $25 this week will get a brand new double CD by Matt Keating, Quixotic.

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At 10:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's sick how they are all fired up today about a pregnant teen and a hurrican. Jerks.

At 11:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I predict 24 hours or less that Palin will withdraw from campaign. This is untenable for McSame. This is a huge blunder.

At 6:47 AM, Blogger bobnbob said...

Opie Putnma does NOT represent the people of his district.

I'm amazed - he's increased his personal fortune appxo 9x while serving 8 years in DC. Whereas the constituents, you know, the people he SERVES have seen their income diminish!

How does Opie Putnam sleep at night?

Oh yeah, I forgot - he did enact the Watermellon Day legislature! How helpful!

At 6:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Soooo, Putnam has figured out that America disagrees with the policies that Bush, Cheney, Rove, Abramoff, Boehner, Delay, and yes, Putnam have advocated. And now it's time for Americans to "take their pound of flesh". Good, get your several pounds ready, Rep. Putnam. Birds of a feather flock together and you need to fly away with Bush et al. Doug Tudor will replace you well as someone who knows what it's like to work for a living, therefore knowing how to represent the working families of Florda's 12th district. The Grand Oil Party has failed America on so many levels - in the real world, Mr. Putnam, that's when you get fired. Good luck on your next gig.

At 2:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

putnam is a ginger. ginger's have no soul. putnam makes ginger's look bad.


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