With all due allowance for our concerns about Obama and his campaign, the grim reality is that we mustn't allow McCranky to be elected
by Ken
Howie and I were chatting last night, and he told me about the experience of watching Senators Obama and McCranky at the Saddleback Church do. As he's still without a usable home computer, he suddenly has time for all sorts of normally neglected activities.
Now I realize that what I described in a comment as hot-shot corporate techs consulting on Howie's case were in fact merely the tech-support drones from his cable company, which is already mystified as to why he can't get CNN, alone among the channels in his cable package. (He recently upgraded to one of those triple packages with cable, computer, and phone service.) Since CNN is one of only three channels he watches, and he'd already seen the History Channel's Chinese-emperor extravaganza several times, that left him, shall we say, open to other options.
He also reminded me of an anecdote he'd already told me about a memorable experience he once had with a deacon of Saddleback. (I remembered the anecdote pretty vividly, just not the Saddleback connection.) He planned to use that anecdote to lead off the hypothetical post he couldn't write based on watching last night's festivities. However, I think I better leave that story to him to tell!

However, I digress. What struck Howie about the presidential contenders' Saddleback appearances was (a) the difference in their respective modes of presentation and (b) the difference in the audience response.
With regard to (a), Obama genuinely tried to engage on serious issues, thoughtfully and substantively. McCranky, meanwhile, bloviated with prescripted, pandering imbecilities. (At one point, I was told, he even announced, "I'm pandering.") With respect to (b), the audience greeted Obama respectfully, but went batshit crazy over Young Johnny's disgraceful brain-rotted imbecilities.
Which is, come to think of it, and even allowing for the giant disappointment many of us feel about the progress of the center-hugging, mush-mouthed Obama campaign, the inescapable difference between the candidates. Don't get me wrong. The disappointment many of us feel with regard to both the Obama campaign and Obama as candidate is important, and I don't mean to minimize it. I myself have been contemplating for several weeks now writing an agonized post of heart unhappiness. Yet I think it's maybe more important right now to step back and reregister this crucial, unchanging difference between the candidates.
The more I see and hear of McCranky, the more horrified I am.
Anyone who's looked into his past knows that he was never the mythical maverick of legend. He's always been way more conservative than his admirers realized, and all his post-Vietnam life he's had a shockingly sleazy record in financial matters.
His involvement in the Keating Five scandal turns out not to have been incidental or aberrant. It was, rather, utterly typical behavior for a man perpetually on the make for a quick buck, not least in the whole sordid episode of dumping his first wife in favor of the lovely Cindy the beer heiress. We mustn't forget that unlike the four Democratic senators who got caught in the Keating muck, McCranky actually had a personal relationship with muckmaster Charles Keating.
Even the most laudable undertaking of McCranky's political career, his passionate involvement in campaign finance reform, looks in retrospect suspiciously like a desperate attempt to put the scandal behind him. His more recent approach to campaign finance has made a mockery of the whole spirit of the McCain-Feingold reforms, limited as they were.
CONFIDENTIAL TO SEN. RUSS FEINGOLDDepressingly, Russ Feingold seems not to have noticed his old crusade mate's metamorphosis, or for that matter his lifelong sleaze streak, and continues to speak of him as if he were the mythical Maverick McCain.
Confidential to Russ: Hey, Russ, shut the fuck up, why dontcha?
(Come to think of it, you have to wonder how much contact Russ has had recently with his old comrade. It's not as if they're likely to have crossed paths in the Senate, where Young Johnny has hardly shown his face in the last year.)
And the worst of it with Young Johnny, even worse in my mind than the question of how much of his faculties he may have lost to age, is that when you look really closely at the McCranky record, as our pal Cliff Schecter did in his still-indispensable book The Real McCain, it's hard to find anything Young Johnny really believes in as a matter of principle beyond his own ambition.

And the horrifying reality, at least from my vantage point, is that, for all that the McCranky campaign appears to be a cross between a stumbling shambles and a train wreck, it seems to be working. Pretty much the way it worked last night at Saddleback.
Go, Barack!
Labels: Cliff Schecter, Keating 5, McCain-Feingold, McCranky, Obama, Russ Feingold, Saddleback Church
The religious may be fine with empty platitudes and campaign slogans. That remains to be seen, but my husband was very impressed with Obama who, let's face it, was set up in this conversation.
Let's have this same thoughtful discussion in front of a University crowd of younger and older educated people?
Let's have a woman ask sincerely, "Do you really plan to take away my rights to control my own body?"
McCain will not do it. IMO
Good point, Teach, but it's not educated people I'm worried about -- or at any rate not so much. (I definitely worry about smart folks who may decide "there isn't a dime's worth of difference" between the candidates.) It's people who regard the educated as "elites." And to me those poll numbers suggest that an alarming number of potential voters think the McCranky now on display is a true-blue patriot and their kind of guy. Hey, we're all Georgians now!
By the way, did you mean to say that you think McCranky will not take away a woman's right to control her own body? Because if it's politically helpful to him to do so, as it's likely to be, I think he'll do it without a second thought.
McCranky, meanwhile, bloviated with prescripted, pandering imbecilities.
Kkarl knows his audience, Jeebus-tribalism-addled imbeciles.
In response to Howies' problems..it has to be Comcast. I've had internet and cable and just dropped Vonage VOIP and switched to Comcast phone. Let me guess that he's having internet problems after the upgrade to their phone?? Can't get on??? Let me know..FYI i do tech support and once applied for a job
doing tech support for them. They read from scripts. Same for Vonage.
Back feeling better although i am on and off ice packs. I just got through the first piece with Obama. I was pleasantly surprised at responses to abortion and Clarence Thomas. I imagine for most of the people in Ricks church this (abortion) is going to be the deal breaker. And it won't matter what you offer up in terms of helping women and their children AFTER the babies are born.
Hi, Lee. Glad to hear you're feeling better.
Actually, Howie's cable company is Time-Warner, but I'm sure their phone tech support is as useless as all those other folks'. They're sending someone Monday morning who in theory will figure out what's wrong, but his confidence level isn't high from the crackerjack teams who did the installation. On the whole it's worked pretty well, and he was thrilled with the computer upgrade from DSL. But no, they're not good at dealing with problems, including (especially?) problems they create, which he suspects may have happened in this case.
I wish I knew how to put you in touch with him, and thanks for being at the ready, but I think we'll have to trust here to the "pros" (ha ha! sometimes I crack myself up).
me again..Lee...
I have a side business dealing dealing with computer/voip/router issues..I just fixed my therapists Verizon problems...If you talk to Howie...here's what I suggest IF the problem happened after the phone upgrade..have them first change out the router. Also one big problem with lost internet connectivity is bad cabling inside the house. Also my neighbors problems were due to a bad/cheap splitter. She had cable and phone but no internet..I bought a good one at Best Buy and she was on her way.
When we signed up for the package, our equipment and lines in the house could not handle the input. They had to upgrade that and we had to have a single line for our internet as we had the fastest speed and too many other things were drawing on it and triggering it go off in our router. Or some such nonsense. All I know is that it took several service calls and a savvy tech to track it all down for us. I stream radio. It was very frustrating being on and off like it was.
Thanks, Lee and Teach, both for the comments and for the tech input, while I will try to pass on to Howie. Judging by the caliber of the people Time-Warner has sent him in the past, their confidence that tomorrow's team can get the job done may be misplaced.
FWIW, I have Comcast, and their service including tech support has been exemplary. Maybe I've been lucky, but overall they've been very good.
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