Breaking news: Who says Senator Obama isn't considering Wes Clark as his running mate? Um, would you believe the Obama campaign?
the Obama campaign?'>the Obama campaign?'>the Obama campaign?'>the Obama campaign?'>>the Obama campaign?'>

by Ken
When I wrote in my Friday post on the Democratic vice presidential mess that "I still don't understand why retired Gen. Wes Clark isn't being considered," a commenter asked, "Who told you Clark ISN'T being considered?" I could only reply that everything I've heard indicates that the general is pretty much persona non grata in the Obama camp.
Now Steve Clemons is reporting on his Washington Note blog that General Clark has been told by the Obama people that there's "no reason" [but see UPDATE below] for him to come to the Democratic National Convention:
Obama to General Wesley Clark: Your Services Not Needed
General Wesley Clark is not attending the Democratic National Convention. I was told by General Clark's personal office in Little Rock as well as by the director of WesPAC that he would not be attending.
Clark was informed by Barack Obama's people that there was "no reason to come." [Again, see the UPDATE below.]
General Clark has been given no role of any kind at the convention.
Rubbing salt in the wound even more, the "theme" of Wednesday's Democratic convention agenda is "Securing America."
Wesley Clark's PAC also happens to be called SECURING AMERICA.
This is a mistake in my view. There are a lot of perspectives and competing agendas about how to direct America's next national security posture -- and General Wesley Clark should be one of the top tier names and personalities at the table.
Clark is loved by the netroots -- and I'm sure that they would hope that the Obama campaign will revisit this decision to exclude General Wesley Clark from the entire Democratic National Convention ageda.
Am I the only one who's, well, flabbergasted?
Steve Clemons now reports that he has removed the quotation marks around "no reason to come" in his second paragraph. I was always a bit troubled by the (lack of) sourcing for this statement. Steve now suggests it was his sources' (twice-repeated) "shorthand" for the sense of the Obama campaign's message. He has also added an update:
I have reconfirmed with General Wesley Clark's office that he has not been asked to play a role at the Democratic National Convention. His staff have told me that while his schedule remains tight, he would rearrange his schedule to help play any constructive role on any days of the convention if asked.
Labels: Barack Obama, vice presidential selection, Wes Clark
Why oh why can't Democrats get it right? Wesley Clark is someone we NEED! How can they so miss the boat? Is it because of his comment about McCain? He was RIGHT and he has the bona fides to say it...
Oh top of all that, this is truly insulting....
NOT a good sign AT ALL.
Even McCain has been quoted that it does take any particular skill to be shot down.
Is it any big surprise that the Democrats can still find a way to lose this?
I have not been impressed with the short list. At this point, Hillary seems the best option left.
Considering the dreadful prospects General Clark has been passed over for, and this astonishing assertion that there's no need for him to be present at the DNC, I think it's reasonable to guess that insulted is exactly the way the Obama camp intended for both the general and those of us who have respect for him to feel.
Steve Clemons has been wrong before.
Yes, and I am wanting to believe the posts that say this is a SMOKESCREEN because Wesly Clark IS the nominee...
Leave it to the Democrats to go for those extra 3 electoral votes that Arkansas will bring vs Cheney's 3 in Wyoming.
Have to agree teach on Hillary, and I am not a fan.
Cheney wasn't on anybody's short list. I would take Carolyn Kennedy over Hillary in a second. (Assumption that Carolyn Kennedy would ALSO KNOW not to give Bush2 any additional power as regards defending the US from fauxIraqWMDS AND would VOTE that way).
Red herring, or absolute stupidity?
This makes ZERO sense, given Clark's popularity with the netroots and his expertise in military/foreign affairs.
This isn't the schoolyard. A candidate allowing grudges to escalate to this level within the party is almost unprecedented. There are many political rivals who hate each other's guts (Obama/H. Clinton, B. Clinton/Gore), but know better than to air that dirty laundry because it destroys unity. Clark would have great utility to any Dem administration. Obama and/or his handlers should be smarter than openly snub him in a manner that would be reported in the press...unless, perhaps, it is subterfuge
This smells like a red herring to me....
If it ain't, Obama has sold us a bill of goods to get the nomination.
(And, for disclosure purposes, I am the guy who asked "Who says Clark ISN'T being considered?")
The more I hear from Obama, the less I like him.
Obama means change?? Change how? I don't see any change.
In 2000, I should have voted for Nader. This time, I will.
I saw this coming right after Clark made those comments about McCain's service.
I thought about that too. I wondered if those words were the ones that they thought would come back to haunt them.
I can't understand why Wes Clark is "popular with the netroots", except that they also liked Edwards. Can't people remember what a lousy campaigner he was -- too slick, superficial, taken with himself. Exaclty like John Edwards. It has always amazed me that people couldn't see through these two men.
teach -- of course I've been wrong before, but not often. What cases are you thinking of where I have been wrong?
best regards,
Steve Clemons
The Washington Note
Hmmm. steve, I am going to have to go back a bit. memeory does not serve me well at the moment. Perhaps it will come to me.
Thanks Teach -- there are very few times that The Washington Note has been wrong, but I've acknowledged when and why. And in one of the larger cases, it turned out in the end that TWN was correct.
But none of us is infallible. I'm not jumping on you on this -- I just didn't want a viral thing beginning that TWN is frequently in left least without having a discussion about it.
But thanks for engaging -- and feel free to email me any time for further discussion. I'm happy to tell you offline when TWN has been incorrect.
All the best,
Steve Clemons
The Washington Note
You know Steve, I have been so busy teaching the last year that I have not been as up to date as usual.
It was no intended slight, but perhaps a hope against hope that no one was so rude as to say Clark's services were no longer needed. Ah, the younger generation, short on manners.
I wish I could list a difference with you, but at this point I would have to say it was a Plame matter or a Lieberman matter that sticks out in my mind.
My blog reading is sorely lacking the last six months.
So for lack of being able to cite an incidence, I bow to your superiority.
Maybe HOWIE is being vetted for VP now that our former hero Johnny has joined the "unclean" with great presidents like Clinton?
Go Keni keep up the good work!
“The child on camera should be flawless in image, internal feelings, and expression.” quote from Chinese Olympics Show Director when rationalizing image over substance. This is just as applicable to the Dem National Convention. Clark is the real deal but doesn't fit the image.
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